
Nodes in Sundial Boulders

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Sundial Boulders

Half decent trackside boulder field location tbc.

Warm Up Blocs

Limited parking on side of road/track where there is minimal vegetation. Strictly no parking off road/track as directed by Parks Victoria.


Lowish steep lipped bloc as you approach top of boulder field.

V0 Left Shoulder

Traverse left to right along the low flake ramp to mantle left of the central arete.

V0 Humerus

Traverse right to left along the low flake ramp to mantle right of the central arete.

V0+ Talons

Four point controlled start below lip to Humerus feet on flake ramp hands on slab.

V0/0+ Elbow

Climb up the orange streak direct right of Humerus/detached bloc.

V3 Capricorn

Sit start from the finger jug rail right side of bloc, traverse left into and up Elbow, no stacking or dabbing.

V1/2 Pedal

Start at Elbow left traversing the lip into and up Humerus. Technical and strenuous crux above a potentially horrific landing.

V2 Pedals

Climb as for Pedal sans the lower flake ramp.

V4/5 Chopin

Climb Capricorn into and up Pedals.

Roger Ramjet

Directly behind Wedgies.

Eight Ball

Limited parking on side of road/track where there is minimal vegetation. Strictly no parking off road/track as directed by Parks Victoria.

Tweble Cone

Ice cream shaped rock formation.

Tweble Cone
V1 Hanging Crack/Slab West

Up and left between the large and medium scoops Western aspect/Bough Boulder side finishing up the slab.

V2 Arete

The arete and slab only of Hanging Crack/Slab West.

V0+ Ice Cweam West

Start between medium and small scoops of Tweble Cone Western aspect to gain the small scoop then up and over scoops to the top of large scoop.

V0+ Ice Cweam South

Up between medium and small scoops of Tweble Cone Southern aspect to gain the small scoop then up and over scoops to top of large scoop.

V0/0+ Gelato

West side chimney between Wine's World and large scoop of Tweble Cone, finish on top of large scoop.

V0+/1 Gelato Sit

Sit start to Gelato!

V0+ Crackling

Hanging crack/slab between medium and large scoop of Tweble Cone Southern aspect.

Bough Boulder

Small bloc next to the largish tree bit behind Tweble Cone.

Bough Boulder
VB+ Bough Left

Stand start both feet on the left low ramp, step and mantle left and up.

VB+ Bough Right

Stand start as for Bough Left stepping right to mantle slab and up.

VB+ Bough's Mantel

Start as for Bough Left/Right moving direct up the mantel.

Wine's World

Very large central blocs with several large vertical burrows, may double up as some trad routes.


Limited parking on side of road/track where there is minimal vegetation. Strictly no parking off road/track as directed by Parks Victoria.

V0- Dial (Descent)

Short chimney and crack right side of bloc.

V0+ Sundial

Sit start to Dial starting up the short chimney crack, strictly no dabbing!

V0+ Dial Left

Short chimney and slab left frontside of bloc starrting feet on low slab, lowest base/ground plate out.

V1 Left to Dial

Sit start to Dial Left! Lowest base/ground plate out, no dabbing.

V0/0+ Moonshot

Lowish angle slab via crimps.

V1 Moonshine

Blunt arete via the positive crescent rail.

Big Bird

Limited parking on side of road/track where there is minimal vegetation. Strictly no parking off road/track as directed by Parks Victoria.

Big Bird
VB+ Tail Feather

Short crack and ridge right side of Big Bird

V0- Feather

Short crack and arete via scoop left of Tail Feather.

V0+ Tweety

Scoop direct starting hands on featured slab.

V1/2 Bird Seed Arete

Slabby arete Western aspect from the good footer.

V0 Bird Seed

Up direct via the high dish few metres left of Bird Seed Arete, despicable!

Showing all 39 nodes.

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