
Nodes in Rumble Cave (Dry)

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Rumble Cave (Dry)

Many locals continue to use community run website for crag/route updates and noting any access issues. The associated app can be downloaded and used offline!

Gerry Narkowicz also produces hardcopy guides to numerous venues across the state via the 'Climb Tasmania' website

V10 Jake's Problem

Stand Start. Start on the black rock a few metres in from the lip on the left side of the cave, at a bit of a ridge 2 metres from the very back. Use Gaston like sloper and right hand pinch with feet in roof. Climb out into Fire in the Hole and top out the same. Originally V10 turned V8 and back up to around V9 after two holds broke.

V5 Fire in the Hole

Sitstart on pedestal on the left edge of cave and head out right to top out Note: This was originally put up as V7...general community consensus grade seems to settle in at around V5

V6 Fire Rumble Exit

Start as for Fire in the Hole, through the hueco and drop down into the bottom lip jug of Rumble via big move, finish as for Rumble.

V6 Thriller in your Hole

Start as for Thriller in Manilla, climb to jug at lower lip and head left via big move into finish of Fire in the Hole.

V6 Thriller in Manilla

Left hand start to Rumble in the Jungle. Start off opposing edges in roof.

V8 Thriller in Manilla Extended

Start off undercling in back of the cave climb two moves into thriller in Manilla

V8 Thriller in your Hole Extended

Thriller in Manilla extended, but with the excellent finish as for fire in the hole.

V6 Hole in the Jungle

Start as for Rumble in the Jungle and finish as for Fire in the Hole

V5 Rumble in the Jungle

Classic. Stand start from jug in cave. Strenuous roof climbing to turn lip, then face to top out.

V5 Rumble in the Jungle (RHV)

After starting Rumble head right to lip, finishing on right side of capstone.

V7 Rumblathon

Proud line starting as for Bongo in the Congo in the very back of the cave, after a metre or so traverse under the roof section into Flat Head and finish as for Fire in the Hole.

V6 Bongo In The Congo

Roof climbing, finishing on the starting hold of Rumble. Sit start of jugs in cave about 5m right of Rumble.

Update: The final move linking Bongo in the Congo into Rumble in the Jungle has broken and further deteriorated in around 2013/14? The linking move is now considerably harder and Bongo in the Congo including the last move now goes at around V6. Historical Grade, V4..

V7 Bongo Rumble Linkup

Another Linkup. Climb all of Bongo in the Congo and finish up Rumble in the Jungle.

V6 Flat Head on Fire

Start as for Flat Head and finish as for Fire in the Hole

V6 Flat Head

Start as for Flounder, link into the end of 'Rumble in the Jungle' where Rumble meets the lip. Finish straight up as for Rumble.

V5 Flat Head Direct

Start as for Flounder sitstart and traverse the lip leftwards, head up on crimps about 1 metre right of Rumble, finish as for Rumble.

V6 Flounder

SDS under lip 3m right of RITJ (1m left of corner). Same start holds as Flat Head. Up on slopes & crimps.

V6 Flounder Left

Start as for Flounder, do the first moves and head left around the bulge into the water runnel via the big sloper. Stay away from the corner and the knee bars. Stand start from big sloper up the water runnel goes at v3.

V3 Yoga

Sitstart up short hanging corner

V5 Yoga Traverse

Sit start in corner as for Yoga, head right on slopers into Congaline of Suckholes and finish on top jug of same climb.

V5 Yoga Tra-Reverse

Sit start as for Congaline of Suckholes and head left via slopers into Yoga.

V3 Congaline of Suckholes

Sit start, up black streak 3m right of Flounder.

V4 Swampy’s Revenge

Sit start as for Congaline Of Suckholes and finish as for Frogger

V6 The Great Quest

Start as for Frogger and finish as for Congaline by climbing all the way into Congaline and doing its finishing move

V6 Frogger

Starts in the back left corner of the constant gardener cave, gains the slopey lip to the left of the cave, traverses the lip to the left for about a metre and heads straight up via crimps and flat juggy holds.

V3 Frogger Direct

Starts in the left back of the constant gardener cave, makes three or so moves towards the lip of the cave and links into the Constant Gardener.

V2 Constant Gardener

A few metres right of Congaline of Suckholes there is a bit of a cave, with a flat hold at the lip. Straight out through the cave to the flat hold, then up the slab.

V4 V4 Knobs

SDS up over lip on knobs and up knobby slab, needs a lot of cleaning!

V5 Smelly French Bulldog

SDS up black groove on slopers

V4 Yeah Daddy Go Daddy

Start as for V2 out to lip sloper, then big move left to left hand crimp and sketchy mantle

V2 V2

SDS with hands matched in little cave, right hand out to sloper on lip, heel hook and difficult mantle to top

V1 V1

Up corner steeply on big jugs

V2 Into The Jungle

Full traverse of the top lip of the cave. Many traverses from different starting points have been done over the years, all at roughly the same grade. Make your own adventure, crux is the lichen and dirt. Pumpy coming across the exposed lip. Mantle at pillar to finish or walk off in the corner depending on direction of traverse. Watch out for rusty fence at left the end.

Showing all 34 nodes.

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