
Ascents in Scenic Rim as Hang dog by Mark Gamble

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Showing all 60 ascents.

Grade Route Gear style Quality
Thu 13th Jun 2024 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
10 Sunday Afternoon Walk - with Mitch Baker Trad 12m Mega Classic
The old fart couldn't do it clean. Needed rope assistance at the top.

Sat 12th Sep 2020 - Mt Maroon
The Hourglass Cliffs Grey Wall
17 Black Munga - with Max Sport 42m, 13 Average
Rather thin crux, couldn't pull it off clean. Good lead by Max.

18 Black Velvet - with Max Sport 52m, 16 Average
Some "16". Very thin, very sustained - right to the end over the death blocks. I think I had less than 20,000 rests. But it did take me about 2hrs to second.

Bold lead by Max. Very well done matey.

Tue 1st Sep 2020 - Mt Maroon
The Hourglass Cliffs Grey Wall
17 Karma - with Hilton Mixed trad 42m, 9
Good lead by Hilton, good gear placements.

Couldn't manage the crux without a rest. 4.5hrs sleep just doesn't cut it. :-(

Wed 1st Aug 2018 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
13 Clockwork Orange Corner - with peter martland Trad 15m Classic
Couldn't do it clean.

Sun 18th Oct 2009 - Mt Maroon
Viewpoint Buttress
16 Panic Run Trad 50m Good
Could barely manage this pitch.

Wed 23rd Jul 2008 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
15 Rest Area Ahead Trad 10m Average
After Craig. Made a mess of the crux move.

18 Gladiator Trad 20m Classic
After Craig. Fell my way up it. Should do this more often to get that jamming technique down.

Wed 18th Jun 2008 - Mt Maroon
Paparazzi Cliff
16 18 Luftwaffel. Short Version (Luftwaffel p1 LHS) Sport 18m, 5 Very Good
Committing crux & the loose rock meant I had to back off & re-assess. Trad = I clipped the crux bolt only.

Wed 14th May 2008 - Mt Maroon
Viewpoint Buttress
17 Slush Puppy Trad 25m Classic
Don't know what the F "runout" Andy was talking about when he lead this 3 years ago, there's gear all over the place! I got something like 20 pieces of gear in! Had to dog it unfortunately, think the GFs coming back ;-( Ron 2nded clean.

Tue 8th Apr 2008 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
14 Electric Lead Trad 26m Very Good
Damien did most of the work placing gear, but even then I couldn't do it clean. Sprained the left hand again - badly. Ron belayed & 2nded.

Sun 10th Feb 2008 - Flinders Peak (limited access)
The Secret Cave
17 Priscilla Queen of the Moderates Sport 28m Average
Almost came to grief at the start of p2 when the ledge I was standing on collapsed. Quite a bit of loose rock on p2. Some very interesting rock & the cave is awesome. Dan belayed & saw his life flash before his eyes - fortunately all of it missed him - by at least 5cm.

Sun 27th Jan 2008 - Mt. Greville
The Wizard Sector Block 1 section 1
16 The Commentator Sport 15m, 5 Very Good
With Terry & Lillian. Tricky crux = came off just above the 2nd bolt. The rock is good, some loose blocks here & there, needs a bit more traffic.

Sun 27th Jan 2008 - Mt. Greville
Little Springfield
17 Snowball Sport 17m, 3 Very Good
With Dan, Terry & Lillian. couldn't make that crux move without a rest. Some tricky bridging.

Sun 20th Jan 2008 - Mt. Greville
Little Springfield
13 Marge LHV Sport 13m Very Good
Pathetic. Dan 2nded.

Sun 11th Nov 2007 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
18 Elastic RURP Trad 20m Very Good
With Bill & Ross. Fell my way up it - pathetic. It's much more positive than I remember it.

Sun 28th Oct 2007 - Mt Maroon
Viewpoint Buttress
15 Blackberry Trad 25m Average
Had to dog it this time. Depressing how much strength I've lost over the last few months. Nick belayed

Sat 15th Sep 2007 - Moomank Buttress (private land)
19 Golliwog's Gasser Unknown 45m Average
I lead most of p1, but couldn't pull off the crux, neither could Brad, but he did get there in the end, bloody good effort. The giant loose flake at the crux didn't help matters.

Sun 20th May 2007 - Mt Maroon
Viewpoint Buttress
18 Skylark Trad 20m Good
After Terry. He did a great job on lead, pity I couldn't emulate him. The Glandular just keeps taking its toll. Had to fall my way up it.

19 Kitsch Trad 12m Average
After Terry. Had to fall my way up it, I'm soooo piss weak at the moment. Nicely spotted by Terry.

Thu 16th Nov 2006 - Mt Maroon
North West Columns Legoland
19 Icicle Trad 35m Good
Bloody wind was howling a gale, I honestly don't know how Scott got up it without being blown off. Man it was cold! Gear is small & finicky = had to rest several times to get it out.

21 Thaw Trad 35m Good
Scott made this one look so easy, although I should have been alerted by the fact that he took 10min to prepare for the crux (3 #1 RPs equalised! No thanks!). I had to practically jumar my way up it. And to think, Brad wanted to lead this one!

Fri 20th Oct 2006 - Mt Maroon
North West Columns Porn Buttress
16 Deep Throat Trad 65m Mega Classic
Up this again after about 3hrs on The Last Tango. This really is a mind boggling route.

Thu 19th Oct 2006 - Mt Maroon
North West Columns Porn Buttress
16 Deep Throat Trad 65m Classic
What an incredible honour it was to do the 2nd ascent of this route (the last ascent being 32 yrs ago!). Probably the 2nd most unique route I've ever climbed! I take my hat off to Rick for putting this one up, and to Rob for his awesome lead. I couldn't even manage the chimney crux without resting 2-3 times, then again at the crux on the face.

Sun 6th Aug 2006 - Mt Maroon
Viewpoint Buttress
20 Tripitaka Sport 30m, 10 Good
3rded Brad & Terry up this, nice face climbing, but I had to rest below the second ledge.

Sat 29th Jul 2006 - Mt Maroon
Viewpoint Buttress
19 Willing Trad 20m Very Good
My arms were shot after Wednesday's marathon. Nice rock, nice moves & the gear's good all the way. Brad was totally stoked at getting the onsight.

18 Sticks And Stones Mixed trad 33m, 4 Very Good
Didn't have the strength at all in my arms after Wednesday's huge effort. One rest at the crux, then blasted on thru. Brad agrees with upping it to a 19, it is definitely as hard as P3 of Sunburnt.

Sun 23rd Jul 2006 - Mt Maroon
Viewpoint Buttress
21 21 R Fad's, Fashions & Climbing Politics (Fad's, Fashions And Climbing Politics) Mixed trad 18m, 2 Good
Nice up to bolt, then very balancy to 2nd bolt, then committing moves to top of ledge. David from Spain belayed & 2nded then Brad showed up & 3rded.

20 Masters Of War Mixed trad 20m, 2 Good
Not easy up to clipping 1st BR, & then very thin & sequency moves to 2nd BR, bit easier to top of ledge, but run-out. I'd never have been able to lead it. Brad did it clean on TR tho. Definitely steeper & harder than Fads, Fashions....

Sat 15th Jul 2006 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
18 Gladiator Trad 20m Classic
After Andy, man he made light work of this. A thrutch epic for me.

18 Gladiator Trad 20m Classic
After Andy. He made light work of it. A thrutch of epic proportions for me.

Sat 17th Jun 2006 - Mt Maroon
Wedgie's Place Lower
18 Nothing Much Trad 20m Very Good
3rd Thisrod & Simon Voss up this, but found it very hard going, the thin finger crack start would not accept my stubby fingers, and the arm bar higher up, just wore me out. But what a great line.

Sun 21st May 2006 - Mt Maroon
Viewpoint Buttress
20 Ghostly Hand DS Trad 20m Good
Brad did a pretty good job of leading this one. Vasilating over a 21 - tough move at the mantle. I had to rest twice on it. Gear is adequate tho.

18 Sticks And Stones Mixed trad 33m, 4 Good
Still couldn't do this sucker clean, but at least I got to the top. Think I'm going for 19, it's pretty thin at the crux. Pt Zell belayed & 2nded.

Wed 26th Apr 2006 - Mt Maroon
Viewpoint Buttress
19 Alzheimer's Flash Trad 20m Average
A good lead by Kevin Pearl. I found it too tough to keep hanging on the tiny crimpers and had to rest at the crux.

Tue 11th Apr 2006 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
17 18 Chocolate Watch Band Trad 17m Very Good
Wanted to have a go at my first Frog 17. It was all going well up to the overhanging offwidth. Andy patiently belayed & 2nded.

Sun 19th Mar 2006 - Mt Maroon
The Breadloaf
17 Bread And Jam Trad 18m Good
Terry did a good lead on this, knowing we did not have the big gear needed to adequately protect the crux. Terry's cam got jammed & my foot slipped as I contorted around to get it out - damn! But looking back, I like the moves on this one - short & sweet.

Sat 18th Mar 2006 - Mt Maroon
Viewpoint Buttress
17 18 Ready Mixed trad 40m, 1 Good
I really wanted this onsight, especially after last week's marathon effort. But I had to rest about 7-8m up. It's so sustained I'm giving it an extra grade in the guide. The top was scarey; I was 8m above my last "good" gear, above 2 equalised RPs, when I spied a heaven sent RB to protect the crux move & 10m runout to the top. Dan belayed. 11.3.06 Ghost: My first lead fall of 2006. Took me about 45min to figure out the first 5m of this route, then my foot slipped. Had Dan lower me so I could start again, but even after some lunch, the tiredness just washed over me in huge waves. I stripped off & went up & cleaned my gear & we lit out for Flavors at 2pm.

Wed 23rd Nov 2005 - Mt Maroon
Paparazzi Cliff
18 Across The Path Of Lichen Sport 50m, 15 Good
2nd Scott up this & took a fall at the same crux, very sequency moves. I take my hat off to scott for leading this one on trad gear. I honestly didn't think it possible, but he got in 23 pieces, all good, & relied on 2 of Herb's bolts. 28.8.04 I was a bit wonky on the day due to only 4 hrs sleep the night before. Alex from Austria arrived midnight. He came along and lead this one.

Sat 20th Aug 2005 - Mt Maroon
Maggie's Farm Baby Buttress
22 Samson Mixed trad 22m, 4 Good
With Steve. Bloody good effort on his part to onsite it. There was no way I was going to get up it without aid.

Sun 3rd Jul 2005 - Mt Maroon
Maggie's Farm Speed Buttress
18 Mother Superior Trad 25m Average
Dave chose this one, so it's all his fault! Seriously tho, it's a pretty horrible off-width that eats big gear (my #5 & 6 cams). Dave & I had to aid it.

Wed 1st Jun 2005 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
24 Down With His Pants Mixed trad 20m, 3 Good
A very tough & serious lead. Doesn't earn a "very good" rating as you can do serious damage taking a fall while clipping the 3rd bolt, hitting the ledge below. I really had to strain to get the moves on this one. The top part, the crack is just a fab. ending with great gear.

Sun 22nd May 2005 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
15 Bad Company Trad 20m Good
Had to have another go at this climb, but couldn't get my head around the crux move & had to rest on some gear, stupid me, I should have pushed thru, there was a very good rest just above. Sept 2002 2nd Susy up this one back then when she was just starting to fall in love with Frog. Found the crux rather daunting - bit thin on gear & haven't been back since to Red Point it.

Wed 18th May 2005 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
14 Electronic Flag Trad 40m Very Good
Tried to exorcise my demons on this one, get it clean, but failed again at the crux section & had to dog it. Got a great placement for the Big Bro just below the overhang. Feb. 2002 This is a terrific line & Troy belayed me & caught my fall on the crux. Fortunately I only banged my left knee. Then Susy & Greg showed up in the afternoon just as we were finishing & Susy 3rd us up it.

Thu 5th May 2005 - The Mushroom
15 Jam Session Trad 9m Very Good
Very good climbing all the way, lovely hand crack above the overhang. I took a 3m fall from above the overhang, but at least it was clean & I had 3 pieces in at the overhang so I felt pretty secure about taking it. Peter did an excellent job of belaying. Dan & Owen 2nd & 3rd.

15 Lizard Lair Trad 10m Average
Started on this one first up, but couldn't get up it, so I did some others & came back in the afternoon. The gear is good despite the rock looking very doubtfull (I placed nests of small gear), but was very grungy up the top - thick with vegetation & moss. Took a 4m whipper when 1 of my pieces poped. Peter did an excellent job of belaying - owe you 1 mate! Owen 2nd - Dan did a cop out!

Wed 13th Apr 2005 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
16 17 Blood, Sweat and Tears Trad 40m Average
Tried it again with Dan belaying. Still had to aid the crux. 10/4/2005 What a bloody epic - 5hrs - went home in disgust after this one. I later figured I must have been about 1:20min at the crux trying to get my head around it before backing off it. Dave must have been 30min or so on the crux, & even on 2nd it took me 4-5 goes to get the crux sequence.

Sun 4th Jul 2004 - Mt Maroon
Maggie's Farm Main Wall
18 Obscured By Clouds Trad 45m Good
Dave & I trudged 2hrs into this unique crag. Dave led up it in fine style and I struggled and grunted my way up this fine finger crack line. lots of loose rock on this one kept me dodging on belay.

Sun 25th Apr 2004 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
14 Faki Trad 13m Good
Not a bad line. I lead (Red Pointed) Wiches to get to this ledge & the unnamed 5m climb & Dave lead this one, but in my weakened condition I couldn't make it without a rest tho.

Sun 19th Oct 2003 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
20 Thor Trad 30m Very Good
I 3rd Susy & Ben up this one, on which I did my best to imitate a beached whale. The Glandular Fever was setting in at this point in my career - not good.

Sun 14th Sep 2003 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
20 Piranha Trad 45m Very Good
2nd Susy up this, what I thought was a 19. A very nice lead at the grade. Susy lead it in style & set up a belay at the ledge turning it into a 2P climb.

Sat 23rd Aug 2003 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
16 Satans Smokestack Trad 40m Good
The start has some interesting moves. Damien & I had a go at it back in 2002 & he backed off the first bit. Geoff took me up this time and I certainly couldn't handle that chimney without a rest. No plans to go back & lead it either!!! (thank you very much.)

Sun 27th Jul 2003 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
18 Noose Trad 22m Average
2nd Susy up this, but couldn't get past that crux without a rest.

17 Erectile Kingpin Trad 16m Good
2nd Susy up this this longstanding project, still can't do it clean.

Sat 1st Mar 2003 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
19 Infinity Trad 40m Very Good
Certainly a classic example of a Frog crack. What a line. For God's sake don't tell anyone I TRd this classic line or I'll be ostracised forever by the community! This was with the EFC gang at Frog one Sunday.

Tue 1st Oct 2002 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
20 Egotistical Pinapple Trad 14m Very Good
I did get 2/3 the way up this one on lead before I ran out of steam and ended up TRing it. Susy belayed and I lost her wedding ring - yeah gods, what a day!

18 Resurrection Corner Trad 25m Good
This is such a tough & sustained climb, it really should have a grade or two added. 2nd Patrick up this one and had several rests to get up it.

Sun 1st Sep 2002 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
18 Elastic RURP Trad 20m Good
I 2nd Susy up this tough line. She was rather patient on belay & afer several falls I got there in the end.

Sun 1st Sep 2002 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
16 Fat Mattress Trad 30m Average
I 2nd Susy up this one and said to her it should be renamed: Fat Sandgag!

Mon 1st Jul 2002 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
15 Mechanical Prune Trad 18m Very Good
A varied climb with some interesting moves on it. The rotating chock stone scared the shit out of me & Susy caught my fall, nice belaying Suze!


Showing all 60 ascents.

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