
Nodes in Area C

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Area C

A cluster of boulders: the 'Mantle Boulder', the 'Large Crack Boulder' and 'Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon'.

Highball Boulder

'Toohey Forest' is owned by the Brisbane City Council. It's an important habitat for 400 plants and animals, and is very popular with walkers, joggers and picnicking families. Therefore the usual rules of taking out your rubbish, keeping noise to a minimum, cleaning any chalk marks and so on are particularly important here if climbing is to remain an acceptable activity in the eyes of the community.

Highball Boulder
8 project

High ball

Above the mantle boulder

Small boulder located above the mantle boulder in Area C in the Main Area at Toohey Forest. As of August 2021 will benefit from more brushing.

Above the mantle boulder
V0 Around the corner

Right hand sidepull on face. Left hand on jug around corner. Feet on low jugs on face. Head up trending left around arete.

V3 The natural way of things

Both hands on chest high undercling. Left hand as gaston. Right hand as undercling. Left foot on low jug. Right foot flagging. Straight up.

V1/2 Embody the frog

Left hand on good undercling. Right hand out wide for sidepull. Feet kinda pinching on low vertical edge. Straight up.

Mantle Boulder

A boulder with nice slopey holds, particularly on the top out mantle.

Mantle Boulder
V1 Left Arete

Standing start on L arête. L hand on good sloper, smear R foot, reach for crappy L sloper and up and slightly to the L for top out.

V3 Mantle

Standing start straight up on crappy slopers for interesting mantle. Sit start at V4.

V2 Nice Slopers

Standing start straight up on nice holds and slopers for mantle.

V2 Blunt

Sit start up R arête.

Large Crack Boulder

A tall, partly overhanging boulder with a large crack at its lefthand end and a staghorn fern perched on top.

Large Crack Boulder
V3 Left Of Crack

SS left of crack on slopers and smaller holds without using crack

V0- Large Crack

Up the crack, if you're bored add a grade by purely jamming it.

V2 Left of Left of Ferns

Stand start in between Left of Ferns and the crack using the only holds that work. Stay off the rock left of the crack. Surprisingly good and independent climbing.

V6 Left of ferns

Sit start on BMU pocket. Up L on pockets then hard moves on poor holds straight up rounded arête to top out L of fern. One for a cold winter arvo.

V6 Butter Me Up

Sit-start on low pockets. Powering straight up and veering right, leads you to an easy mantle out. An exceedingly popular face-climb!

V1 Warm Up

Juicy holds, and chipped holds over the high mantle.

V3 Pustekuchen

Sit Start in the middle of the boulder with left hand on a full hand pinch and right on a small pocket, push up and latch to the next pocket above followed by an array of nice pockets to choose on your way to the top.

V4 Cobb Loaf

Stand start: Straight up R arête using sharp cobbly holds and pockets, then throw to lip and mantle. ~V3

Sit start: Start with good low left hand side pull, and right hand pinch up high. Bump up to slopey break, and up from there.

V8 Brisbane Bitter Traverse

Start on Cobb Loaf, traverse L across the wall all the way into Left of Ferns, top this out. Not sure if this was ever actually sent (Simon Moses?). Cracking hard problem.

Boulder K

'Toohey Forest' is owned by the Brisbane City Council. It's an important habitat for 400 plants and animals, and is very popular with walkers, joggers and picnicking families. Therefore the usual rules of taking out your rubbish, keeping noise to a minimum, cleaning any chalk marks and so on are particularly important here if climbing is to remain an acceptable activity in the eyes of the community.

Boulder K
The Vee Four Sitstart

There’s a sitstart on the left part of the face that’s about a 4.

V1 Feel Good Traverse

Traverse from left to right. Start with hands on RH side pull, traverse your way about 2/3rds of the way up before topping out. Feels like a V0-V1

Be careful getting down!

V0- Feels Like Holidays

Sit start, left hand in the break. Straight up the arete. Pleasant moves, taller than your average Toohey V0. Enjoy the view at the top, then downclimb the way you came up.

V0 Cool, Calm and Carefree

Stand start with RH gaston and LH on nice sidepull flake. This is directly opposite 'Cobb Loaf', about a metre in from the arete.

Traverse the length of the boulder, generally keeping hands below the lip, finally topping out just before reaching the arete at the top of the gully. Relaxed climbing, a good technical warmup.

L Boulder

'Toohey Forest' is owned by the Brisbane City Council. It's an important habitat for 400 plants and animals, and is very popular with walkers, joggers and picnicking families. Therefore the usual rules of taking out your rubbish, keeping noise to a minimum, cleaning any chalk marks and so on are particularly important here if climbing is to remain an acceptable activity in the eyes of the community.

L Boulder
V0 Sickle

Using large holds and good foot hold for throw to the top. Sit start variation with left hand on the crecent hold and righ foot around the arete goes at V1.

V0- Grumpy

Straight up slab face near arete

V0- Slobby

Straight up slab face

Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon

'Toohey Forest' is owned by the Brisbane City Council. It's an important habitat for 400 plants and animals, and is very popular with walkers, joggers and picnicking families. Therefore the usual rules of taking out your rubbish, keeping noise to a minimum, cleaning any chalk marks and so on are particularly important here if climbing is to remain an acceptable activity in the eyes of the community.

Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
V5 Cooper's Sparkling Traverse

Start on obvious jug of Crouching Tiger. Traverse R along slopes and pockets into start of Hidden Dragon, then up that problem.

V2 Crouching Tiger ??

Start in the middle on some pockety side pulls, traverse slightly left on jugs and straight up to mantle. Sit start on a few nice crimps for a few more moves at the same grade.

V3 Hidden Dragon

Low start on arete, Big throw to a Slopey jug at the lip or some fiddly moves on crap holds and then up to same, then up and mantle on slopers.

V1 Unnamed

R of HD, around backside. Tricky first move then, up and mantle.

As of late August 2021 the problem wasn't well described and there wasn't a topo hence no one quite knew if they were on the right problem so here's an attempt at a description and topo.

Stand start. Right hand sidepull eye height jug. Left hand and feet as required. Head up.

V3 Mushi-atsui

Sit start. Right hand low on good crimp. Left hand relatively high on small pinch. A strong pull up to get off the ground then find your way to the top.

V0 Beginner sit start 1

Sit start. Both hands on good edge (belly height when standing). Left foot on low small edge. Right foot smear. Pull on and head straight up.

V0 Beginner sit start 2

Sit start. Left hand sidepull. Right hand as required. Feet find low edges. Pull on and head straight up.

VB- Beginner sit start 3

Sit start. Hands on jug in crack. Feet on good edge. Pull on and straight up.

VB Beginner sit start 4

Sit start. Hands on jug in crack. Right foot low and right on good angled edge. Pull on and straight up.

Showing all 41 nodes.

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