
Nodes in Main area

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Main area

Easiest access climbing to Darwin. 2WD access and nice swimming between/after climbing.

Northern wall has shade from ~10am onwards in Dry. In summer its blistering sun all day.

16 Squirrel Slab

Low angle black slab on opposite side of creek from majority of other climbs. Standing below "Tree Hugger" look across the creek for large black slab, cross creek and make your way up through the scrub. Start's very delicately to first bolt, have your belayer spot you. Route follows a rising left leaning traverse on delicate holds. Some of the rock is average quality so care must be taken. Head straight up to last bolt. Runout between 4th and 6th bolt.

18 Twisted Slab

Twisted and seemingly featureless slab has tricky start. Easily recognizable by looking for white quartz veins on slab, on left side of valley. 50m right of Squirrel Slab. Very fun climb with excellent anchor pro at top.

Climb is all trad, micro cams recommended. Three bolts exist at the top of gully on right side. Requires ring or mallions to run rope through for descending. Potential for arete climb to right and short overhung face climb to left.

20 Shaved and Dangerous

Obvious imposing corner/roof crack. Left of Goldhangers.

19 Gold Hangers

The lowest climb close to the water on RH side of creek. Takes the right hand slabby face with a thin seam up it's centre. Chain lower off.

20 Mi Amor

TREE IS OUT. Sustained climb, great fun.

17 The Only Way is Up

Start as for 'The Bulge', then follow crack to left. Possibly one of the most underclimbed and under-rated climbs here. No pro at top traverse right to anchors for the bulge.

23 The Bulge

Right and up from Goldhangers. Starts pleasantly enough to first RB, interesting move left to base of super thin bulging wall with vertical crack to left. Route follows bolt line avoided crack to left. 2RBB

11 School Teacher (AKA Quartz Flake)

Keep moving up and right and you will come to a black slab with a low angle scramble to your left. Cheeky start to easy stance and BR. Thought provoking crux and next BR to gain quartz flake. Easily up from here. Popular first lead. Chain lower off.

15 School Teacher Alt Start

Alt start to School Teacher. Using overhung slants approx 5m right of normal start. Then up slab to school teacher finish. One move wonder, pumpy off the ground.

Done by redirecting a top rope using an alpine draw on old bolt to the left of deputy head. No discernible trad pro for the first move to make this mixed trad.

18 Deputy Head

Start easily through choss to base of slab with FH over lip. Pull onto face and follow left line of RB's. Tenous and off balance crux move to large flake. Easily up to left side of overhang, traverse right to finish. 2RBB

17 Tree Hugger

RIP TREE 1/8/21 New Tree growing as at 23/5/23

You will be sadly missed but your memories will live on through all that people that you saved.

Start easily up through choss to base of slab with a FH over lip. Then straight up on small but adequate holds to FH on right. Tricky and technical moves onto upper face, squeeze underneath tree without using it and finish in small alcove. Chain lower off.

14 Social Worker

Start as for 'Tree Hugger', traverse right in super exposed postion then up. Interesting move over small overhang gains face and crack. 2RBB

15 6 Blind Bolts

Fairly straight forward route. Up box boulders and exit onto slab. Straight up on slab with the smallest of nuts or just free-ball to the top and run it out.

Showing all 14 nodes.

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