
Routes in South Australia

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Showing 1 - 100 out of 5,181 routes.

Grade Route Gear style Popularity Crag
Unknown year
23 Cossack

Not the best quality. Belayer beware. The left side of the red face staying off the white crumbly rocks.

Set: Michael Hillan

FA: Michael Hillan

FFA: Michael Hillan, 17 Apr 2017

Sport 25m, 8 Onkaparinga
16 The Scenic

Full traverse of Far Crag!

Trad 150m Morialta
V8 Ultra Pleasure Vibe Bloc

Ultra Pleasure Vibe to the Circus Street jug.

Boulder Norton Summit
V1 Heel Right
Boulder 3m Blackwood
23 Col's Route

Starts on the left hand side of the wall. Make some bouldery moves up an overhanging Arete to two pegs. From here continue up overhang past a bolt and up face passing another two bolts. Make a committing top out. The gear is aging. Pegs and bolts are rusty.

FA: Col Reece

Set: Col Reece

FFA: Peter Arcidiaco, 19 Apr 2015

Sport 12m, 3 Warren Conservation Park
20 Fast Eddie
Trad 15m Morialta
18 Sorry Andrea

Start up crack then follow bolts to chains.

Sport 12m Dry Creek
18 Brass Knuckles
Sport 12m Morialta
V4 The Learning Curve

Sit start 'Sorry Andrea' crack and follow the curving sloping ledge right and top out.

Boulder 4m Dry Creek
12 Russian Roulette
Trad Morialta
14 Sweet Surrender
Trad 15m Morialta
13 Relayer
Trad Morialta
V1 Heel Right Extension
Boulder 3m Blackwood
14 Cyclax
Trad Morialta
V5 Ovni

Sit start with right hand in good slot and left hand in large side pull. Traverse left and mantle out at the top. Bad landing!

Boulder 3m O'Sullivan Beach
3 Staircase
Trad Morialta
24 Space to Rent

Approx 2m left of the start to 'Anzac'. Trad start to old bolts leads to the RERL traverse line (at the roof). Head directly through roof approx 5m left of Anzac line and finish as for Anzac. Now bolted.

Sport 6 Norton Summit
V4 The Thing
Boulder Norton Summit
V4 Pinch Punch
Boulder 3m Norton Summit
V4 Benelli's Extension stand start

Start on sloper and RH sloper/crimp at the end of the Benelli’s traverse (just under the underclings). Left foot on lip, then up into the good underclings. Out to the sharp jug, then cross into the good finish hold of Chocolate and finish matched on the big sloper. For V5 start with feet on ledge. Please be mindful of your feet as you will be standing on the handholds of the sitstart and the holds are starting to get polished.

Boulder 2m Norton Summit
V4 You're a Mean One Mr Grinch

The obvious compression line in the middle of the boulder. Stand start with left hand on OK sloper at chest height and right hand on OK slopey edge. Compress your way up and top out.


Boulder 3m Reedy Creek
14 Brain Dead

FA: Sally Both & Scott ??

Trad 30m Onkaparinga
20 Water

A good route that is not hard for the grade and is well protected. Good holds and moves the whole way.

FFA: Hamish Meffin

Sport 12m, 4 Onkaparinga
V0 The Invisible Cut

Stand start match on the large undercling and head up and right and finish on the good jug.

Boulder 3m The Wind Shelter
16 Half a Climb
Trad 6m Onkaparinga
14 Swing

Start two meters right of Sliding Track and move up past two carrots to top out.

Sport 8m, 2 Granite Island
V1 Unnamed 4

Climb the centre of the slab.

Boulder 3m Black Hill
15 Loxodonto
Trad 7m Cleland
12 Dirk
Trad 20m Black Hill
V0 Ja Man!

Sit start on side pull. Make your way slightly right and up the slabby arete.

Boulder 3m Port Elliot
20 D-lusion

Route just left of Disjointed Illusion crack via jugs then crimps and a big move.

FA: Climb a meter or so left of disjointed - onto the slopy ledge & crimps then big open moves for about four or so moves then sketchy topout

Trad 8m Belair National Park
16 El Diablo
Trad 55m Moonarie
V5 The Nerve Test

An area classic and definitely worth the walk. Named for the graffiti adorning the wall at its start. Start matched on good horizontal and slap up the deceivingly slopey arête.

FA: Steve Kelly

Boulder 4m Devil's Peak
24 Criminal Streak

FA: Duncan graham & rob knott

Trad 55m Moonarie
24 Back into Dog
Trad 60m Moonarie
8 The Black Hole of Calcutta
Trad 110m Moonarie
16 Hunky Dory
Trad 35m Moonarie
V5 Lefty

Start matched on the sloper. Traverse the lip left on slopers and top out. A really nice lowball traverse!


Boulder Para Wirra
23 Kunua
Trad 20m Moonarie
27 Kick Start - Get Your Ass into Gear
Trad 15m Moonarie
90 Degrees project

The impressive square arete and diagonal seam, which might or might not be climbable. Needs a bit of cleaning which would require abseiling. Quite high, but a near perfect landing

BoulderProject Reedy Creek
20 Victour
Trad 100m Moonarie
V0 Easy Wedge

Take the wedge left of prominent centre crack up to top out.

Boulder 3m Port Elliot
17 What the Fuck is Tamagotchi?
Trad 55m Moonarie
29 Drowning Direct

FA: Steve Pollard

Trad 25m Moonarie
17 Shattered
Trad 35m Moonarie
15 Crazy Diamond
Trad 30m Moonarie
13 Lothlorien
Unknown 23m Buckaringa
V8 UPV Direct boulder

Start as for Scartrek into Diplomacy but head right into big undercling then out to sloper and Circus Street horizontal.

Boulder Norton Summit
19 Sheepskin Karrimat
Unknown 27m Buckaringa
14 My Tesco Sneakers Won't Let Me Down
Unknown 30m Buckaringa
V3 Riddy Up

Sit start LH on the wide pinch and RH on juggy edge, move up to large blocky hold under the overhang. Move right hand to the wedged looking sloper then left to a sloper on the top which is matched. From work your way up through more slopes until a good hold on the summit is reached.

Boulder 3m The Big Green Frog
13 Rock Wallaby
Unknown 18m Buckaringa
V1 Beta Sprayers Anonymous

A little contrived. Sit start on right side of boulder, work along arete (feet off man slab), until top, then traverse left (feet back on main slab) and finish as per Welcome to Slab School.

Boulder 4m Rocky Paddock Camp Ground
10 Founder Member
Unknown 72m Rawnsley Bluff
11 Valium Blues
Unknown Rawnsley Bluff
16 Better with a 6 OW

Offwitch style instead of layback. Climbed originally with a 5 only.

FA: Ben White

Trad 5m Cape Willoughby
V3 Cool Beans Boulder Tcharkuldu
V2 Andy right

Sit start on large flake on right side of cave. Move left to another large flake and straight out on ergonomic slopers and edges. Great fun!

Boulder Silly's bouldering
19 Comme Ci Comme Ca Unknown The Bluff
VB Cheesy Bree

Stand start on big flake and up

FA: Lauren Routledge

Boulder Silly's bouldering
20 Coolabong Unknown The Bluff
V0 Cubone

Stand Start as for Red Coopers, head straight up using cut outs in the two tone rock to a grubby top out.

Boulder 3m Port Elliot
18 Down to the Sea in Slips
Trad Waitpinga
17 Mercy Medium
Sport Waitpinga
V0 Cooling the Nerves

Start from good horizontal rail above Nerve Test grafiti, climb around using arete into small chasm between the boulder and the quornite wall. Stem your way up through chasm to top.

Boulder 4m Devil's Peak
17 Chalk-Eating Rabbit
Trad 7m Montacute
V0+ The Postman

Sit start matched on good loaf style jug. Head straight up arete on good holds to a slab top out.

FA: 2013

Boulder 3m The Enchanted Forest
21 American Emerald
Trad 35m Moonarie
19 Goat One
Trad 20m Moonarie
21 Goats in Space
Trad 18m Moonarie
5 Halbstacker
Trad 67m Moonarie
23 Pining Away
Trad 18m Moonarie
18 Buzzbomb
Unknown 14m Buckaringa
23 Beg For Mercy

Originally established at 24 via the RO start (the start of Merciless), but a better route starting up PO making it a grade easier. Climb the first two BR's of Percetive Orators then head right across the good jug on AGW and clip the bolt out right on Elephantiasis. Span right to a positive sidepull then keep traversing right into Gonads RHV. Climb the last two BR's of this route and finish at the chain of Mercy Street.

FA: Justin Taylor; Mick Wells; Bill O'Connor

Sport 10m, 6 Mitcham Quarries
24 Anzac Space

Anzac to the 4th bolt then left (across Pivoting Head/RERL traverse) into Space to Rent - finishing as for Anzac. Take a long draw for the 5th.

Sport 15m, 8 Norton Summit
V4 Steve's Traverse (trav)
Boulder 4m Blackwood
V1 Monsters of the Deep

Slightly contrived, uses the sidepulls from I Sing The Granite Electric as left hand holds.

FFA: Peter Arcidiaco

FA: Adam Clay, 2012

Boulder 3m Granite Island
V3 Sweet and Low

Start very low on edges and traverse the obvious weakness, top out to finish.

Boulder 3m Rocky Paddock Camp Ground
V2 The Repeatable

Sit start on right end incuts.Up to lip and top out.

Boulder 2m Rocky Paddock Camp Ground
16 Fear Late at Night Trad 13m Mitcham Quarries
24 The Electric Lavender Vacuum Cleaner RHV

Starts slightly right of the original line. Head directly up using holds in the original line as left hand holds and minimal right hand holds (sidepulls) to one very long dynamic move at the end.

Sport 8m Mitcham Quarries
7 Weed
Trad 12m Coro Crag
V4 Off With Her Head

Sit start in crack and follow the crack slightly left to top out.

Boulder 6m The Enchanted Forest
Unnamed Project 2

Stand start right hand high on horizontal edge and move up slightly let of arête on thin features to top out.

BoulderProject 3m The Enchanted Forest
17 Damons in Space

The clean corner crack 2m L of FL.

FA: Colin Reece & Nick Wigg

Trad Rawnsley Bluff
V4 Treevenge

Stand start on right hand side pull and low right foot. Moon kick to high left crimp and head up arête using small sidepulls and crimps to gain access to slab. Top out slightly right of left arête. A badly positioned tree is placed under your fall hence the name.


Boulder The Enchanted Forest
V4 Don't Run With Knives

Sit start using good right hand side pull, small left hand low crimp. Move through features on face to gain good edge and make a big move to the top. Right hand arête is out!

Boulder 3m The Enchanted Forest
16 To Kick a Porcupine
Trad 22m Cape Willoughby
V2 Royale

Start on the big sidepull, up diagonally left through serrated edges to the horizontal break, continue up past the letterbox fininshing out right on the hanging block. Pad it up well!

Boulder 4m Norton Summit
V4 Sanskrit Direct

Start on the Sanskrit jug, head straight up to top out.

Boulder 4m Rocky Paddock Camp Ground
V2 Warm Up Reverse

Climb The 'Warm Up Traverse' there and back.

Boulder Morialta
V1 Double Scoop Ice Cream

Stand start with hands behind overhanging flake and follow it to the top.

Boulder 2m The Enchanted Forest
22 Cut Loose
Trad Morialta
12 Choss Stone City

Start in the right corner of Felch Me following the crack up to the chains.

Trad 14m Mitcham Quarries
16 R Kamikaze

The small amount of rock between Big Sham's corner and the left arete. Straight up the centre. The left and right side are off limits. Very little pro. Don't fall!

Stick to the middle only, left and right side out of bounds apparently. Dangerous lead. Small RP between you and the deck!

Trad 14m Morialta
10 Snow Blast
Trad Morialta
V4 Tulipan

Start on big jug and make the first few moves of 'Honga' then head up to left hand gaston and bad right hand side pull to top out.

Boulder 3m Dry Creek
21 Gorilla My Dreams DS

Start halfway up the gully and launch directly up the wall following the bolted line. Bouldery start, then a very good rest mid-way up leads to a finger-jug at the final horizontal. Break left via a reachy move into the steep diagonal crackline, then finish up it.

Sport 15m, 3 Morialta
10 Gutter Press
Trad 11m Morialta

Showing 1 - 100 out of 5,181 routes.

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