
Nodes in Psycho Ant Wall

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Psycho Ant Wall

A fairly tall steepish wall, with a wide chimney on the left side, and a horizontal break at head height. Don't worry about the giant ants with big fangs that come leaping towards you across the mat, they just want to play. Described R to L.

V6 Bag of Otter's Noses

Intense traverse across wall from L to R, finishing up Larks Tongue.

V5 Downhill Patrol Sit Start

Makes a good problem into a classic. Sit start the crack right of the arête, throw up to the slopey break and then across left to the arête. Blast up.

V4 Downhill Patrol

The steep left hand arête. Start lowish on the slopey break and sidpull around the corner.

Prance up the arête to tricky topout.

V5 Angry Ant Farm

Stand (jump?) start 2 m left of right arête, from large(ish) sidepull. 2 big moves to the top. Was going to be Lofty's pride and joy until he ripped of a good gaston hold on the first move. Sit start to come?

V2 Lark's Tongue

Start on right hand side of wall, staying off the arête. Straight up off progressively larger holds.

V1 Wren's Liver

Sit start the arête and follow the left diagonal line.

V2 Wag Your Staffe

Small roof/arête on the next wall left of the chimney. Slopey top out.

V9 The Horse That Blew Pegasus

Stand start on two edges, Move up right hand to a slimpy edge and pop to a left hand slotted edge. move up to the lip and mantle out.

V8 Psycho Ant Farm

Sit start matched on poor side pull moving up left then pouncing up to incut crimps that start 'Angry Ant Farm'

Showing all 10 nodes.

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