
Nodes in Naglplatten

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You have to pay for parking.

Latest updates on the offical website.

Dogs allowed with leash.

6- Über den Weiten Midgards

Zusammengesuchte Tour über beide Nagelplatten, an ihrem linken Randbereich

Obere Nagelplatte

You have to pay for parking.

Latest updates on the offical website.

Dogs allowed with leash.

Obere Nagelplatte
6 Sonnenkreuz

You have to pay for parking.

Latest updates on the offical website.

Dogs allowed with leash.

7- Halgadom

You have to pay for parking.

Latest updates on the offical website.

Dogs allowed with leash.

6+ Der Eiermann

You have to pay for parking.

Latest updates on the offical website.

Dogs allowed with leash.

6+ Obere Naglkante

You have to pay for parking.

Latest updates on the offical website.

Dogs allowed with leash.

6- Ober Naglplatte

You have to pay for parking.

Latest updates on the offical website.

Dogs allowed with leash.

5+ LP-Ausstieg

You have to pay for parking.

Latest updates on the offical website.

Dogs allowed with leash.

6+ Variante

You have to pay for parking.

Latest updates on the offical website.

Dogs allowed with leash.

5+ Sturzausstieg

You have to pay for parking.

Latest updates on the offical website.

Dogs allowed with leash.

6+ Anwandler

You have to pay for parking.

Latest updates on the offical website.

Dogs allowed with leash.

7- Schackltour

You have to pay for parking.

Latest updates on the offical website.

Dogs allowed with leash.

7+ Mister X

You have to pay for parking.

Latest updates on the offical website.

Dogs allowed with leash.

7- Puppisteig

You have to pay for parking.

Latest updates on the offical website.

Dogs allowed with leash.

6- Dirty Laundry

You have to pay for parking.

Latest updates on the offical website.

Dogs allowed with leash.

7- Sturznummer 999

You have to pay for parking.

Latest updates on the offical website.

Dogs allowed with leash.

7- Flip Flop

Kette/Stand 25m

7- Französinnenschreck

You have to pay for parking.

Latest updates on the offical website.

Dogs allowed with leash.

5+ Elfisteig

You have to pay for parking.

Latest updates on the offical website.

Dogs allowed with leash.

6+ Neue Elfi

Unten ident mit Elfisteig, oben Direktausstieg

6+ Simektour

You have to pay for parking.

Latest updates on the offical website.

Dogs allowed with leash.

6 Höhlenquerung

You have to pay for parking.

Latest updates on the offical website.

Dogs allowed with leash.

8+ Dynamisiert

You have to pay for parking.

Latest updates on the offical website.

Dogs allowed with leash.

8 Höhlenunfug

You have to pay for parking.

Latest updates on the offical website.

Dogs allowed with leash.

7+/8- Eine hab ich noch

You have to pay for parking.

Latest updates on the offical website.

Dogs allowed with leash.

7+ Nach Lust und Laune

You have to pay for parking.

Latest updates on the offical website.

Dogs allowed with leash.

5+ Fensterlgalerie

You have to pay for parking.

Latest updates on the offical website.

Dogs allowed with leash.

7 Open Window

You have to pay for parking.

Latest updates on the offical website.

Dogs allowed with leash.

7- Variante

You have to pay for parking.

Latest updates on the offical website.

Dogs allowed with leash.

4- Via Nelly

You have to pay for parking.

Latest updates on the offical website.

Dogs allowed with leash.

7+ Notnagl

You have to pay for parking.

Latest updates on the offical website.

Dogs allowed with leash.

Untere Nagelplatte

You have to pay for parking.

Latest updates on the offical website.

Dogs allowed with leash.

Untere Nagelplatte
7- Linksdrall

You have to pay for parking.

Latest updates on the offical website.

Dogs allowed with leash.

6 Nagelverschneidung

You have to pay for parking.

Latest updates on the offical website.

Dogs allowed with leash.

6+ Untere Naglkante

You have to pay for parking.

Latest updates on the offical website.

Dogs allowed with leash.

7 Megafilou

You have to pay for parking.

Latest updates on the offical website.

Dogs allowed with leash.

6- Filou im Gummischuh

You have to pay for parking.

Latest updates on the offical website.

Dogs allowed with leash.

6+ Viel Spaß und Vergnügen

You have to pay for parking.

Latest updates on the offical website.

Dogs allowed with leash.

6+ Variante

Unterer Teil ident mit „Viel Spaß und Vergnügen“. Oben nach rechts

7- Chaos Direkt

You have to pay for parking.

Latest updates on the offical website.

Dogs allowed with leash.

6+ Helisteig

You have to pay for parking.

Latest updates on the offical website.

Dogs allowed with leash.

7- Alte Neue Direkte

You have to pay for parking.

Latest updates on the offical website.

Dogs allowed with leash.

7 Eile mit Weile

You have to pay for parking.

Latest updates on the offical website.

Dogs allowed with leash.

7 Bibi Blocksberg

You have to pay for parking.

Latest updates on the offical website.

Dogs allowed with leash.

6 Heimattreu

You have to pay for parking.

Latest updates on the offical website.

Dogs allowed with leash.

6 Plattenabschied

You have to pay for parking.

Latest updates on the offical website.

Dogs allowed with leash.

6 Untere Nagelplatte

Sehr schlechte Absicherung, an wenigen alten NH !

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