
Ascents in Frankendorf having Beta

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Showing all 64 ascents.

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Sun 3rd Mar 2024 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Frankendorf Landrichterseite
8- ~8 Orgasmatron — 3 attempts Sport 14m, 6 Very Good
Johannes Kuschke
Finde schon, dass 8 ganz gut hinkommt

Mon 2nd Oct 2023 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Frankendorf Dragonerwand
6+ Direkter Vajoletweg - with David King Sport 20m, 4 Crap
Fragwürdige Route. Fängt gut an mit netten boulderproblem, danach bis zweiten Haken auch okay, aber ab dann Schrott. Rechts halten über loses Geröll und Moos, Haken suchen; ein weiterer netter Zug, dann wieder Geröll und Moos, oben kein vernünftiger Umlenker. Auch unter „direkt“ wie der routenname lautet, verstehe ich etwas anderes. Ich rate die Route auszulassen, sorry.

Sun 25th Jun 2023 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Frankendorf Kreuzerwand
5 Nordwand Sport 12m, 2 Good
Toll, um Keile zu üben

Sat 3rd Jun 2023 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Frankendorf Kreuzerwand
5 Dragonerwand Sport 12m, 2
Johannes Kuschke
Große Schuppe fühlt sich nicht vertrauensvoll an.

5 Blauer Dragoner Mixed trad 15m, 3 Crap
Johannes Kuschke
Achtung, der Ring ist sehr weit links! Ich habe nur Brösel in der Hand gehabt und bin oben ausgestiegen. Nicht zu empfehlen!

Sat 20th May 2023 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Frankendorf Kreuzerwand
5 Dragonerwand - with Alex Sport 12m, 2
Placed two nuts before first bolt, top has loose rocks

5 Vorblockweg - with Alex Sport 15m, 4 Very Good
Preclipped second bolt, fun route

5 Nordwand - with Alex Sport 12m, 2 Good
Placed two nuts before first bolt

Sat 29th Oct 2022 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Frankendorf Landrichterseite
8- Orgasmatron Sport 14m, 6
Vom 2. zum 3. nach hinten an den Turm rausgetreten. Bietet sich halt an. Ohne dann vielleicht 8.

8- Grand Crue Sport 18m, 4 Very Good
Richtig gut. Für den Durchstieg hat dann das Tageslicht leider nicht mehr gelangt.

Sun 23rd Oct 2022 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Frankendorf Annasteinseite
7+ Schleierkante - with KP Sport 15m, 4 Good
Christoph Rauch
Good climb, especially the nice arête after the second bolt. Crux is to get there. The massive block after the rusty peg is already quite hollow, I hope it stays in the wall for some more time. #lastrouteoftheday

6+ Bamberger Pfeiler - with KP Sport 15m, 3 Good
Christoph Rauch
Quite elegant climbing in solid rock. The top section, as always, crumbles a little.

6+ Mittagsweg - with Harald Sport 22m, 2 Good
Christoph Rauch
Easy slab to the ledge (also possible to start via the wide crack), then short, but good crack climbing, slightly overhanging. The finish is a bit crumbly, but there are enough solid holds so it's not unpleasant. #warmup

5- 5 Talseite - with Harald Sport 15m Don't Bother
Christoph Rauch
The epitome of choss. The whole south face of this slim, leaning tower is loose, it's a miracle that someone found rock solid enough to place three bolts in this mess (and I still wouldn't recommend taking a fall on those). While the lower part is held together a bit by ivy, the top section is just completely crumbly, you can basically make your own holds as you go, just peel off a few chips until something more solid appears, and then some to make the hold more ergonomic.

Sun 23rd Oct 2022 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Frankendorf Allgäuer Wand
6+ 6 Bamberger Riss - with Harald, KP Mixed trad 12m, 1 Don't Bother
Christoph Rauch
Climbed everything up to the piton before the finishing crack, then gave the last meters a few shots, but the crack was wet and the surrounding ledges were full of wet moss, so I didn't dare to go on. The protection was fine, but it was quite desperate. KP eventually threw a rope down, so I could finish the last meter (cleanly, but in a really sketchy way).

Wed 10th Aug 2022 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Frankendorf Annasteinseite
3 Hosenträgerkamin Trad 18m
Christoph Rauch
Yep, it's a chimney. A grimy one at that. Probably hasn't seen an ascent in the last 30 or so years. The later Bühler guidebooks got the description wrong, there's no chock that can be passed inside or out; what is meant is the big block at the end of the chimney, which can be attacked from the left or the right (modern climbing technique and rubber shoes allow for the obvious third option …). No anchor, the chimney runs out into the forest to the hiking path. It's a loooong way down. It's probably best to bring a rope, then abseil from the viewpoint you reach when going left on the hiking trail.

Wed 10th Aug 2022 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Frankendorf Annastein
6- Nordriss - with Revo Sport 10m, 2 Good
Christoph Rauch
I actually wanted to do the easiest route up, which supposedly is "Südwand". I highly doubt that this route has anything to do with UIAA 3, more like 3 A0 with human pyramid, and a good deal of boldness. This crack, however, is a nice, straightforward climb with some jams to rest and relatively good holds overall. Quite short, of course. #jahreserste2022

Wed 20th Jul 2022 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Frankendorf Dragonerwand
6 Simon Müller Gedenkweg - with Markus Benning Sport 23m, 6 Good
Christoph Rauch
Nice dihedral line with a diagonal traverse at the end. Relatively good rock (sure, relatively speaking), hard to clean, it's best to to thread the rope once more at the book case if you don't have a second.

7- Waldemar Engel Gedenkweg - with Markus Benning Sport 23m, 6 Good
Christoph Rauch
Good climbing in dubious rock. Enjoyable if you pull carefully. The last bolt before the ledge in the middle sits in a hollow flake. A little harder than Klöpfel-Nord.

7- Klöpfel-Nord - with Markus Benning Sport 24m, 9 Very Good
Christoph Rauch
Considering that the whole crag is a pile of choss (but in a … good way?), this might be the most solid and the most attractive line here. Quite varied; great crack in the lower third, then a powerful overhang, a little wall climbing and a (ok, it's chossy …) slab to the top.

Mon 11th Jul 2022 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Frankendorf Kreuzerwand
5- 5 Ostkante - with Revo Sport 12m, 2 Good
Christoph Rauch
Climbed the original line, which traverses in from the left via the obvious diagonal ledge on beautiful holds! Arguably better and certainly easier than the start indicated by the first bolt (which you can hardly reach this way). Nice moves on the arête to the top.

5 Nordwand - with Revo Sport 12m, 2 Good
Christoph Rauch
Elegant and beautiful wall climbing in solid rock (only one wobbly little block, but that one should be safe for a good while).

5 Dragonerwand - with Revo Sport 12m, 2 Good
Christoph Rauch
Nice crack dihedral to the first bolt (careful with the big flake, don't pull it too hard). Climbed the original line (I think) which traverses left at the first bolt to avoid the even more brittle part of the flake, then goes back up to the right, all the while following the most solid portions of the wall (the old farts were much more sensible in this respect …).

Mon 11th Jul 2022 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Frankendorf Dragonerwand
3 Engelhardt-Kamin Trad 15m
Christoph Rauch
Would be easy to protect via the chockstones. The upper part is more like a gully, you can walk up the dirt or stem your way further up to a nearby bolt.

Sun 10th Jul 2022 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Frankendorf Landrichterseite
6+ Mir san mir - with Stefan Sport 12m, 4 Good
Manuel Awwad
nice route that passes over several little bulges and requires you to place one foot quite high while holding on to slopers

7+ Trichter - with Stefan Sport 12m, 5
Manuel Awwad
Tricky technical moves in a groove. Hard crux for the grade.

8- Grand Crue - with Stefan Sport 18m, 4
Manuel Awwad
sustained vertical climbing on slopers, nice but pumpy

Sat 26th Mar 2022 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Frankendorf Landrichterseite
6 Frankendorfer Wand - with Harald Mixed trad 10m, 1
Christoph Rauch
Probably hasn't been done in a few decades, but it's hard to say because many entries in the book don't mention the route by which it was reached. Interesting little sloper traverse, slightly downwards.

7 Analwatching - with Harald Sport 18m, 5 Good
Christoph Rauch
Climbs the chimney further on the outside (two bolts), then passes the chockstone on the right. Harald complained that I solved it "too elegantly", because there are good holds in the wall to the right of the chock stone, making it a nice overhanging finish, while he fought his way up the offwidth between chock and wall.

8- Grand Crue - with Harald Sport 18m, 4 Very Good
Christoph Rauch
Just as good, if not better than, Orgasmatron. Highly technical, with great moves, quite reachy (at least with my improvised onsight beta) with a lot of shoulder engagement. Not easy to read and still dusty from the winter. Terrific crux sequence towards the end. Threaded a sling around the old rusty bar shortly below the anchor.

6 Unentwegtenwand - with Harald Sport 15m
Christoph Rauch
One of the first routes here, starts in the north face, traverses through the west face (some holds are almost certainly not 100% natural) to the south-western corner, then easy up to the belay. While technically interesting when climbed freely, it's hardly ever done of course.

3 Landrichterkamin - with Harald Trad 15m Very Good
Christoph Rauch
Great, easy chimney with good footholds and an interesting finish through the blocks.

Sat 6th Nov 2021 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Frankendorf Annasteinseite
6- Mittagsverschneidung - with David X Sport 15m, 3 Good
Christoph Rauch
Nice dihedral. The way to the first bolt is easy, but can also be protected nicely with bigger cams. Interesting crack/dihedral passage that transitions into a short chimney at the end.

6+ 7 Michelesweg - with David X Sport 15m, 5 Good
Christoph Rauch
High first bolt, you can place small cams on the way, otherwise it's quite bold. From there it's well-protected and a nice face climb with interesting movements considering it was a former aid route. A green dragon fits into a pocket in the traverse, but I had only a red one with me, so only David could benefit from that knowledge.

3 Räuberkamin - with David X Trad 12m Very Good
Christoph Rauch
Great caving adventure. Astonishingly, it was dry despite all the outside faces being wet or at least damp. You walk into a ravine, then turn right into a narrow chimney, walk through it till the end and then go up towards the light. At least if you follow the Bühler description. Originally, this seems to have been climbed in the narrow part. Which makes sense, because there's a bolt on top where you surface. Abseiling through the chimney is also fun. ;-)

Sun 4th Jul 2021 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Frankendorf Annasteinseite
6 Vajoletriss - with Dorit Sport 14m Average
Sehr brüchig

Wed 23rd Jun 2021 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Frankendorf Kreuzerwand
3 Kleine Wand links Mixed trad 5m, 1
Christoph Rauch
A tiny bit harder than climbing the wall on the right.

2 Entfettungskamin Trad 12m Good
Christoph Rauch
Climbs the narrow chimney, hence the name. Wrongly described in many guide books, the two bolts in the wall to the left of the chimney belong to "Vorblockweg".

3 Kleine Wand rechts Mixed trad 5m, 1
Christoph Rauch
Nice little practice climb. Already described in the 1931 guide, hence the route names "Miri" and "Markus" are bogus.

Sat 27th Feb 2021 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Frankendorf Landrichterseite
8- Orgasmatron Sport 14m, 6 Very Good
Johannes Kuschke
No chance 😂😒

Fri 20th Mar 2020 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Frankendorf Landrichterseite
3+ 5 Efeukamin - with Harald Sport 12m, 3
Christoph Rauch
Narrow chimney. It even has bolts, so it feels quite safe.

7+ Trichter - with Harald Sport 12m, 5 Very Good
Christoph Rauch
Had to sacrifice the onsight and ask for the beta. Really tricky and non-obvious.

9- Sägeblatt - with Harald Sport 10m, 3
Christoph Rauch
Didn't know the difficulty when I started, Harald made it sound like it's somewhere around 7+/8-. Quickly realised that wasn't the case. Stood around clawing my left hand into the "saw blade" and crimping down hard on the only other, minuscule hold for ages before giving up. Turns out you have to dyno from there, standing up smearing on mediocre footholds. Hard.

7 Adolf Xaver Wand - with Harald Sport 10m, 5 Good
Christoph Rauch
Nice face climbing along the weaknesses of the west face.

6+ Direkte Unentwegtenwand - with Harald Sport 10m, 2 Average
Christoph Rauch
Uncomfortable at the first bolt, but there's a nut placement below. Juggy route with a bulge at the end. Quite short. #lastroutebeforecurfew

7+ Giebelweg - with Harald Sport 12m, 5 Good
Christoph Rauch
Tricky crux at the faint crack with bad fingerlocks and almost no footholds.

Sun 21st Oct 2018 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Frankendorf Landrichterseite
6+ S-Kurve - with David X Sport 15m, 4 Don't Bother
Christoph Rauch
The climbing isn't too shabby, but the rock is. Interesting layback crack around the third bolt. Really chossy up to that point.

8- Plattenheiner - with David X Sport 10m, 3 Average
Christoph Rauch
Good balance/sloper boulder passage above the second bolt, but unfortunately, it's not much more than that. Easy and unremarkable before and after. But it's a good route if you like that kind of thing.

6+ Mir san mir - with Simon Sport 12m, 4 Very Good
Christoph Rauch
Good #warmup, and a high quality route. Nice moves, quite homogenous and well-protected.

6- Linker Gabelriss - with David X Sport 12m, 3 Good
Christoph Rauch
Enjoyable climb to finish off the day.

6 6+ Rechter Gabelriss - with David X Sport 12m, 4 Very Good
Christoph Rauch
Felt relatively easy to me, but certainly harder if you can't jam. Straight up through the crack, jamming both hands and feet.

6- Schulterriss - with David X Sport 12m, 3 Very Good
Christoph Rauch
A bit strenuous, but putting your left arm and leg in the crack works nicely, you basically can't fall off. Just work your way up slowly. ;-)

8- Orgasmatron - with David X Sport 14m, 6 Very Good
Christoph Rauch
Fiddled too long with the small, smooth crimps above the second bolt and got them all wet. Didn't have any chalk on me. :-/

8- Orgasmatron - with David X Sport 14m, 6 Very Good
Christoph Rauch
Chalked up once before the hard section and just blasted through. Hard on the fingers! Once you're through that crimpy section, there's a sloper passage without any good rests up to the book case (the book is from 1931, amazing!).

7 Startblock - with David X Sport 15m, 3 Good
Christoph Rauch
Cool line, up the little pillar standing in front of the wall, then up just left of the arête of the main wall. The second bolt after the pillar is quite high, better put a screwgate into the first on the main wall. Thankfully, that one had been extended for me already. ;-)

6- Schulterriss - with Nadja Sport 12m, 3 Good
Chimneys always scare me and I almost slipped. Was glad that some quickdraws were extended.

6+ S-Kurve - with Nadja Sport 15m, 4 Average
Quite brittle rock on the way to the first bolt. After some hesitation, I got over the third bolt by piazing, which was interesting

6+ Mir san mir - with Nadja Sport 12m, 4 Very Good
First route at this crag and needed some time getting used to the different rock style. But nice.

6+ Rechter Gabelriss - with Nadja Sport 12m, 4 Good
Interesting moves along the crack. Quite hard to get over the last bolt, I never used my foot like this before.

6- Schulterriss - with Ellen Sport 12m, 3 Very Good
Foot slipped after the chimney. Bad luck.

Wed 24th Aug 2011 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Frankendorf Annasteinseite
5- Währungsweg Sport 18m, 3
Hasty collection of gear and retreat before massive thunderstorm caught us on the wall.

4+ Opaweg Sport 14m, 3 Average
Sore wrist climbing.

5- Host Na Sport 14m, 3 Average
Loose rock, only worth a warm up.

1981 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Frankendorf Allgäuer Wand
9- Fallobst Sport
Wolfgang Güllich †


Showing all 64 ascents.

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