
Ascents in Hausener Felsen as Retreat

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Showing all 23 ascents.

Grade Route Gear style Quality Climber
Sun 19th May 2024 - Donautal
Hausener Felsen Alte Hausener Wand Westwand
7- Fallender Tropfen Sport 60m
fell off after first sling as hold broke out and got caught by the nice little bush, luckily no injury , then abandoned

Tue 12th Sep 2023 - Donautal
Hausener Felsen Alte Hausener Wand Nordwand
7+ Goldmarie - with Hiltrun Buck, Wile E Coyote Sport 30m, 10 Very Good
Did not finish the final traverse because of wet rock. Until the retreat it felt no more difficult than 'Immer wenn es regnet'. Let's see if we need to upgrade or downgrade one of them to align the grades.

7- Immer wenn es regnet - with Hiltrun Buck, Wile E Coyote Sport 30m, 13 Classic
Avoided the wet crack finish

Mon 9th May 2022 - Donautal
Hausener Felsen Zweite Zinne
7+ Mops - with Hiltrun Buck Sport 30m, 6 Classic
Mon 28th Mar 2022 - Donautal
Hausener Felsen Zweite Zinne
7+ 7+/8- Arschkitzel - with Alexander Oppe Sport 30m, 11
Again a easy start. Be careful until the yellow belly, there might be lose rock.

8- Maskenball - with Alexander Oppe Sport
3/4 of the route are quite easy. Then there follows technical and crimpy face climbing at small holes. To hard for me.

Fri 23rd Apr 2021 - Donautal
Hausener Felsen Fuchsfels Klemmfix
6 Radolfzeller Weg (Radolfzeller Weg P1) - with Kai
1 6 30
Mixed trad 30m, 8 Don't Bother
Wile E Coyote
Route ist ok, lief auch gut bis ins obere Drittel, aber es rieselt ständig trockene Erde runter und legt sich in Augen und Lunge :-(

Mon 13th Jul 2020 - Donautal
Hausener Felsen Fuchsfels Metaxa
8 Saaraba Sport 25m
Klara Sinha
No route for s.o. with tendon issues as crux holds are open small fingerpockets..

Tue 7th Jul 2020 - Donautal
Hausener Felsen Garmischer Turm Hauptfels
7+ Überhang (Ohne Namen) - with Wile E Coyote Sport 20m, 12 Very Good
Immer noch keine Lösung für die Plattencrux. Ich bin einfach zu schlecht um schleichen oder die Stelle ist echt hart.

Tue 9th Jul 2019 - Donautal
Hausener Felsen Dritte Zinne
7- Staffellauf - with robert Sport 40m, 5 Mega Classic
Wollte einhängen nachdem robert auch aufgeben hatte. Aber die ist einfach mega anstrengend und ich wusste die Züge nicht mehr. Verkackt.

Tue 9th Jul 2019 - Donautal
Hausener Felsen Westliche Zinne
6+ Tillmannkante Direkt - with robert Sport 40m, 7
Way to scary. Distance from 4th to the 5th bolt is really severe and it's not really easy. Got some air time. I must push myself.

Tue 18th Sep 2018 - Donautal
Hausener Felsen Bergwachtfels Nordwand
7 Lala - with robert Sport 15m, 6 Very Good
Tue 18th Sep 2018 - Donautal
Hausener Felsen Zweite Zinne
6+ Comici (Comici P1) - with robert
1 6+ 35 lead by Kai
Sport 35m, 8 Average
Tue 8th May 2018 - Donautal
Hausener Felsen Piccolo
6+ Schlinge(l) - with Wile E Coyote Trad 10m
First attempted to lead but I had no idea how to do the move at the first sling. Setup a top rope. Managed the move but then I was stuck again. But I want to try it again with less friction on the top rope. Probably not a 6+.

Tue 8th May 2018 - Donautal
Hausener Felsen Fuchsfels Metaxa
7+ 7- Wallhalla - with Wile E Coyote Sport 25m
I wasn't able to pass the first bolt. Really I tried but the pockets and crimps are very tiny, to small for me. Bypassed the first bolt far on the left to get my draw but again no chance to climb the route. Moved into 'Kleine Kante' to reach the draw.

Tue 3rd Apr 2018 - Donautal
Hausener Felsen Fischerfels Westwand
7+ Kleiner Meister - with Wile E Coyote Sport 15m, 5
Am Einstieg kläglich gescheitert.

Thu 24th Aug 2017 - Donautal
Hausener Felsen Alte Hausener Wand Nordwand
6 Linke Kante - with Wile E Coyote Mixed trad 6 Don't Bother
Dreckig und zugewachsen. Scheint wohl keiner zu klettern. An der verrottenden Baumschlinge hab ich es dann gelassen. Der Stumpf treibt wie blöd und man sieht kaum den Fels (links ums Eck).

Tue 1st Aug 2017 - Donautal
Hausener Felsen Verlobungsfels
5 Mitte Sport 15m, 4 Good
Wile E Coyote
Not my day. As an excuse, it was also getting dark.

Mon 12th Jun 2017 - Donautal
Hausener Felsen Zweite Zinne
7+ Mops Sport 30m, 6 Classic
Bis zur Crux lief es toll. Super Route, aber die Hakenabstände sind Däle like.

Sat 27th May 2017 - Donautal
Hausener Felsen Alte Hausener Wand Nordwand
7 9- Schattentobelriss - with Lamπ[tm] Sport 35m, 11
Mon 31st Aug 2015 - Donautal
Hausener Felsen Zweite Zinne
6 Via Ursula (Via Ursula P1) - with Erik, Kai
1 6
Mixed trad 50m, 3 Good
Wile E Coyote
Followed up to the first bolt and then tried to lead. Gave up above the second bolt.

Thu 7th May 2015 - Donautal
Hausener Felsen Fischerfels Südwand
7+ 8- Hane Nane - with Wile E Coyote Sport 18m, 5
Way to small holes for me. Currently I'm to fat to tick this route.

2012 - Donautal
Hausener Felsen Garmischer Turm Hauptfels
7 Eric - with Lamπ[tm] Sport Crap
No idea how to reach the last bolts.


Showing all 23 ascents.

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