
Routes in Carson Pass

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Showing 1 - 100 out of 392 routes.

Grade Route Gear style Popularity
The Spot Alien Sector
Low Problem

The obvious low line of holds right of the descent, which finishes at half height (though a top-out finish might be feasible under all that lichen?).

Boulder 2m
V0 Egg Descent

The easiest way off the boulder, which is also a fun problem in its own right.

Boulder 4m
North-East Arete
Boulder 4m
Right face
Boulder 4m
Centre Face

The technical central slab on the eastern face, without cheating to the jugs to the right or left.

Boulder 4m
V0 Left Face

Left side of the eastern face. Hard start to jugs.

Boulder 4m
V1 South West Arete

The very classy steep arete, that's better (and harder!) the lower you start.

Boulder 4m
V5 Winter Solstice

Start just right of the small rock at the base.

Boulder 4m
V6 5 Second Rule

Sit start on the rock in the landing zone.

Boulder 4m
Egg Traverse

A full traverse of this boulder looks awesome and hard.

Boulder 27m
C-Deck Left Arete

The patina'ed left arete, with an exposed and lichenous top section.

Boulder 4m
C-Deck Left

Squeeze job with dodgy square-cut patina (be careful - it's very loose!) just right of the left arete.

Boulder 4m
V1 C-Deck Crack

The diagonal crack feature in the middle of the patina'ed face, starting with hands matched in a large horizontal hueco.

Really good moves and deceptively sustained.

Boulder 4m
C-Deck Right

Just right of C-Deck crack, but left of the stump, with small left facing crimp/gastons. Handholds feel about V4-ish, but feet are non-existent.

Boulder 3m
VB C-Deck Descent

Though it's possible to downclimb the white slab and jump off near the stump, there's an easier descent off the back of the boulder down into the chimney / gully and onto a block.

Boulder 5m
The Spot The Pinnacle
5.2 Patina Face

The beautiful featured patina slab facing the parking spot. A lovely top rope, perfect for kids or beginners.

Top-ropeable off two new bolts (installed sometime between 2016 and 2020), or (better located) large gear (#4, #5 camalots). Either way, bring lots of slings to extend the TR point well over the edge - there's already lots of unavoidable drag from the chicken heads on the face.

Top rope 17m
5.10a Left

Up the left leaning slab / corner and vague scoop left of 'Patina Face'. Great climbing on unusual (for granite) incut face holds.

Top rope 17m
5.10c Left Again

Left again at some obvious starting holds at head height. Move left under the corner / scoop, then up the sustained thin black panel at half height (avoiding the temptation to move left or right to jugs), and then a variety of easier finishes.

Top rope 17m
5.10d Left Again Direct Start

One move wonder direct start, at incut hold above head height.

Top rope 17m
Prow Direct

There are a couple of manky old rivets and rivet-holes visible on this face, and a line to the right of them looks like it might be climbable (though the second bulge 15' up looks pretty blank...).

People boulder in this section.

Top rope 20m
5.11c Corner / Prow

Up the featured arete, moving left into the grey corner. Up this to a prominent cracked undercling / sidepull block, and either traverse hard right here, or continue up the corner for a few more feet, then traverse hard right on sharp crimps (both ways are about the same difficulty, and are the crux of the route). Easily up to ledge and final short steep crack.

This route is directly below the new double bolt anchor, but bring lots of slings (or better yet 30' of static rope) to get the TR point over the (sharp) top edge of the face.

Top rope 20m
White Corners

Up the cracks/flakes above the good looking white/orange rock.

People boulder in this section too.

Top rope 20m
Class 4 Top Access

Easiest access to the top, but has some exposed moves and tends to be dirty. Recommended that you wear climbing shoes for this.

At times there has been a hand-rope dropped down this, attached to the bolts on top. As with all fixed gear, treat it with suspicion.

Trad 8m
Left Shield

Layback left arete.

Boulder 8m
The Shield

Line of crimps up centre of face. Highball.

Boulder 8m
Right Shield

Right arete and spider-webby flake. Bad Landing

Boulder 6m
Shield Traverse

Traverse from 'Left Shield' to 'Right Shield'.

Boulder 9m
V0 Slabby Nonsense

Fun slabbing up the middle of the face.

Boulder 4m
Left Dolmen

Left side of 'The Dolmen'. Very loose rock!

Boulder 9m
Centre Dolmen

Up the vague right-leaning dihedral in the centre of the face.

Boulder 9m
V0 R Right Dolmen

Nice rounded slab to more featured, albeit chossy, steeper section up high.

Boulder 8m
V3/4 Right Toadstool

Huge reach (or poor intermediates) up and right from obvious cracked undercling.

Boulder 5m
V1 Centre Toadstool

Awesome steep jugging.

Boulder 5m
V0 Left Toadstool

Fun jugging, left of the small cedar.

Boulder 4m
V0 Right of Crack

Start on opposing crimp sidepulls then easily up to crux topout.

Boulder 3m
VB- Crack

One move wonder - shame it isn't twice as high.

Boulder 3m
V0 Orange Arete

Elegant side pulling on jugs.

Boulder 3m
V1 Layback

Right arete is off. Harder than it looks.

Boulder 2m
V2 Right Flame

Sustained thin climbing on the right of the lovely patina face.

Boulder 4m
V1 Left Flame

Left side of the lovely patina face. Crux is leaving the ground.

Boulder 4m
V1 Flames Arete

Classy start then easier to finish. 'Flaming Flake' is off.

Boulder 5m
V0 Flaming Flake

The grey flake just left of 'Flames Arete'. The tree is on at the start for your left foot.

Boulder 5m
V0- Flaming Crack

Did someone eat too many chilis?

The groove and jugs just left of the tree.

Boulder 5m
Calaveras Dome Area Calaveras Dome North Face Apron
5.10d Finger Of God
Trad 76m, 3
5.10c/d Fallen Angel
Trad 27m
5.10+ Backslider
Trad 14m
5.7 Botanical Gardens
Trad 61m, 2
5.11a A0 R Medicine Man
Trad 180m, 8
5.11b Shaman
Trad 91m, 4
5.8 Layin' On The Hands
Trad 27m
5.12d Whales Tale
Trad 30m
5.10b Fist Fight
Trad 91m, 4
5.10c R Beacons To Mars
Trad 300m, 10
5.10d PG13 Sole Sacrifice
Trad 37m, 2
5.11a PG13 Lightning Bolt
Trad 30m
5.10b R Thunderbolt
Trad 46m
5.9 Old Smokey
Trad 7
Calaveras Dome Area Calaveras Dome Central Dome
5.10c Green Sponge
Trad 210m, 7
5.11c PG13 Tsunami
Trad 110m, 4
5.11a PG13 Vaya Con Pollos
Trad 270m, 5
5.10b PG13 Wall Of The Worlds
Trad 400m, 9
Calaveras Dome Area Calaveras Dome Northeast Face
5.11c Fine Line
Sport 24m
5.11a Mighty Joe Young
Trad 24m
5.11a King Kong
Trad 30m
5.10b Totally Buzzed
Trad 30m
5.12 A1 - 2 Banzai
Trad 460m, 10
5.10d The Emerald
Trad 37m
5.10d Rainbows End
Trad 91m, 3
5.11a Orphan Train
Trad 46m
5.11c/d PG13 Resurrection
Sport 49m
5.12a Free Fallling
Sport 30m
5.11a Mr. Stiffy
Trad 37m, 4
5.10c Schizophrenic Dike
Trad 46m, 3
5.11d Laughing Hyena
Trad 91m, 3
5.9 Blockhead
Trad 37m
5.10b R Eraserhead
Trad 46m
5.11 Silk Road
Trad 300m, 14
5.11c R Karakoram Highway
Trad 610m, 19
5.12 PG13 Fault Line
Trad 30m
5.9 Sands Of Time
Trad 300m, 11
Calaveras Dome Area Hidden Dome North Face
5.11a Sharp Shooter
Trad 180m, 5
5.11a Finders Keepers
Trad 2
Calaveras Dome Area Hammer Dome
5.7 Wings and Stings

Major right facing corner on the right hand side of the dome.

Trad 76m, 2
5.10c R Smoke Screen

Slab route to the right of Gemini Cracks, and also the rappel descent for that and nearby routes.

  1. 30m 5.10a. Up the blocky corner (watch out for wasps), and up a tricky laybacking section to the roof. Traverse right under the roof until below the first bolt. Pull over the roof, clip the bolt then up the slab (2nd bolt) to a hanging belay on chains.

  2. 30m 5.10c. Up a well protected face past 7 bolts to another hanging belay on chains. Can rappel to the ground from here on double 60m ropes.

  3. 15m 5.10a. Short pitch past 3 bolts to hanging belay on chains. Can be linked with P4.

  4. 30m 5.10b/c. As for 'Gemini Cracks' P4, but using the right hand crack only - a bit contrived, but awesome nonetheless (take lots of finger-size gear). Shared belay on chains.

  5. 30m 5.10a R. Cross over Gemini Cracks (which goes right at this point) and trend slightly left up the face above, passing spaced bolts. 2 bolt anchor.

Rappel the route with double ropes (60m recommended).

Mixed trad 140m, 5, 15
5.7 Gemini Cracks Direct Start

To get to the start, look for a ledge system about 50' down from the aqueduct, under a large oak tree, and follow it past a step-across until you're below the obvious slab with bolts.

Cruxy start with mediocre small gear (can be avoided via the chossy trench on the right), to pleasant slab climbing past 5 bolts and a variety of small to mid-size gear to join the original route at the first belay (natural anchor).

Much better than the original P1.

Mixed trad 40m, 5
5.8 A0 Gemini Cracks
1 5.0
2 5.8 A0
3 5.7
4 5.8
5 5.4

A classic! Pitch 4 is the money pitch, with a superb moderate crack way up in the sky.

The best way to do this route is to link 'Gemini Cracks Direct Start' into P2 of 'Gemini Cracks' into 'Gemini Cracks Variant P3' into P4 of 'Gemini Cracks', then rappel from there.

  1. 40m 5.0. Up a non-descript V-chute to a small ledge with trees (natural anchor). Watch out for poison oak.

  2. 20m 5.8 A0 / 5.10c. Nice corner and crack up rock scar to roof. Pull on a #4 cam to get into offwidth trench, then easily past small tree to double bolt hanging belay (with slings and a rap ring).

  3. 40m 5.7. Continue up the crack to a pod (button head just above - possible to belay here), then follow the nice discontinuous cracks right to a hanging belay on chains.

  4. 30m 5.8. The pitch you came for! Up the awesome twin splitter cracks (mostly climbing the left hand one) to a chain belay. Most people descend from here, as P5 isn't worth doing and descending from the top of the dome is more difficult.

  5. 30m 5.4. Move right along crack to tree then easily up crack system. 4th class except for one move near the top (stay roped up).

Rappel descent is down 'Smoke Screen' - double ropes are required and 2x60m ropes are recommended (can descend in 2 long rappels with double 60s).

Trad 160m, 5
5.8 Gemini Cracks Variant P3
  1. 35m 5.8 From the P2 belay on Gemini Cracks, go left on the hero undercling flake (#4 / #3.5 cams), and up a lovely easy crack on the left hand side. Belay at chains on top of the flake.

  2. 30m 5.2 Move right on broken blocks (watch for the rope getting hooked up) then up nice discontinuous cracks to rejoin original route at the chains below P4.

With a 60m rope, it's also (just) possible to link pitch 2 all the way to the top of 'Gemini Cracks' P4. In this case the second should clip into the P1 anchor with long slings, so they can give the leader as much rope as possible.

Better than the original P3.

Trad 65m, 2
5.11 R Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun
Sport 3
5.10b Pressure Wave
Trad 110m, 3
5.11a Lizard Of Ahs
Trad 9m
5.11a Squeaks Of Gold
Trad 61m
5.11a PG13 Shrieks Of Bold
Trad 30m
5.10 R Razor Face
Trad 30m, 2
5.10a Sea Of Holes
Trad 5
Calaveras Dome Area Deer Bridge Dome Silver Streak Wall
5.8 Fickle Finger Crack

The obvious left-leaning splitter right about where you reach the cliff, with two new bolts leading up a slab to the start of the crack.

  1. 25m 5.8 Up the slab (2 bolts) to the crack, then following the crack to a chain belay. This pitch can be top-roped, but directionals are strongly recommended to avoid big swings.

  2. 25m 5.6 Walk right on the ledge (may be worth moving the belay) until you reach a pleasant little left facing corner crack. Up this to belay on the diagonal ramp.

4th class descent down the ramp to the left.

Mixed trad 50m, 2, 2
5.10b Captain's Paradise
5.10a Embarrassment of Riches
5.9 Hang Nail
Unknown 34m
5.10+ Clambake
Sport 27m, 4
Calaveras Dome Area Deer Bridge Dome Designer Wall
5.10b Captain's Paradise
Trad 34m

Showing 1 - 100 out of 392 routes.

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