
Nodes in The Wart

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The Wart
5.8 Bat Flake

The first several vertical moves are heady and unprotected until you reach the large overhead flake. Follow the flake to the left, underclinging with slabby feet until the upward curving flake takes you higer to the left, then to an easier slabby face with mostly crimpy moves the rest of the way. You may hear chirps and commotion from bats (or birds) in the flake so be carful of your fingers. Except for the flake and a few horns gear is pretty sparse so be confident about this climb. If you toprope it the gear setup is kind of complicated. You will need some long slings to extend down the slab to create a good toprope. You can climb up to or descend from the anchor by scrambling up the back gulley of the Wart.

5.9 Move with a View
5.9 Right Side

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