
Nodes in Trailside Boulder

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Trailside Boulder

Approximately one mile from the Fern Lake trailhead, this massive boulder will come into view, just a few yards from the trail. The trail winds from the left side of the boulder. These problems are very near, or on, the trail. Please be corteous to hikers.

V7 Lip Traverse

Start on the far side of the lip, traverse to the arete and topout.

V9 Dave's Problem

This problem is around the left side of the boulder. Start standing on left hand sidepull and right hand sloping edge. Climb straight up the face.

V10 The Werewolf

Continue upcanyon on the main trail and around the left side of the boulder. Start standing on a right hand thin edge and a high left hand sloper. Climb straight up to a flat jug and drop off.The good sloping hold out left, just up from the starting hold, is off.

Showing all 4 nodes.

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