
Ascents in World as Red point by Justin Case

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Showing 1 - 100 out of 170 ascents.

Grade Route Gear style Quality
Wed 21st Feb 2024 - El Chonta
El Chanchuillo
5.12d Guerrera Cosmica — 2 attempts - with Chrissy Sport 32m, 17 Mega Classic
9 days. 20+ attempts. 11- climbing to a really bad and sharp kneebar rest, to a V6/7 crux involving aa really big move to a left hand pinch on steep terrain. After an OK kneebar rest, long, steep 12- climbing to the chains, split by good kneebar rests. I managed to do all the moves during the first session, including onsighting the whole upper part. The rest of the time was spent trying the bottom part. When I did it, on the last possible attempt of the last possible day, it was the first time I stuck the crux move from the bottom. I was so excited about it that I could hardly control my breathing, let alone remember my top sequences. I commited and trusted my movement to motor memory, and focused on breathing and being patient on the rests, even though my calves and thighs were exploding in pain, pump, and exhaustion. It felt like my legs would give in before my hands and forearms. I powered through sections where I forgot how to do, and I was excited and anxious at the same time. Getting to that triangle jug before clipping the chains was great. It felt like a major milestone in my climbing- something I've wanted for so long. It is also the result of so many hours full of joy, psyche, and effort climbing alone, with friends, through frustration, happiness, but also grief and sadness. I am so thankful for life, for my friends and loved ones who accompanied me along the way, for Chrissy, with all her patient and encouraging belays, training, support, psyche (she initiated the send train by sending Amate earlier) and much more, and of course, to climbing. On to the next one!!

Thu 1st Feb 2024 - Denver
Clear Creek Canyon The Graveyard
5.12a City Of The Dead — 2 attempts - with Chrissy Sport 26m Mega Classic
First 5.12 of the year! Been focusing more on projecting harder things like Guerrera Cosmica at El Chonta, or Lucid Dreaming in Boulder Canyon. Pretty great climb. Techy but enjoyable, well-bolted slab into an absolute rest before a steep hand crack, followed by a powerful jug (or good hold) haul. Chrissy made the hands crack look easy, but when I tried it the first shot, thinking I would onsight this, it may as well have been V10- didn't even know where to begin, and everything felt impossible. I'm sure it would be easier if I had any crack climbing skills at all, but as it happens, I bouldered it out using the crimps inside the crack, which feels like V5ish. Pulled it off second try on this beautiful winter sunny day that just so happens was Chrissy's birthday!

Thu 28th Dec 2023 - El Chonta
El Chanchuillo
5.12d Reina del Sur — 8 attempts - with Chrissy, Esau Sport 25m, 10 Mega Classic
7 shots in total. Fun first session with Esau where I could do all the moves. Did 3 goes in that session, where I managed to two-hang the route. Felt far at the time. Fortunately, I videoed someone with actual good beta on the climb, which, when I went with Chrissy yesterday, I put to good use after my first attempt of the day, and on my second and third go, I one hung the route. Today, I almost sent on my first try of the day had I not tried to unnecessarily readjust. Then, after a tip from Chrissy regarding how to use a pocket, and Kashmir regarding a shoulder rest, I sent and it was glorious. Powerful, relentless, yet techy and precise. I love it, and it's I think my 60th 5.12 of this year, and I have completed my 13a pyramid! Bring on 2024!!

Sat 25th Nov 2023 - Leonidio
Lakkos Sabaton Olive Groove
7a+ Uprising — 2 attempts - with Chrissy Sport 18m Mega Classic
Got it pretty easily afterwards, even using the direct beta to the pocket at the top May be the last 5.12 of this excellent trip!!

Fri 24th Nov 2023 - Leonidio
Kokkinovrachos Jupiter
7b Morphic Fields Ext — 2 attempts - with Chrissy Sport 45m Classic
Easy climbing followed by steep bad pockets and big moves. Hard first half. Second half I thought was heady. Cool nonetheless!

Tue 21st Nov 2023 - Kyparissi
7b Myros — 2 attempts - with Igor Khudoshin, Tracey Hua, Chrissy Sport 30m Mega Classic
A bouldery, crimpy bottom section followed by kneebar rests, followed by pumpy climbing, followed by kneebar rests, takes it to the top. Didn't get the crimpy start the first try, was unexpectedly hard!

Sun 19th Nov 2023 - Leonidio
Elona Liméri
7a+ Fesi - with Igor Khudoshin, Tracey Hua, Selene, Chrissy Sport 20m, 11 Very Good
Similar in nature to its next-door neighbor, but with a less sustained nature, and trickier crux. It also has some exposed bits that are somewhat insecure to clip. Satisfying send, but probably not the greatest techy climb in the world

Mon 13th Nov 2023 - Leonidio
Kokkinovrachos Jupiter
7b/b+ Buddha's Eyes — 3 attempts - with Chrissy Sport 55m, 23 Mega Classic
Longest single pitch I've ever done cashed at 5.12b/c!! Almost did it in my OS attempt, but clipping the crux draw pumped me out at the very top crux on the gray rock. Came back the next day, blew it down low, and Chrissy was kind enough to let me go again immediately after, and without resting, I got it! 4th day on, too

Sat 11th Nov 2023 - Leonidio
Elona H.A.D.A.
7b Trufa — 2 attempts - with Igor Khudoshin, Tracey Hua, Selene Sport 20m, 10 Mega Classic
Excellent vertical to mildly overhanging technical climbing on smallish slopey tufas. Only just got it on my second try! My hands were opening on the clipping sloper, which later I found that there was a jug to the left... Loved this area. Very cool cave and views. Didn't mind the walk in either.

7a+ Erase — 2 attempts - with Igor Khudoshin, Tracey Hua, Selene Sport 25m, 12 Mega Classic
The route looked sick after not-quite seeing what Tracey had done on her OS. Got up it, and blew the OS by not getting the first kneebar at the overhang. Got it easily the second go. Highly recommended!!

Wed 8th Nov 2023 - Leonidio
Lakkos Sabaton Lower
7a+/b Io — 2 attempts - with Igor Khudoshin, Tracey Hua, Selene Sport 15m, 5 Classic
Yay!! After flailing on this one because I was tired still from the savage 7a, I felt like I needed a win for a wide variety of reasons. Got on it, embraced the searing pain in my skin, and got it. Lightly overhanging on not-as-good-as-they-seem holds and sharp pockets makes for a short but intense climb. I think this may actually be 5.12 number 50 of the year. Came at the right time, and got further rewarded by a dope view of the Aegean.

Sun 5th Nov 2023 - Leonidio
Elona Elona Main
7a+ Paranihida — 2 attempts - with Igor Khudoshin, Tracey, Selene Sport 20m, 10 Mega Classic
Got on it a little tired, but also after seeing bits and pieces of Tracey and Selene's attempts. A lot more straightforward than Kneebaropolous, and overall a better climb for me I messed up a sequence on the OS attempt and skipped. Took it to the house almost immediately afterwards. So I caved to peer pressure to try again and it got done!! Psyched for such a good day!!

Fri 27th Oct 2023 - Shelf Road
Sand Gulch Freeform Area
5.12a Freeform — 2 attempts - with Chrissy Sport 8 Mega Classic
Placed draws coming down from the climb next door. Beautiful route with sculpted edges, deep pockets, and cool jugs. Slightly overhanging after a crimpy reachy crux at the bottom. Second half is a pocket haul to gain good edges over a rooflet, the mantle of which marks the end of the climb. Cold late October day with wind made me wear a neck liner, beanie and fleece on the send. Bad news: moving out of a pocket my left middle finger got stuck and it creaked in a not awesome way, overextending at the joints. Though I fought it and sent after the fact, it does seem injured. How much it will affect my Leonido trip we will see.

Sat 14th Oct 2023 - Shelf Road
Cactus Cliff Right Side
5.12a/b Cro magnum — 2 attempts - with Chrissy Sport 5 Classic
Beautiful rock and setting. Easy climbing on shaded, cold corner to a sequency boulder problem involving compression between a shallow left pocket and a right hand sidepull sloper (wide span) followed by a big, delicate move to a good edge. Something of a one move wonder, but somewhat tricky to figure out. Thanks to Chrissy, because I figured out one part, and she figured out the othe! Great end to a weekend out at Shelf. It's already so cold out!

Fri 13th Oct 2023 - Shelf Road
The Bank North Bank Cliffs
5.12a/b ~5.12b Heavy Weather — 3 attempts - with Chrissy Sport 20m, 11 Mega Classic
Excellent and powerful and sequency pocket pulling on great, clean, vertical rock. Thank you Chrissy, for having me re-evaluate my beta and making it so much easier on my 3rd go! Hardest I've sent in Shelf so far. Felt a lot more like 12b to me, and Mountain Project says 12a/b which would make more sense to me.

Mon 25th Sep 2023 - Denver
Clear Creek Canyon The Fiscal Cliff
5.12b Colliding — 2 attempts - with Chrissy Sport 9m Classic
Nice climb where you go from kneebar to kneebar like a bee going from flower to flower. Some physical big moves involving not-that-great pinches, and placing the kneebars can be tiring. Took me a minute to figure out (thank you Chrissy), but got it second go! First 12 send post-Kalymnos Also, I believe this is a special climb. According to my records on theCrag, I have done as many 5.12s in 2023 than I have in all other years combined- #41.

Sat 16th Sep 2023 - Kalymnos
Armeos Grande Grotta
7a+ Aphrodite — 2 attempts - with Esau Sport 12m Classic
We woke up late and someone was already working on Aegialis, so I decided to get on this instead. Really cool, bouldery sequence on (at this point) slick crimps! I think I've lost some power from all the endurance climbing I've been doing. Enjoyed it a lot!

Wed 13th Sep 2023 - Kalymnos
Armeos Afternoon
7a+ Ermis Connecting Us — 2 attempts - with Esau Sport 28m, 13 Classic
Pretty fun climbing on +/- a few degrees off vertical on long moves on pockets. Sequency and crimpy crux, but not too bad, maybe V3ish. Onsight was blown at the crux because of bad headspace and skin hurt. Rehearsed it and got it next go easily. Get on it!

Tue 12th Sep 2023 - Kalymnos
Armeos Afternoon
7a+ Morteau Rico Ext — 2 attempts - with Esau Sport 35m Very Good
Flowy first half. Second half is sharp, crimpy, but has its charm. Stoked to get it second go!

Tue 12th Sep 2023 - Kalymnos
Armeos Grande Grotta
7c Priapos — 4 attempts - with Esau Sport 40m, 23 Mega Classic
Beautiful climb. Just stunning in every way. The scenery, backdrop, phenomenality of the terran, movement, and more. First started projecting it on my second day in Kalymnos, the 9/9/2023, 2 attempts (onsight attempt almost cleared the hardest section), then 9/10/2023 also saw another attempt. Today, on a windy, perfect weather September day, I focused on breathing above all. After a fine elastic band warrm-up and stretching. Went out of my way to do things properly, as the sheer length of this climb I feel merits any methods that give you the fitness and focus to do all 40 or so meters of overhanging climbing. I made a concentrated effort to keep my breathing under control, and I managed to do it. On the rests, besides continuing my good breathing, I practiced a bit of mindfulness, following the advice from a pretty good article on resting on routes. I allowed myself a lot more easily to be thankful for where I was, and how beautiful and fun it is! I have never done a route quite as beautiful? Maybe only comparable in beauty to Lord of the Thais. Endurance climbing like this is surprisingly (or unsurprisingly hehe) meditative. I timed my rests with Esau. I took sweet and sour gummies to restore my blood sugar. It came down to the wire, too. I tried clipping the chains 3 times before I was actually able to clip the hard-to-move wiregates whilst managing 40m of rope drag meandering through a maze of stalactites. I kept breathing all the way through, climbed a bit higher, and sent. It was amazing.

Sun 3rd Sep 2023 - Denver
Clear Creek Canyon The Fiscal Cliff
5.12c The Road — 3 attempts - with Chrissy, Jonathan Sport 9m Classic
What an unforgettable ascent. All-time moment FOR SURE. As Chrissy and Jonathan worked Over the Top (which both of them seeeent!!), I, shoulder recently semi-tweaked, wasn't sure what I was gonna do. I was so close to just belaying and taking it easy, as I was leaving for Kalymnos that very afternoon. I warmed up just in case. My shoulder was feeling OK, so I decided to give this one a good flash try after being sprayed by Chrissy. Got a good first burn in, but it started raining. I got to the top and fully expected to clean the route. My friends told me to leave it up, as I wondered how it would be possible to get up it again. I am so glad they had this kind of patience and psyche to climb. After the rain passed and the rock (sort of) dried, I gave it a determined second go. After the crux move at the lip of the slopers, I took a HUGE whipper which was pretty fun and funny. I said "no way" and wanted to try again immediately. I rested a couple minutes, and went up again. What followed was a screamfest assembled of extremely unlikely sticks to sub-optimal slopers for the entire climb, even to the clipping of the chains. I have never tried so hard on a climb, ever. I was completely overjoyed with such an unlikely send, but mainly because I didn't know I could dig that deep. I felt the consequences after for sure, which was a second confirmation that I did indeed access a level of effort previously unknown to me. What a prelude to Kalymnos!!

Fri 25th Aug 2023 - Rifle Mountain Park
Sno-Cone Cave
5.11d Suck It and See — 2 attempts - with Pe May, Marcelo Castaneda Sport Classic
Pretty much did the OS, but after doing all the hard moves, failed to see an obvious hold and fell Got it easily second go, even though I broke a pretty fat foothold, and also backtracked from a missed deadpoint!

Thu 24th Aug 2023 - Boulder
Boulder Canyon The Narrows Avalon Second Tier Tarot Wall
5.12c Fapanese Direct — 5 attempts - with Chrissy Sport Mega Classic
First 12c outside of El Chonta this year! Very much up my alley. Easy climbing to slopers and a powerful-to-place kneebar on a roof, followed by intertwined crimp traversing and powerful moves on the lip of the roof. Pumpy climbing follows. Thank you Chrissy for the belay and video!!!

Sat 19th Aug 2023 - Denver
Clear Creek Canyon The Fiscal Cliff
5.12a Over The Top — 3 attempts - with Chrissie, Lucy Sport 11m Classic
Powerful, burly climb. Almost landed the OS! The second go I wanted to use a simpler beta, but ended up not working. Got it on my third go. Used the ol' knee-to-arm bar pioneered all those years ago in 3 men and a ladder!

Thu 17th Aug 2023 - Boulder
Boulder Canyon Sport Park Surprising Crag
5.12a/b Curve of Binding Energy — 2 attempts - with Datus Sport 7 Classic
Great powerful boulder problem on good holds at the bottom followed by chill climbing the rest of the way. Glad I ditched Shakedown Street (12c that was shredding my fingers and just wasn't a ton of fun) for this one!

Mon 14th Aug 2023 - Boulder
Boulder Canyon The Bowling Alley
5.12a A Tall Cool One — 2 attempts - with Mellow Patrick Sport 9 Very Good
Tried this Sunday last week with Matt. It had started raining but went for the onsight attempt anyway. Passed the crux and my foot slipped on easy terrain! Got it second go, in my first try today

Wed 2nd Aug 2023 - Boulder
Flatirons Dinosaur Mountain First Stratum Dinosaur Rock
5.11d Pretty in Pinkler — 4 attempts - with Flo Sport Very Good
Hard 11d! Better route than the utter lack of chalk suggests. Really it's a one boulder problem wonder. Powerful moves to not-that-great holds on a 5-8 move sequence. It comes at the beginning and the rest is straightforward. The boulder problem is V4/5 though, so still a stiff route! Went with Flo a couple days earlier (he's done good progress on Patience Face) and I actually managed to do an easier send of PF even setting draws!

Fri 28th Jul 2023 - South Platte
Staunton State Park Staunton Rocks The Dungeon
5.12a Waiting For The Sun — 2 attempts - with Alex from Whatsapp Climbing Group Sport 18m Classic
I'm glad I decided to go out. I needed it. Beautiful day, and a bit of a one move wonder (or 3ish) on kneebars. The rest is 5.10+ climbing. Nice to come back to this place.

Sat 22nd Jul 2023 - Boulder
Flatirons Dinosaur Mountain First Stratum Dinosaur Rock
5.12b The Shaft — 5 attempts - with Datus, Matt Sport Classic
Tried this for the first time yesterday (7/21/2023) with Datus, and got 3 shots at it. Great route- shares the start with Patience Face, but then goes directly to the namesake Shaft. The rock was damp and the shared first part felt much harder than the session where I sent Patience Face. Came pretty close on the third attempt even though tired! The next day I came back with Matt and sent it second go! Great route- hard for 12b for sure. This is 5.12 #26 of the year! Power endurancy, bouldery, compressy, slopey, and airy! Again, felt really hard for the grade even though I used kneebars!

Sat 15th Jul 2023 - Los Dinamos
Segundo Dinamo Paroxismo
5.10a Depredacion — 2 attempts - with Esau, Alex Esau's Friend Sport 18m, 6 Good
Fell figuring out the first bit... Average route, first on the Segundo Dinamo. I also tried another route in this sector called Guerra Intensa 5.12b, which I didn't send due to it falling apart on the second half- must've pulled out several handholds and multiple footholds- not great...

Tue 11th Jul 2023 - Denver
Clear Creek Canyon Wall of the Nineties
5.12a Wet Dream - with Alex Climbing Group, Nicole Sport 31m, 16 Mega Classic
I was waiting for Alex at the base of this (stick clipped, harness on already, basically Jonesin') and got to do a few breathing exercises I learned from Isabel the day before, and that's just what the doctor ordered! Took my time during the stem rest and the crux felt a lot easier this time. Stoked to have sent 3 12a's in a week!

Sun 9th Jul 2023 - Boulder
Flatirons Dinosaur Mountain First Stratum Dinosaur Rock
5.12a Patience Face — 2 attempts - with Datus Sport Mega Classic
What. A. Line. Best I've sent in CO. It's one of those lines that reminds you just how good climbing can be. I made up my mind that I would just have fun and put aside performance. Turns out I was so close to onsighting this beautiful, many-tones-of-ocre, barndoory, meandery climb! I fell at the mid-crux, got immediately back on and did the rest without falling. On the second go, I was more cautious and static which made me get more tired, but managed to keep it together for the send! I put kneepads on the second time seeing that I had found many kneebars on the first try, but I didn't end up relying on them. SO stoked to have gotten this. Perfect day with perfect views on perfect stone. I missed sandstone!

Tue 4th Jul 2023 - Rifle Mountain Park
The Meat Wall
5.12a Crime and Punishment — 3 attempts - with Alex from WhatsApp Sport 25m Classic
Great pumpy climbing to a stemming rest, followed by a sequence of powerful moves on slopers. The send was super unlikely, as I felt tired and was constantly about to fall on the pre-roof, pre-rest section. Made sure I rested well, but on the final crux move, I could tell I was going to fall. Miraculously, I managed to find a left kneebar that saved the day! Stoked to send 12s in Rifle again

Fri 23rd Jun 2023 - Boulder
Boulder Canyon Animal World And Beyond Easter Rock
5.12a Empire Of The Fenceless — 2 attempts - with Datus Sport Mega Classic
Excellent climb! Was inspired by Datus's well-executed send! I had a session where I placed draws, tried Nevermore twice, then warmed down on this this past Monday. Then today I placed draws on it, then tried Nevermore one time, then sent! Balancy and insecure climbing followed by pumpy and balancy moves. What follows is a strenuous reach/throw to an OK crimp. Did the first part quickly and went dynamically for the cruz crimp! Very psyched to get this one. I feel it's one of the more solid 12a's I've done this year (I think this is #22?)

Thu 15th Jun 2023 - Boulder
Boulder Canyon Animal World And Beyond Easter Rock
5.12b Tell-Tale Heart — 5 attempts - with Florian Sport Classic
5.12 #21 in 2023! Two sessions: one on 6/8/23 and another today. Started climbing with Florian- great dude to climb with Sent it after placing draws on it and getting flash pumped and falling at the crux. Because these morning sessions are pre-work sessions, there is no such thing as properly resting before burns. Got on it the second time today expecting not to send. I found a sneaky lean-forward rest at the right hand gaston on the crux, and got a lot back- enough to clear the remainder of the crux moves! Don't let your guard down after the rest post-crux- make sure you rest, as you can still fall on the last bit! I know I almost did. Balancy moves at the start lead to a leanback rest, and crux is flexy, big tensiony, shouldery moves on overhanging good edges and slopers. Redpoint crux is going for the last left hand sloper off of another sloper from a splits stance. Solid and classic!

Tue 6th Jun 2023 - Boulder
Boulder Canyon Sherwood Forest
5.12b Prince of Thieves — 2 attempts - with Ben Sport 11 Classic
Quickest 12b in a while! Rode the send train kicked off by Ben after he did his best OS ever! This is #20! Also in a drizzle, just like #19! A couple of boulder problems separated by 5.10 climbing.

Sat 3rd Jun 2023 - Boulder
Boulder Canyon The Narrows Avalon Second Tier Three Walls
5.12a Free Fall - with Matt, Ella, Flo, Ken Sport 12m Classic
This is #19. Eveloped in the mist of the Rocky Mountains, I stood on the verge of clipping the anchoors, and thus having climbed more 5.12s than I ever had in a single year, now surpassing my previous best year, which was 2013. Light rain washed away all the self-chasing, all of the nostalgia for better times, and all of my previous life, given my personal circumstances. I now walk uncharted territory, unafraid and excited about the challenges that lay ahead. Did it on my first go of the day whilst placing draws! It felt sooooo much easier than when I was close to sending it a couple of years back. Stuck everything perfectly, and had to do no big effort at the crux. Easy 12a for sure, but 12a nontheless. Clutch moment to get it, as the harder rain began soon afterwards!

Sat 20th May 2023 - El Vellón
Monódromo 2
7a+ So pedo — 2 attempts - with Isabel Sport Mega Classic
Number 18. 18 5.12a or higher climbs in 2023. 18 of these done in 3 different countries, 7 different crags, and 33 wonderful companions. This marks the most of that grade range I've done in since 2013, and tied the most I've done in a year, ever, nigh the eve of my 40th birthday. This comes after the most difficult year of my life, in 2022. Once again, climbing has shown me that any challenge can be overcome with perseverance, self-belief, discipline, self-care, self-love, breathing, and decisiveness. Doing this to a beautiful, overhanging, juggy, powerful, short, and fun climb, with the best company I could possibly imagine, is truly a dream come true. Here's to the start of my new life! Number 19, here I go!

Sun 30th Apr 2023 - Margalef
6c ~6c+ Mas Vale Ser Freky Que Maricon De Playa — 2 attempts - with Ben, Isabel Sport Classic
Tried this to set up TR for Ben right after an attempt at Fanatic, so I couldn't quite get the first bouldery pockety fingery part. After the 3rd bolt, the character of the route changes into a slightly overhanging, technical stem. Classic! I think the 2022 guidebook calls it 6c+, and I would agree.

7a+ Fanatic — 3 attempts - with Ben, Isabel Sport 30m Classic
Classic! Very sustained, long route. Both technical and fingery at times. Felt much harder than 7a+! Got it on my 3rd go. Has one sort-of rest section with medium feet around the middle. It's all about keeping the concentration! Thanks to Ben and Isabel for the great vibes!

Sat 29th Apr 2023 - Margalef
Ca La Marta
7b Instint Animal — 4 attempts - with Ben, Isabel, Michael Sport 20m Classic
First 7b in Margalef! Tried it first on 4/29/23 with a beta burn with Ben and Isabel. Very cool start with a bouldery pockety left throw by the second bolt. Then power through the pockets to a throw to the horizontal break. On the send, just about managed to do this without peeling! 9 PM ascent, last climb of the trip with Ben!! Very pumpy, sustained second half. Cut up my ring finger pretty good on my second try of 5/3/23. VERY psyched!!

Wed 26th Apr 2023 - Margalef
Raco De La Finestra
7a+ La estampa — 3 attempts - with Ben Sport 19m, 7 Classic
Bouldery start on crimps and pockets. After this, the climb is divided by a series of very pumpy sequences on fingery holds followed by not-really-rests. The hardest crux comes over halfway, where it finishes on a good flat hold. I was soooooo gassed when I got here (because I fell on my second attempt and wanted to try from the ground straight away), threw with my left hand, my right came off, but still unbelievably stuck it! A very exciting feeling that made this climb improbable, and that's what we live for, folks. First 7a+ in Europe!

Mon 24th Apr 2023 - Margalef
Racó de les Espadelles
6c+ Kagaito Sakapoko — 2 attempts - with Ben Sport 20m, 6 Very Good
Great route with polished holds that needs better bolting. I took on the first attempt because the distance from the 2nd to 3rd bolt was significant and not worth the fall. I extended the draws and went 2nd go in a straightforward fashion.

Sun 23rd Apr 2023 - Margalef
Racó de les Espadelles
7a Reventuning — 2 attempts - with Ben Sport 19m, 7 Very Good
I remain without a 7a onsight in Europe! Fell deadpointing to a good pocket. Got it second go without that many issues- perhaps just a loud grunt or two. Cool climbing on good overhanging pockets through an arete, followed by another overhanging section with precise throws and even a kneescum. Stoked for the first 7a of the trip!

Sat 15th Apr 2023 - Los Dinamos
Primer Dinamo
5.12a Fuera de control — 2 attempts - with Esau, My parents Sport 25m, 8 Classic
Excellent first exposure to Los Dinamos!! I really don't know why I hesitated so much to come to this area in the past. Within Mexico City, and this particular crag is 5 mins away from the parking! Three-crux route (finger lock mantle, crimps to deadpoint, and some more crimps to deadpoints), where I fell in the second crux on the OS. Got it second go in front of my parents who came to visit! I got lost at the end and only just managed to clip the anchors!! The. Streak. Continues.

5.11a A las estrellas — 2 attempts - with Esau Sport 22m, 8 Classic
Fell on the first boulder problem because I wasn't pre-clipped to the first bolt and I was required to do a somewhat insecure deadpoint. Esau did a great job spotting me! Got it immediately afterwards. Great first steep boulder problem into an easy slab, followed by another rooflet (much easier than the start), ending with long moves on good edges.

Sat 8th Apr 2023 - Jilotepec
El Huevo Ay Nanita
5.12a Chaneque — 2 attempts - with Tirso, Arely, Alexis Sport 15m, 10 Mega Classic
2nd go! Lucky to have found these super dope people that could belay me seeing that Tirso and Arely had literally just learned to belay a few minutes earlier lol. Bouldery start to a rest, and then another crimpy/lockoffy/deadpointy boulder problem around the middle, finishing in pumpy moves on good holds. The streak continues!! Stoked!!

Sun 2nd Apr 2023 - Jilotepec
Sal de mí
5.12a El Nicho — 2 attempts - with Esau Sport 17m, 6 Classic
Easy climbing to a boulder problem that features sloping holds on steep terrain where body tension is necessary. Once the crux begins, there are no real rests until you clip the chains! Excellent route. The one-5.12-a-week streak is still alive!!

Tue 21st Mar 2023 - El Chonta
El Chanchuillo
5.12b La Onza — 2 attempts - with Alex, Hanson Sport 30m, 16 Classic
Excellent day of climbing. Got this second go after one beta burn to figure out the crux big move. Same day I Alzheimer OS'd Mala Fama, and backjumped both climbs! Big day, and the streak of climbing at least one 5.12 a week for several weeks now is still alive! Great day to have the cave to ourselves

Mon 20th Mar 2023 - El Chonta
El Chanchuillo
5.12a La Bocina — 2 attempts - with Alex, Hanson Sport 20m, 11 Mega Classic
Got spit off the top again on my first go, but managed to get to the top crux with enough energy to clip the chains despite messing up down low! Super stoked! Great to be climbing in this beautiful place all to ourselves

Sat 11th Mar 2023 - Denver
Clear Creek Canyon The Graveyard
5.12a Dia De Los Muertos — 2 attempts - with Ben, Patrick, Alex, Kyra, Jared, Jonathan, Maja, Ken Sport 18m Mega Classic
Technical 5.10 climbing at the bottom leads to a technical sequence of long moves that go from crimp to crimp. Very satisfying. Ends with pumpy but straightforward crimp-pulling. 6th straight week sending at least one 5.12! Very thankful for a beautiful, fun day out before I go on a trip!

Sun 5th Mar 2023 - Denver
Clear Creek Canyon The Dog House
5.12b Fiddler on the Woof — 3 attempts - with Rob, Sarah, John, Matt Sport 15m, 9 Classic
Had nobody to climb with, and the forecast for next week was grim, and I was leaving for 2 months after that! So I drove up by myself, not being sure how the weather was going to be, or if I would have people to climb with. Found a very friendly crew and gave this thing a shot! 3 goes, super fun route with big moves to big holds

Sun 26th Feb 2023 - Fort Collins
Lyons Button Rock Dam Area River Wall
5.12a Red Neck Hero — 2 attempts - with Ben, Amber Sport Mega Classic
What. A. Route. Best 12a I've done in a looong time, and certainly the best I've gotten on in Colorado. Morning was a bit too chilly and got flash pumped on this. Sun came up, warmed the holds, and life was better! 2nd shot send. Pumpy jug haul on steep terrain with permadraws. Loved this wall!

Fri 10th Feb 2023 - Denver
Clear Creek Canyon The Graveyard
5.12a/b Hellbender — 2 attempts - with Patrick, Ken Sport 18m Classic
Went up once just before the send attempt. Full sun made those slopers and slimpers feel hard!! Rehearsed it a bit, found great foot beta for the sloper throw such that I could reliably stay under it, and then tried again. I was in full battle mode to get to through all of it. It did not feel over until I topped out the victory ledge. Very, very stoked! Best single day outdoor climbing performance in a while!

5.12a/b Tomb Raider - with Patrick, Ken Sport 15m Classic
Warm-up/send attempt went really well! Listened to my body, so I changed my layback beta slightly, but the business end was just as expected. Felt great to open up a "playing hooky" climbing day sending this!!

Fri 3rd Feb 2023 - Denver
Clear Creek Canyon The Dog House
5.12b Big Dog — 2 attempts - with Matt Sport 21m, 10 Mega Classic
First Colorado 12b!! Super psyched. I did not suspect I would send this after my working attempt, at which point it felt like it was going to be a multi-day project. Beta was very well executed, and this thing does not let up until the anchors

Sat 28th Jan 2023 - Shelf Road
Cactus Cliff Left Side
5.9 Bur Har-Bur - with Jared, Patrick, Alex Sport 17m, 5 Very Good
Jared and I "free spirited" this one, i.e. got on it without checking the guidebook. Short and flowy. Looks like I'd done it before at one point.

5.8 Kalahari Sidewinder - with Jared, Patrick, Alex Sport Very Good
I think I did this one before. Warm up and setting up TR for peeps. Cracky.

Sat 7th Jan 2023 - El Chonta
El Chanchuillo
5.12c Easy Amate Amarillo — 7 attempts - with John, Antonio, Amaru Sport 35m, 16 Mega Classic
Super great ending for a great trip. I really missed this place. I also missed trying hard on a route. Tried for 3 days, 7 shots in total. Very pumpy for me, despite the rests. Nice to be climbing again!

Thu 5th Jan 2023 - El Chonta
El Chanchuillo
5.11c Fructaliser - with Julie and Paul Sport 27m, 16 Classic
Pumpy and more overhung than it seems! Bit more than a warm up for me

Tue 3rd Jan 2023 - El Chonta
El Chanchuillo
5.12a El Corrido de los Procopio — 2 attempts - with Cousins Sport 18m, 11 Very Good
Fun bouldery start (first 3 bolts). Eases after that. Short route for el Chonta. First 12a in a while!

Thu 3rd Jun 2021 - Boulder
Boulder Canyon The Narrows Avalon Second Tier Three Walls
5.12a Ripcord - with Maria Jose Tamayo, Shilpi Sport 12m Classic
Couple of years back I think. Logging the ascent for completeness. I think I met Ella on that trip (and Matt met her there too)!

5.11c Strange Science - with Maria Jose Tamayo, Matt Sport 15m Mega Classic
Couple of years back I think. Logging the ascent for completeness. I think I met Ella on that trip (and Matt met her there too)!

Sat 7th Sep 2019 - Boulder
Flatirons Boulder Mountain Bear Peak The Slab North Side
5.11d Prime the Pump (P1) - with Maria Jose Tamayo Sport 6 Mega Classic
Stellar route, best I've done in the Boulder area. Excellent profile views of the Flatirons from the top. Nice to have found this shaded, steep sandstone crag! Will definitely come back. Loved boulder at the start and the steep section with the big dropknee!

5.10d Hippopotamus - with Maria Jose Tamayo Sport 5 Very Good
Great warm-up for the area. I ended up using kneebars on the scoop to make the first part a bit easier.

Sat 17th Aug 2019 - Boulder
Boulder Canyon Animal World And Beyond Animal World Lower Animal World
5.12a Days Of Future Passed (Days Of Future Past) - with Maria Jose Tamayo Sport 21m, 8 Mega Classic
Got the draws down, felt hard at the end of the day!

Sat 10th Aug 2019 - Boulder
Boulder Canyon Animal World And Beyond Animal World Lower Animal World
5.12a Days Of Future Passed (Days Of Future Past) - with Maria Jose Tamayo Sport 21m, 8 Mega Classic
First 5.12 in the canyon! Definitely thought it would be easier than it was. Love Animal World

Thu 6th Jun 2019 - Rifle Mountain Park
Canine Wall
5.12a Space for the Papa - with JuanMa Sport 7m Good
Short and bouldery. Definitely stick clip the first bolt. Love Rifle! First . 5.12 in a long time

Thu 15th Dec 2016 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
瑞士墙-酒瓶山地区 Corridor Entrance 瑞士墙 Swiss Wall 奶酪墙 Cheese Side
5.10a Lomito Complito - with Igor Khudoshin, Maria Jose Tamayo Sport 27m, 9 Mega Classic
Apparently I had done this before. Felt like the first time! Really enjoyable climbing with a potentially confusing middle section.

Wed 7th Dec 2016 - 安顺市
格凸 Getu Oliver's Crag
6a+ Shi (Ten) - with Igor Khudoshin, Maria Jose Tamayo Sport 11m, 5 Good
Really sandbagged and not suitable for warm-up. Also, polished. That being said, it climbs really well through good holds on an overhang. Sustained till the end!

6c Shi Er (Twelve) - with Igor Khudoshin, Maria Jose Tamayo Sport 11m, 7 Very Good
Easy climbing until you get to the reachy and pumpy crux. Once you know where the holds are and what to do, though even this guy with no endurance can do it

Sun 14th Jun 2015 - Peña de Bernal
La Peña (single & multipitch) South Wall (Bernalina Wall)
5.8 La Bernalina - with Maria Jose Tamayo, Esau, Pablo, Juan
1 lead by Me
2 lead by Juan
3 lead by Me
4 lead by Me
5 lead by Juan
6 lead by Me/Pablo
7 lead by Juan
Sport 220m, 10 Mega Classic
What an insane epic. Took out our cousins to do their first MP. Two teams, Maria and Esau, then I was with Juan and Pablo. Because none of them had their own gear, many of our QD's got used as safeties, had to run out an already f*cking run out climb, had to lead barefooted, and two of our cousins had to simulclimb on their first MP! For a moment I was soloing too. Started at 9am, finished at 11pm. Craziest MP experience ever, I feel brutalized. Happy Birthday Juan!

Sun 7th Jun 2015 - La UNAM
La Escuelita
5.12a Panzer - with Esau, Juan, Pablo, Marisol, Mariana Sport 7m, 3 Mega Classic
3 shots. Great boulder problem/route. Works all the opposing climbing muscles. Reachy, strengthy, and controlled. Awesome route.

Sat 9th May 2015 - La UNAM
La Escuelita
5.12d Sin Pensarlo - with Maria Jose Tamayo, Mariana, Juan Sport 10m, 3 Mega Classic
First solo! Kept getting rope burnt the one day I'd been trying this route (it is kinda badly bolted), Decided to bring crashpads and be spotted by 3 people. Tested possible lowish falls at first and when conditions got worse, Decided to have a proper go. Stuck the moves perfectly and the last huge lockoff move I'd never done, I just endured for what felt like an eternity, but the feeling after catching that last edge was pure exhiliration. First 27! One of the top moments in my climbing

Mon 13th Oct 2014 - Flatanger
Hanshallaren Flaggermusmannen
7a Kakestykket - with Maria Sport 30m, 15 Mega Classic
Took me two whole days to get this absolutely classic line! The cold was killing sensation in my hands again. About 35m long, a pumpy steep traverse on great holds that leads into a V3ish compression boulder problem that makes you feel "out there". This is the route that made me feel the beauty of the place, the silence and concentration only being interrupted when you look behind you to find the Arctic Ocean creeping inside the fjords, without a doubt one of the standout lines of our trip!!

Sun 12th Oct 2014 - Flatanger
Hanshallaren Flaggermusmannen
6c Hovdegjengen (Hovdejengen) - with Maria Sport Mega Classic
It took a shamefully large number of attempts to get this one... hands kept freezing! Amazing steepish climbing on good holds with a fair bit of body tension that eases after the first boulder problem at the start. Stout 6c. The weather was cold and humid, it being October, and all of the trees already in full fall! Needed the hand warmer inside m'chalk bag!

Sat 11th Oct 2014 - Flatanger
Hanshallaren Hans
6c+ 6a+ Lykkelige sønner (Bolted in 2014 (unknown name)) - with Maria Sport 20m Very Good
Very first climb in Europe! As with all things European as far as I go, we got to a shaky start. Thinking that this was a 6a, Maria got on this for a warm-up. The start challenged her, so she decided to let me go first. A lot harder than it looked! The seemingly solid Norse granite broke on me in a way it seemed as if I was commiting ritual suicide- stabbed myself in the gut! Got on again and bouldered it out, later finding that this was another new line. I think it should be around 6c+.

Sat 4th Oct 2014 - Geyikbayırı
Trebenna West Middle
7a+ Flower Tower - with Maria, Anri, Laurin and John Sport 32m Mega Classic
2 shots, on the first one I was about to clip the anchors and Laurin, who was using the grigri for the first time, wouldn't give me slack! Would've been an OS for sure. Oh well, it was his first time and I was aware of it, no worries Anyway, amazing 3D climbing with lots of kneebars and Coolum type moves.

Wed 3rd Sep 2014 - Waterval Boven
Tranquilitas Malaria Area
24 25 The Beeman and the Bushman - with Maria Sport 11 Mega Classic
SA 25. 2nd shot, amazing series of pumpy rooflets lead to a big left hand move from a good pinch on smears, into the headwall which has one really delicate reachy move. Great climb on crimson rock

Mon 1st Sep 2014 - Waterval Boven
Tranquilitas Baboon Buttress
23 24 Pretenders - with Maria and Jahne Sport 8 Mega Classic
SA 24. Took me a couple of goes figuring out the sequence, 'cause I was doing the crux like a V3! Figured it out and felt easy. Good steepish climbing on round holds, great stuff!

Fri 22nd Aug 2014 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
白山地区 White Mountain Crags 鸡蛋山 The Egg The Northeast Face
5.11d Chuck if Ya want to (Chuck if you want to) - with Maria and Igor Sport 22m, 9 Mega Classic
Great to get a 7a in SE Asia finally... Easy climbing on a juggy groove until you mantle and get to the cave; then a bit of a crank through the roof to gain the delicate balancey vertical section, after which comes the redpoint crux, not too hard, just need to keep it together. A classic! Last send of the Yangshuo trip... Bittersweet. Igor took a 12m+ victory whipper from the top! The b*lls!

Wed 20th Aug 2014 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
白山地区 White Mountain Crags 白山 White Mountain
5.11d 大刀女侠 Girl With a Machete (Girl With a Machete 手持开山刀的女孩) - with Maria and Igor Sport 25m, 11 Mega Classic
2nd shot. Cool boulder problem first 3 bolts into exposed beautifulness! White Mountain is amazing!

Mon 11th Aug 2014 - Victoria Range
Eureka Area Weirs Creek
23 Barefoot and Poignant - with Maria and Igor Sport 20m, 10 Classic
Delicate! I thought that this laybacky then thin and pumpy route is solid for 23! Happy to have gotten it!

Sun 10th Aug 2014 - Victoria Range
Mt Fox Area Muline Crag
24 Krankandangle - with Maria and Igor Sport 15m, 5 Mega Classic
Muline... What an amazing, amazing place. And this is the warm-up route. Big moves to big holds with sneaky rests in certain places. Cold day, but well worth the trip here!

Tue 29th Jul 2014 - Brooyar
Point Pure
25 Yellow Country Teeth Extension (Yellow Country Teeth Extention) - with Maria and Vivi Sport 18m Classic
Last day in Brooyar in a long time... This is a really special place for sure! A home away from home away from home of sorts. Finished this last day with this last send. Really cool, my anti-style: overhanging crimpfest!

Fri 25th Jul 2014 - Pages Pinnacle
25 Water Is Optional - with Maria, Igor, Jin, Jason, and Alyssa Sport 26m, 12 Mega Classic
Very cool jug haul! Terrified on the first shot for some reason, and second shot I got pumped, but managed to send it! These second pitch climbs are pretty awesome, albeit needing to go to the toilet can be inconvenient I will miss Pages... Very nice to call this my 300th unique ascent

Sun 6th Jul 2014 - Pages Pinnacle
24 Bikinitown - with Maria and Igor Sport 18m, 10 Classic
The other guy´s easier but almost as good little brother. Chickened out badly on the first attempt, then straightforward second shot send

Sun 29th Jun 2014 - Pages Pinnacle
25 Bikinitown Direct - with Maria, Igor, Paul Sport 18m, 12 Mega Classic
Another 2 shots, in the bag!

Sun 15th Jun 2014 - Pages Pinnacle
26 Meter Maids - with Maria and Igor Sport 18m, 11 Mega Classic
Finally! Felt more powerful over 6 months later! Started off saying that I´d probably send it second shot, I ended up sending this on my third day on it... Really cool boulder sequence, an awesome climb

Sun 8th Jun 2014 - Victoria Range
Buandik Area The Gallery
25 Hueco Dreaming - with Maria Sport 9m Very Good
3rd shot this trip, felt a lot stronger on that final crimp-to-pocket move. Awesome to top out, really fun climb

Fri 25th Apr 2014 - Victoria Range
Buandik Area The Gallery
22 The Perfect Crime - with Maria, Jean, Scott and Chelsea Sport 15m, 6 Classic
Definitely not 22 IMO! Too bouldery a start for 22. Excellent climb nontheless, with great exposure and views. Compressy, bicepy, pumpy, and a touch scary. Had a few goes at the start before it went on the first tie.-in

Sun 20th Apr 2014 - Brooyar
Point Pure
24 Pipeline - with Maria and Jackie Sport 15m, 5 Mega Classic
Awesome! Very unique climb that packs a punch. Very aesthetic as well. In my opinion, a better version of the Great Devoid

Sun 23rd Mar 2014 - Mt Coolum
28 27 Separation Anxiety - with Maria Sport 8m, 5 Mega Classic
Got it done, belayed by Maria! Yeow! First at the grade. So, so psyched!

Sun 2nd Feb 2014 - Mt Coolum
26 25 Cleared For Takeoff - with Maria and Suzy Sport 20m, 11 Classic
3 shots to get this one! Always feels great to send in a single day when in Coolum. Quality grade 20-21 slab leading into a rather physical 7-8m crux sequence including a tricky mantle leading to good horns, including the very best at Coolum! Awesome route

Sun 19th Jan 2014 - Brooyar
Black Stump Buttresses
24 Shake and Bake - with Maria and Chelsea Sport 15m Very Good
Jesus, FINALLY! Every time I went to Black Stomp since God knows how long I tried it, but these attempts were far enough apart for me to forget all of the beta... Anyways, for the first time ever, I could close crimp, made the route easier! Got it after falling after missing the exit crimp, got angry and decided to try again straight away, and that anger helped! Never gonna try to send again, though! By far the hardest 24 so far that I've done, not a 24 IMO Little Wednesday is easier

Thu 12th Dec 2013 - El Potrero Chico
The Spires South Side
5.11d Pangea - with Maria, Steve, and Igor Sport 24m, 7 Mega Classic
Excellent, excellent climb. Probably the best one at Potrero that we did. Last one on this trip too! Was only going to film Igor doing it, but felt compelled to try- very pumpy, pockety, sidepully, crimpy and pinchy sustaindness on gently overhanging bulletproof limestone. A MUST-DO! 2nd shot

Tue 10th Dec 2013 - El Salto; C.d.G.
El Salto Animas Wall
5.12a Culo de la Negra - with Igor, Jin, Steve, and Kimberley Sport 25m, 12 Mega Classic
Extremely cool climbing from tufa to tufa at the start, followed by a powerful 3-bolt sequence which marks the crux. Can make it a little easier by wearing a left kneepad. 2nd shot! Very very very psyched to have done it Extremely cool crag, very pretty creek and waterfalls, the canyon is amazing, definitely coming back! BTW, the Tecolote cave is two river crossings away from Las Animas, and once you get to some big boulders with a third river crossing, go right instead and up to the cave!

Sun 8th Dec 2013 - El Potrero Chico
Lower Sense of Religion
5.12a Bubble Boyz - with Maria, Igor, Jin and Kimberley Sport 34m Mega Classic
From the guidebook, we gathered that this was the 5.12 to try at Mota Wall, and I agree! Igor was feeling a bit de-motivated to try things at Mota Wall because of the feet-intensive style, but this climb was different. Starts with some easy climbing leading up to a V3 boulder problem between the bulge and the crack, finishing with a burly mantle. After this, you get a really good rest before you have to crank up the pocketed face with small feet for about 15m of grade 22 climbing! Second go

Fri 6th Dec 2013 - El Potrero Chico
The Surf Bowl
5.12a Blue Fin - with Igor Sport 30m, 12 Classic
First climb in this Mexico trip! We were meant to be climbing since early on the 6th, but since our flights got messed around we ended up spending the night in Houston and had to arrive on the 6th and we started climbing at around 1 pm. First part is so-so, found it scary and hard at first, with he usual adaptation period for the tricky limestone footwork- after seeing Igor on it and getting some encouragement from him, managed to send it second go! Classic kneebarry upper half First 12a!

Fri 1st Nov 2013 - Norton Summit
The Cave
21 Peregrine (Peregrine 1st pitch) - with Igor, Kostya, and Jin Sport 9m, 3 Classic
Pumpy for the grade! Should be 22 IMO. Quality steep moves on juggy terrain lead to a quality mantle and the chains. Get on it


Showing 1 - 100 out of 170 ascents.

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