
Mark Hoggard

Australia • Sport climber

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Mark Hoggard session

Mon 1 Apr

onsighted 3 routes and retreated from a route at Orroral area and mentioned Will and Mark Shorter. • 1412 3 Points 130 Points 5 weeks ago

Onsighted 3 routes and retreated from a route.

13 Labyrinth Trad 70m

Enjoyable but probably 1 star at best. First move tricky - take a big cam to protect. Combined P3 and P4, which comes to only 20 meters total. Flakes on P3 are ok but a bit crumbly. Nice big boulder to sling for the final belay and instead of heading through the gap, head left around the outside and you can walk off. Rough pitch grade estimates would be 13 for first two, 9 for the rest. — with Will

All about P3. P1 is a one-move wonder, which I protected with two microcams. P2 was a bit thrutchy with my child-bearing hips. I'd suggest tacking P3 onto one of the routes further right to make the best of it. Sweet crag for exploring the depths. — with Will, Mark Shorter, Kieran

21 Pas de Deux Sport 12m, 4

A few very small and sharp fingertips just above the first bolt. Will need to be more in shape and in the zone. — with Mark Shorter, Kieran

12 Full House Sport 15m, 3

Quite a serious first move for a beginner, particularly as it would pull the belayer off the top of the block and over the drop. Plenty of lichen above and I finger-tightened the loose first nut, but it needs attention from a spanner. Didn't know about the lack of anchor so belayed lying in a groove on the far side of the boulder! — with Mark Shorter



Mon 1 Apr

Mark Shorter onsighted 2 routes at Orroral area. • 1420 5 weeks ago

Onsighted 2 routes.

13 Split the Difference Trad 45mVery Good

12 Minitour Trad 20mClassic

Heaps of fun exploring the caves and chimneys on this route. Would recommend connecting with pitch 3 of split the difference to make this a consistent 3 star experience. Don’t be intimidated by what this route looks like from the outside. It starts deep within the chimney with a perfect crack on the face.