
Vías en Finger Prince Pinnacle

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Mostrando los 4 vías.

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23 Strings Attached

The speckled face which may have a fixed wire. Start up around L of FP.

PA: Chris Shepherd & Warwick Baird, 1982

Clásica 20m
23 Finger Prince

Flake, L past PR into small techie corner on arete. Finish L up flake or straight up. The direct start is 23 with a BR, and uses the original footholds as handholds. Start at the L arete of the FP pinnacle, 2m L of TT.

PA: Greg Child, Kim Carrigan (Direct Start by Nick White & Andy Pollitt), 1990

Clásica mixta 15m, 1
20 Stirling Moss

Up FP to the PR then R and up mossy streak. Start as for FP.

PA: Kevin lindorff & Kim Carrigan, 2000

Clásica 25m
25 Up, Up and Away

Cops an absolute bagging in Louise's guide. Start just right of Stirling Moss. It's the bolted line, not clear how many bolts it actually has.

PA: Ant Prehn, 1986

Clásica mixta 12m, 3

Mostrando los 4 vías.

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