
Vías como búlder en Avon Valley National Park

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Mostrando los 17 vías.

Grado Vía Estilo de equipamiento Popularidad
Bald Hill Bouldering
V5 Superb

Sit start on an obvious low side pull edge, climb up through a cool undercling crux and top out straight up. https://vimeo.com/107269269

Búlder 4m
V5 Haulin'

Stand start matched on a crispy side pull, make a deadpoint to a small crimp and top out straight up. https://vimeo.com/107269269

Búlder 4m
V4 Full Strainage

Stand start on opposing edges, make a hard left hand move and climb up to glory on some cool holds. https://vimeo.com/107269269

Búlder 3m
V7 Full Haulin' is Superb

Start as for Superb and climb right, staying low, through Haulin', up the ramp feature to top out on Full Strainage.

V5 Thunder Thighs

Sit start under the boulder, both hands in the undercling crack and a filthy heel out left. Climb up the side of the boulder, don't top out too early!

PA: Jon Benwell

Búlder 1m
V7 Provocative Dance Moves

Sit start under the boulder, both hands in the undercling crack and a filthy heel out left. Climb up the underside of the boulder then staying low, climb to the tip of the boulder. Potential for a low start deep under the boulder, grooming required.


PA: Tyrone Clements

Búlder 2m
V7 Fricticious

Sit start with left hand on a side pull and right hand in crack, climb the dihedral then out over the bulge to a high top out. Best line here. https://vimeo.com/104223867

Búlder 8m
V8 Fricticious Part Two

Start as per 'Fricticious' but continue rightwards in compression to topout instead of transitioning to the scoop.

PA: Luke Shelton, Jul 2020

V3 Fricticious Mantle

Sit start as for fricticious, climb left straight away and mantle by the tree. Easy as.

Búlder 1m
V4 Jordy's Arete

Sit start on the arete, climb up the arete and top out left early.

Búlder 3m
Jordy's Scary Arete

Sit start as for Jordy's Arete, climb up and right to a high top out.

BúlderProyecto 8m
V3 Hooker Strain

Sit start and follow the dual arete feature. Lose points for exiting onto the slab. https://vimeo.com/148328544

Búlder 3m
V2 A Vee Fourteen

Sit start for this low ball choss. https://vimeo.com/148328544

Búlder 1m
V6 Bull-Antics

Sit start in the dirt with opposing side pulls. Climb up and out the little cave. https://vimeo.com/148328544

Búlder 4m
V4 The Cow that Jumped Over the Moon

Crouch start on the flat ledge feature, traverse left and exit early with a cool leap - slightly contrived if you traverse too far right you exit Big Ted. https://vimeo.com/107269269

Búlder 4m
V2 Big Ted

Crouch start on the flat ledge feature, traverse left, all the way left.

Búlder 4m
V3 Dingle Dangle Scarecrow

Crouch start on the flat ledge feature, climb straight up. https://vimeo.com/107269269

Búlder 3m

Mostrando los 17 vías.

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