
Dyno Wall 🚫

Escalar en esta zona está prohibido/es ilegal.




The little wall 60m along the path above the main climbing area. The cliff is now covered in Blackberries and is pretty much unclimbable.

Restricciones heredado de Workanda Creek

This area has not been gazetted for rock climbing as required by the National Parks and Wildlife Act (1972) and the Wilderness Protection Act (1992). Thus, climbing here is illegal and penalties may apply.



Parking is available within Belair for a small fee, makes the walk significantly shorter. Park near the Old Government house then follow Queens Jubilee by foot until Wypanda track follow this until the train tracks then follow small path uphill from there until your each back at Queens Jubilee, follow this until turn of for Yulti Wirra track then follow this right for 200m until the small cliff is on your left . Car park gates close at 7:00PM.


Algunos contenidos se han facilitado bajo la licencia de: © Australian Climbing Association Queensland (Creative Commons, Attribution, Share-Alike 2.5 AU)


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The following 9 problems are on the little wall 60m further along the escarpment. This one starts on the left hand side matching a big sloper. Getting into position with your feet is half the battle. From the sloper, make a dynamic move up to another sloper (crux), then further slopers to better holds. An eliminate.

Would've beeen done before - a userfriendly version of The Transformer. From its start, grab the layback jug up L and continue.

PA: Paul Badenoch

Start as for Transformer, reach right to large layaway then LH up for very poor pinch. RH to top. Unlikely move.

Start LH on the Transformer start hold, RH on the Mr Incredible start hold. Dyno 6ft to the top (leading LH). A completely different proposition to The Transformer and slightly easier.

A 6 foot dyno. One of the best at its grade.

Start: Obvious starting jug (generally well chalked) in middle of wall - starting matched, then jump for the top.

Historical record. Start as for The Transformer (matched), reach RH to side pull of The Pinch and dyno LH for the top. Harder than Swing Thing.

Double hand dyno from the start of 'The Transformer' to the 'Mr Incredible' finishing hold up and right.

Start: As for Transformer.

Double-hand 4'9 dyno to 3-quarter height down sloping jug. RH sloper in the break, LH on more positive flat section. Good left footer. Going one handed is about V1.

Start: Right of 'The Transformer' jug matched on the horizontal just left of corner.

Stand start with hands matched on obvious chalked jug (start hold of 'Mr Incredible'). Follow crack and top out.

Start: Right of crack right of 'Mr Incredible'. Grab two good sized flat crimps, place very high feet and dyno for the top. A 5'8 dyno.

Start: Low flat crimp line down and right of the start to the previous problem. Gaston small seam, reach for very small 2-finger crimp LH, and small slopey crimp up and right. Then jug.

Start on big platform at right of wall, near the big tree. Traverse left on small footers (past the Matchsticks start crimps), and then head up fun compression/heel-hook moves to the top of Slo Mo

PA: Ben Dickson, 9 Mar 2019

Sit start the crimp line as for Matchsticks, with the large diagonal slope as a footer. Reachy dynamic move into high right-hand gaston on the triangular sidepull feature directly up, above the tiny overhang. High step onto start crimp line, then left hand onto the tip of the triangle feature, match, and top-out with the good hold at top of rounded corner (directly above the left start hold). Somewhat of an eliminate (not using the giant footers to the right)

PA: Ben Dickson, 9 Mar 2019

Sit- or crouch-start on the huge holds near the tree at the right of wall. Head directly up on increasingly small holds. Easiest worthwhile climb nearby - almost definitely done before, but recording for completeness.

PA: Ben Dickson, 9 Mar 2019

Either way, taking the line of least resistance (but not touching the top).

PA: Paul Badenoch, 2009

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