
Nodos en Celebrity Crags

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Celebrity Crags

A series of short walls tucked around and inside a series of shady canyons. Very easy access. Jimmy Cliff & Sharon Stone are the sectors most people visit.

Cliff Richard
Rock Hudson

A collection of shady walls and steep grottos inside a canyon. All older routes have been rebolted and worth doing, and newer offerings exist for those who like it steep.

Rock Hudson
Canyon Left Side

Avoid all left wall routes on damp days or after rain, the entire wall seeps.

29 Headliner

The first route on the left wall of the gully, before you hit the creek. The belay zone is perpetually muddy, so a rope tub rather than rope bag is recommended. Scramble onto high platform to put your shoes on then blast off. Much effort has gone into ensuring the unique ironstone "wave" in the final roof stays in place for your climbing pleasure. You can happily hang off it and double kneebar against it - just don't kick it or try to deliberately break it. Take one long sling for the first roof.

25 Opening Act

About 10m R of Headliner. A well-protected roof boulder to start, then epic steepness on equally epic-sized holds. The finish is wild. Kneebars not required. Will my grade of 25 stick?

28 Low Earth Orbit

Access as if you were walking to Jimmy Cliff, but when you drop into the (second) creek and come up the other side, don't go R along the path, instead go straight up to a smooth rock pillar/shelf under the roof. Stickclip high first bolt, then truck left along the rail to set up for a knee-related crux on Nowra-like stone. Then take it to the top. A roller on the belay bolt helps with boinking.

Right side of the creek as you come down the stairs. This wall is just after the tourist track cross

Right side of the creek as you come down the stairs. This wall is just after the tourist track crosses the creek inside the mini canyon. This track walks directly under these routes so the first bolts are very high and hard to spot from below.

29 Kid Rock

The rightmost of two mini-routes in the roof opposite the stairs (the left is a closed proj). Belay at creek level on dry rock platform. All killer, no filler (and no kneebars) out the roof to the lip (single bolt). Backjump.

23 Geek Heathen

Reasonably popular steep and shady route, starting from a high ledge above the tourist track. Rebolted 2017.

25 Geek Salad

Start at Geek Heathen then go left through steepness and up wall to share anchors with Truly Madly..

21 Truly Madly Deeply Steeply

Shared start with 0055 Hot Wet Action, then right to shared anchors with Geek Salad. Because of the long traverse this requires a second to clean.

23 0055 Hot Wet Action

Well worth doing since the 2019 rebolt. Left-most route on this wall. Steep right trending start then back left up face to anchors.

Rehab Boulder

One shady traverse problem

Rehab Boulder
V3 Rehab

Start at far right end of the boulder, traverse left to opposite end (at tree). Stays mid/low. 22 moves.

Jimmy Cliff

A great collection of moderate sport routes in a spectacular setting. The first four routes get sun from about 1pm, but the other three routes are 10m further right amongst the trees, and are well shaded by the foliage all afternoon.

ACANSW advises that this is a small area of fragile rainforest and is suffering from erosion and overuse. Please reconsider visiting if you are a large group or the place looks crowded - there is only a handful of routes and limited places to put bags. Suggested maximum capacity of this crag would be 10 persons.

Off leash dogs have caused considerable damage to moss and ferns and have attacked the friendly local water dragons. Never go to the toilet at or near this crag. Please look after this area.

Jimmy Cliff
20 Mr Christmas Poo

Far left route, starting halfway along the approach traverse. Belay off U-bolt and stick-clip first bolt. Rebolted 2017.

19 Butt Nuggets

Shared start with JJ then left. Rebolted 2017.

18 Johnny's Jalopies

Shared start with previous, then straight up. Fun jug hauling. Rebolted 2017.

19 Jimmy Valmer

A new addition that weaves its way around the massive flake feature at half height. Enjoy.

18 Mr Scumbag

A bit of a sandbag with one of the hardest moves on the whole wall. Rebolted 2017.

19 Anal Leakage

Just to the right of the tree growing against the cliff. Rebolted 2017.

20 Hark! The ..

Middle of the right three routes. Nice and shady all day and some cool ironstone features. Rebolted 2017.

23 Rudolf the Bloody Reindeer

Good fun with a short section of thinness up high. Reach helps. Rebolted 2017.

22 Red Sleigh Down

Be an arborist to gain the ledge. A quick mantle, then it steepens through a strenuous little bulge and final juggy headwall. The crux might be keeping your rope out of the drink.

Nick Cave

Cool name, pity that the rock is choss. This is the heavily featured overhung wall ('cave') just above the tourist track where the stone steps just going steeply downhill. There is a few rusty dog bolts from exploration in the 90s and one completed route.

Nick Cave
26 Henny Pennys Birthday Biscuit

Left of BCC. High stickclip, belay in 'the hole'. Up through disintegrating ceiling. Burly and steep. F.a didnt clip either of the Jumbo u bolts on send.

24 Birthday Crumble Cake

Steep techo climbing on sub-optimal rock. Located 30m left of Lamppost Licker, deep inside the canyon.

23 Lamppost Licker

Left side of grey overhung wall above the tourist track. Up past some questionable holds to steep crux.

22 Capsaicin

start on slab above the steps and awkwardly over bulge and onto arete at the very right end of the wall. nice position

Cliff Richard

East facing wall with two overgrown sport routes and potentially dangerous bolts. Despite being described in at least three print guidebooks, none has ever identified which is which of the two routes here, so be warned that the topo here is an educated guess.

Cliff Richard
20 Good but Fucking

Warning - "Bolted with questionable gear" 1998 Pircher Guidebook

23 Blah Blah Woof Woof

Warning - "Bolted with questionable gear" 1998 Pircher Guidebook

Oliver Stone

South west facing steepish wall hidden inside a shady canyon.

Oliver Stone
The first three mystery routes (bolted early 2018) are on a low angled mossy slab right side of the

The first three mystery routes (bolted early 2018) are on a low angled mossy slab right side of the steep shady wall. More info required! Rumour has it they were apparently bolted by someone "English" for his kids?

Unknown Project 1

The right most of the super easy black slab routes. Looks pretty appalling.

5 Unknown Route middle

Climb straight up to the high anchor. Very easy, lot of bolts.

4 Unknown Route

5m left. Start up grotty groove, then not much better easy angled climbing above.

The Dark Gully

Down left of the easy slabs is this very shady and steep wall inside a lush gully.

23 Find The Positive

Right hand route up through steepness.

26 Age Against the Machine

Route 1m L starting at the big shark-fin hold. Quite cruxy!

28 Prince Of Darkness

Start a couple of metres L of AATM. Steep wall climbing past the "moonboard crux", then the mega popcorn ceiling. A few sandy holds can be avoided in the last couple of easy metres to the anchor, no biggie. Recent comments suggest it might be harder than 28, opinions welcome.

29 Fade To Black

The big left to right traverse. Start 10m L of POD under large hueco. Stickclip then blast right (including some up and down climbing) along huge features to the crux transition climbing up to the big roof. Then jug upwards to glory. Better beta has seen this settle at 29.

22 Donny Darko

About 10m L of FTB. Note that this is not the warmup you are looking for. Two close bolts on initial tricky black wall to ledge. Third clip is reachy (if this was close to your limit you might like a #2 cam or panic quickdraw). Interesting, steeper wall climbing above relents to a slabby finish. Last few metres can remain damp after rain, eyeball it from the ground before starting.

23 From The Depths

The scoop feature 10m L. Carefully traverse in across the ledge to clip first bolt and begin. Reasonably sustained with a crux lunge that is a bit more powerful than you want it to be at the grade.

24 A Shot In The Dark

A great little testpiece. 5m L of FTD. Stickclip and traverse in from the L. Techy, bouldery moves past the second bolt on pockets to get established on the face above. Classy climbing on ripples and incuts from here to the top.

26 Take Two

5m L of ASITD at the black face with small rooflet. Start at flake. Stickclip, then very powerfully up and right to tough second clip. Very thin to the third, then relax, it's in the can.

20 Second Wave

Links from the second bolt on COVID into the third on Take Two.


Furthest L route up the gully. Three bolts to anchors. Stickclip!

Sharon Stone

The east facing orange wall seen as you walk down the tourist track to Celebrity Crags. Gets morning sun (until 11:30am in summer) and arvo shade.

Sharon Stone
26 Elixir

Clamber to ledge via rungs and rope. Route starts off log and was done WITHOUT bridging into the corner.

25 Sliver

Was partially bolted, abandoned, and now cleaned up 20 years later. 3m R of Basic Instinct, up the slab past two rings onto the diving board. Very carefully up Corner, then out left to the arete. Continue up the right side of this with increasingly interesting moves. Hand traverse the holdless rising ramp, where a few more pulls will see you on the headwall with pleasant edges leading to the anchor.

29 Basic Instinct

Start where the track meets the rock. High stickclip to start; steep, moderate climbing for 6 bolts to a ledge below the 'slab'. A baffling move to overcome the slab and then it's game on up the headwall on cool pockets to an improbable-looking, dynamic crux. Take one long sling for the first bolt on the slab.

30 Total Recall

Climb Basic Instinct to the first ledge. Clip third bolt with long sling then climb up a few moves before traversing directly L out of BI along line of pockets and up to major ledge. Marble rock above this before encountering the bulge. Jetpack through this but keep some in the tank for the technical headwall up proud orange streak.

The next three routes require some planning to avoid rope drag on the headwall. Most climbers find t

The next three routes require some planning to avoid rope drag on the headwall. Most climbers find the best approach is to climb the start boulder problem(s) to the ledge, clip the bolt above and make themselves safe on the ledge, pull the rope through the first few bolts, then drop the rope back down and get back on belay with two bolts clipped, and no drag. The judicious use of some longer draws on the middle sections of the routes will also help.

28 Broken Flowers

5m L of Basic Instinct. A boulder route with tricky sections split by ledge rests. Cool iron-cross boulder moving L under roof then up to ledge. Extremely steep elevator doors scoop section to more moderate headwall finish.

29 Irreconcilable Differences

1m R of The Specialist. With its multiple roof boulders, has a very similar flavour to The Specialist, but likely a touch harder. Deceptive headwall finale.

29 The Specialist

Up pockets and through roof to ledge. Full body climbing through the next steep section to ledge. A lower angle final third caps things off. Take a couple of long slings and kneepads.

31 Casino

3m L of TS. This boulder problem on a rope climbs through the distinctive hole in the roof before getting to grips with some very small holds. Very hard to grade as the key move is a long reach - span will affect difficulty. Climbed with first two bolts clipped and no cairn - the start move is part of the route.

27 Fucked on Cocaine

A bouldery number. Batman, boulder past second bolt before clipping it. Before reaching up to left hand clipping pocket at crux, lay rope between thumb and forefinger on left hand as typical clip from waist in the dropknee will wrap rope under left wrist during crux. FA had 18cm draw on crux. All action to the very top.

25 Year of the Gun

Batman then up right.

27 There's a Wasp on My Banana

Batman start as for SVASR then head right and up.

27 Some Violence and Sexual References

Batman start. Long and varied with a sting in the tail. Popular!

25 The Cinnamon Road

Shared first bolt with Beaver Shot then the right line of bolts. Finishes a little lower than most routes on this wall under big roof. Scary hard move to reach the anchors - can be done both left and right ways. The extension does go for whoever is keen.

25 Beaver Shot

Another bouldery start past flake. Up the wall to a confounding section under the roof. Breach the roof, then directly up to anchors.

25 He Said, She Said

Start off cairn with committing move, then pumpy steep climbing to left set of anchors on the slab directly above last bolt.

23 Sensory Overload

Start at the left end of the wall and smile all the way. Both juggy and pumpy.

23 Mystery Crack

Far left end of wall is a steep crack - with a rusty piton down low (1980s? Origin unknown). Climbs surprisingly well as a toprope problem off the anchor of HoP, with a few small-mid size cams for directionals and a little care of your rope run. Would certainly be worth the effort of cleaning the veg and snappy rock, and updating the pin, to make it leadable.

21 Hunter Or Prey?

Start at very left end of crag on top of big starting block. Up corner and slabs then through roof (extend bolt below roof) and up wall to anchors. Enjoy the exposure!

Devil's Work Wall

The section of 80m high cliff line 50m south and below the main Celebrity Crag areas - and 400m north of The Birdcage.

Devil's Work Wall
20 The Devil's Work

Quite the traversity. An airy steep multi-pitch sport route which stays in the shade until 2pm. Due to the tourist track running underneath this route keep an eye on knocking off loose rock on the 2nd and 4th pitches and avoid doing the route during busy holiday periods (xmas/easter etc). The first three pitches can be done by themselves and is choss free (35m rap back to ground). Bring 16 draws and a couple of single length runners.

  1. 40m (19) Slab up the wall with a left trend to the big horizontal break underneath the huge roof. Scuttle hard left for 15m then finish up nice purple face. Pull on the hanging short rope to avoid an unpleasant mantle onto the shale ledge. 14 bolts. You can bail left from here by walking off along ledge and around to tourist track.

  2. 7m (2) Crawl right along shale slot to large ledge belay. There is a fixed rope across this currently. Belay off single bolt and low first lead bolt on next pitch.

  3. 15m (20) Steep wall and slabby corner to sweet ledge belay. 6 bolts. 35m rap from here (70m rope doubled) makes it to the ground.

  4. 30m (19) Right and up steep wall with sections of shale and looseness. Be very careful not to knock anything off onto track below. 9 bolts. Belay on top of cliff (no rap back down possible from top). To exit walk 50m east (rock cairns) and spot the rock pagoda which forms a natural tourist lookout across a narrow gully to the north. Scramble down into the overgrown gully (pink string on trees marking trail) and up the other side, arriving on the right side of the pagoda. Follow the tourist track back up the hill.

Mostrando los 71 nodos.

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