
Hurricane Cracks Wall

  • Contexto de grado: AU
  • Ascensiones: 89




A nice vertical wall with a number of excellent climbs. The climbs start on a large sloping ledge.


Restricciones heredado de Booroomba Rocks

As of May 2021, the crag remains affected from the January 2020 fires: https://canberraclimbing.org.au/access-submissions/booroomba-rocks-after-the-fires/


Best approached from the top. To get to the wall, walk left fom the lookout along the top (past the turnoff for the 'North Buttress' descent track), onto the ridge north-east of 'Cocker's Gully'. Rap in, off a broken block pinnacle or cams in a crack, or solo carefully down the loose gully on the right (as you face out) to a large sloping ledge. Beware, the rock at the top of this area is uncharacteristically broken and loose.

To approach from the bottom, climb up the first pitch of Hurricane Cracks (15), Mirage (19) or something in the vicinity. Both are worthwhile approaches to the wall from below.


Ética heredado de Booroomba Rocks

The ethic at Booroomba is generally staunchly traditional. Most climbing goes either entirely on gear or gear with bolts for those walls where there is insufficient gear to protect climbs. Climbs are occasionally rebolted, but retro-bolting would be considered vandalism of the lowest order.

Algunos contenidos se han facilitado bajo la licencia de: © ANU Moutaineering Club (Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike) © Canberra Climbers' Association (CC BY-SA)


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The chimney at the left edge of the Hurricane Cracks wall. Climb the chimney to a roof at 12 metres. Exit on the left and finish up the crack in the wall above.

PA: Ian Lewis, Peter Morris, Dick Curtis & Ray Lassman, 1974

Worthless. Start as for 'Cyclone Chimney'. Climb the right edge of the chimney via some incipient cracks, kicking off the odd loose block as you go.

PA: Ed Garnett & Richard Watts, 1983

Start on the brushed wall four metres left of 'Hurricane Cracks P2'. Up past the peg and then directly to the top.

PA: Richard Watts & Mike Law-Smith, 1983

The flaky crack in the centre of the wall. It is awkward to start but good holds then appear.

PA: Neil Anderson & Peter Aitchison, 1968

Brilliant groove/crack to the right of 'Hurricane Cracks P2'. Up the crack for a few metres then step right into the thin V-alcove. Up the groove/crack above, either moving right near the top or pushing straight through.

PA: Phil Cullen, Ray Lassman, Peter Mills & Peter Morris, 1979

Another outstanding sustained wall. A hard start three metres right of 'Morning Thunder'. Climb up past two bolts then move right and up to a short crack. Continue up the wall moving left at the top to belay as for 'Morning Thunder'.

PA: Joe Lynch & Mike Peck, 1986

An excellent climb on a spectacular wall. Start at the right hand side of the ledge. Climb past three bolts to a horizontal break, move right and up to another bolt. Follow the thin crack (crux) through the overlap, then go for the top.

PA: Richard Watts, Dave Sargent & Rob Topler, 1984

Great climbing and position. Start one metre right of 'Beau Temps'. Clip the first bolt on 'Beau Temps', move up and right across the flake to a bolt and stance on the arete (where there used to be a #4 Friend placement - flake now missing). Up the arete past three more bolts.

PA: Tony Barten & Mike Peck, 1986

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