
Ascensiones de Crystal Meth

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Mostrando los 4 ascensiones.

Grado Vía Estilo de equipamiento Calidad Escalador
Lun 16.º Mayo 2022 - Barron Gorge
The Boulder Field
V6 Crystal Meth Búlder 4m Buena
Callum Mather
Jue 9.º Abr 2020 - Barron Gorge
The Boulder Field
V6 Crystal Meth Búlder 4m Muy buena
Nick Murphy
Spent about minutes fondling holds at the base just trying to work out how to get off the ground, only resulted in breaking off parts of one of the start holds

Vie 12.º Jul 2019 - Barron Gorge
The Boulder Field
V6 Crystal Meth Búlder 4m Muy buena
Jared Tyerman
Sick, good to get back on this from a time ago and send it. Found good foot beta around the flake to get to good high right sloper.

Dom 15.º Oct 2017 - Barron Gorge
The Boulder Field
V6 Crystal Meth - con Jared Tyerman Búlder 4m Muy buena
Cameron Wycherley
Tricky! Delicate yet strong moves on small holds. Fun line, cool features


Mostrando los 4 ascensiones.

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