
Vías en The Peak

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Ordenado por: Edición en bloque (máx. 100)

Mostrando los 5 vías.

Grado Vía Estilo de equipamiento Popularidad
Dunny Boulder
V4 Nothing With Any Sense

Start on the orange rock at the far left of the horizontal on 2 jugs. Traverse R to the corner, duck down and under, move right, then top out.

V4 While Rome Burns

Crouch-start with the hands in the obvious low scoop. Climb through the break, and then straight up. Finagle a way to gain the lip, and then figure out how the mantle works. (Due to the nature of the landing, this boulder gets high very quickly.)

PA: Ed Heddle, 24 Abr 2021

Búlder 6m
Lady Boulder
V1 Two Fat Ladies Drop the Base for Love

Sit start on high LH sidepull and lower RH sidepull. Move up via 2 big dishes before making a big move to a very positive lip. Top out via sloper rail above.

PA: Pete

Búlder 4m
V3 Earl Grey

Sit Start matched in port hole feature. Bust up and left to sloper on large horizontal break spanning the length of the boulder. Follow it left until you meet 2 fat ladies and finish for that.

PA: Laurence Judd, Abr 2021

Búlder 7m
V2 Lizzy

Sit start in Port hole of Earl Grey but head straight up and top out.

PA: Callum Brett, Ag 2021

Búlder 3m

Mostrando los 5 vías.

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