
Vías en Emerald Creek

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Ordenado por: Edición en bloque (máx. 100)

Mostrando los 24 vías.

Grado Vía Estilo de equipamiento Popularidad
V3 Pullover

Heads up corner to right of tree. Pull out of water via nice holds into corner. Becomes slopey up top, as well as committing due to boulder in water below to left. Be wary of this. Is a nice wander up.

PA: Jared Tyerman, 16 Abr 2023

Psico bloc (deep water solo) 5m
V1 Meanderings

Heads up obvious feature. A relatively safe meander up.

PA: Lars Kolfen, 2017

Psico bloc (deep water solo) 5m
V4 Bump, bump bump it up

Sit start lower left with heel, throw hands to upper holds working to big rail then to triangular edge. Fancy footwork helps, spicy topout above just right of start holds.

This climb is located right across the creek/carved out white-rock as you enter the area near the falls.

Jared Tyerman Arlen Breeze

Búlder 3m
V7 Fault Line

Start on lowest set of opposing gastons where the two seams meet. Work your way up the thin crack, following it diagonally up and right.

This climb/boulder is partly tucked away right by the main waterfall, same side as (but a little upstream of) BBBIU.

Búlder 4m
V2 We Left Arete-y

Start with left arete and right hand in seam. Use slopey right side pull and hand-toe match on arete to balance your way up and out on slopey goodness.

Búlder 4m
V1 Unnamed

A good traverse along the front of the boulder that could be continued all the way around the boulder.

PA: Steve Bakerville, 1999

V3 Down and Dirty

PA: Steve Baskerville

V0+ Mono

PA: Steve Baskerville

V3 Enigma

PA: Steve Baskerville

V0 The Smooth Machine

PA: Steve & Tris Baskerville

V2 The Smooth Machine DS

PA: Jason Shaw

V2 The Smoth Machine LHV

PA: Steve Baskerville

V0+ The Smooth Machine RHV

PA: Steve & Tris Baskerville

V4 Wonderbra

PA: Jason Shaw

V3 Because He Didn't Have Weet-bix For Breakfast

PA: Steve Baskerville

V3 I Guess He Did Have Weet-bix For Breakfast

PA: Jason Shaw

V1 Sideswipe

PA: Tris Baskerville

V2 Slapstick

PA: Steve Baskerville & Jason Shaw

V3 Slapevil

PA: Jason Shaw

V2 Depressions In The Roof

PA: Jason Shaw

V2 - 4 Unnamed 2
V1 Stung

PA: Jason Shaw

V0- Unnamed 3

PA: Tris Baskerville

V2 Crimpers In The Closet

PA: Jason Shaw


Mostrando los 24 vías.

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