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Mostrando los 95 vías.

Grado Vía Estilo de equipamiento Popularidad
Northcote Wall
Low Traverse

Traverse the full length of the wall, staying down low.

Búlder 140m
Mid-hight Traverse

Traverse the full length of the wall. Note that you'll have to avoid the tree that's growing out of the wall by going above or below it.

Búlder 150m
High Traverse

Traverse the full length of the wall, keeping your hands on the top block. Note that this route is quite high off the ground for the first section.

Búlder 140m
Traverse with features only

Traverse the length of the wall only using the features on the blocks and eliminating the gaps between the blocks

Búlder 140m
Traverse to Charles Street

This route is a traverse that uses only the masonry drill holes for the hands but all feet are in. To find the start of this route go to the spot where the tree is growing out of the wall. Starts at the super good pinch on the block with slight remnants of blue paint located directly beneath the triangular capstone. Traverses to the left until you get to the last drill hole before the staircase at Charles street. The route stays close to the ground up until the last section before the staircase where you have to go up a little bit before climbing down to the last hold that's low and near the edge of where the concrete meets the grass.

PA: Janis L, 11 Oct 2020

Búlder 21m
Traverse excluding top row

Traverse across the wall without using the really good top row of holds where the blocks meet the bricks. The lowball at the shorter (southern) end of the wall is quite tricky this way, the lowball portion can be pretty much impossible if the grass has grown to cover the crucial footholds at the low end of the wall.

Búlder 140m
Laneway Plug and feathers vertical route

Somewhat highball route that only uses the plug and feathers masonry drill holes for hands. Large number of holds but many of them are low quality. Definitely bring some protection if you climb this route, might be a good idea to have a spotter too.

This route is near the section of the wall opposite the bluestone paved laneway entrance.

PA: Lucas Pittaway, 18 Jul 2020

V1 above the pipe LR

This route uses only the drill holes and the mono pockets, any feet, start on the left then climb over the missing block with the protruding pipe before downclimbing to the end

V2/3 above the pipe drill holes only LR

Harder variation of "above the pipe LR" where you only use the hands hold formed by the masonry drill holds (any feet), start left and go right.

V2/3 above the pipe monos only LR

Harder variation of "above the pipe LR" where you only use the mono pockets, start left and go right. The start is a little bit further to the left of "above the pipe LR" and the end is a bit further to the right

V1 above the pipe RL

This route uses only the drill holes and the mono pockets, any feet, start on the right then climb over the missing block with the protruding pipe before downclimbing to the end

V2/3 above the pipe drill holes only RL

Harder variation of "above the pipe RL" where you only use the hands hold formed by the masonry drill holds (any feet), start right and go left.

V2/3 above the pipe monos only RL

Harder variation of "above the pipe RL" where you only use the mono pockets, start right and go left. The start is a little bit further to the right of "above the pipe RL" and the end is a bit further to the left

Disco leg

This route uses only the masonry drill holes for the hands. Traverse from right to left then go upwards to the bricks. Highly recommend bringing mats if you want to attempt this since the top isn't great.

PA: Janis L, 28 Sep 2020

Búlder 7m
Raven feathers

This route only uses the drill holes from the plug and feathers masonry technique for the hand holds. The first hold is a horizontal drill hold that's quite large and quite good. Then there's a fairly large vertical up to the next groups of holds which are 3 rather large vertically oriented drill holes which are quite good from there the holds get a bit smaller until you reach the top (the large distance between the holds makes this route significantly easier if you are taller).

PA: Jeremi Laverdiere Blouin, 18 Jul 2020

Missing block dyno

Dyno up to the missing block in the wall.

V3 Slopey Pete

Elimination problem that uses the crappy sloping block in the middle.

PA: alfie, 16 Sep 2021

Seagull Feathers

This route uses only the plug and feathers masonry drill holes for the hands and surface features for the feet. All the hand holds for this route are within a width of 50cm or so.

PA: Andy Walker, 1 Jul 2020

Búlder 5m
Sickle shaped traverse

This route only uses the drill holes formed by the use of the plug and feathers masonry technique used to split the stone blocks for construction. The route starts in the treeless area at the same starting point as "Plug and feathers traverse right to left" goes up and to the left before coming right and upwards above the starting point. End of the route is where stone changes to bricks. The path climbed by this route forms something of a sickle shape.

Búlder 7m
The big pinch shortcut

This route only uses the masonry holes formed by the plug and feathers drill holes in the rock for the hand holds and only the surface features of the stones for the feet. Starts at the same point as the sickle shaped traverse behind tree K but instead of traversing left then right you just go straight up from the start point. 2 of the drill holes form a pinch directly above the starting point that allows this route to be taken.

PA: Andy Walker, 1 Jul 2020

Búlder 4m
Zig zag traverse

This route uses only the plug and feathers masonry drill holes for the hands. This route starts at the same spot as a number of other routes ("plug and feathers traverse" right most hold, "sickle shaped traverse" and "the big pinch shortcut") after traversing from right to left you have to go up and right before going up and left to the end of the route.

PA: Andy Walker, 8 Jul 2020

Mono pockets

Using only the mono pockets for the hands climb up to the bricks


Starts from a sitting start with right hand on the higher crimp and left hand on the lower and better crimp. Then a hard (relative to the rest of the route) first move up to a not so good sloper that's in the top left corner of the block followed by a direct vertical route up though a somewhat blank upper section of the wall. This route uses only the features of the wall (no cracks).

PA: Janis L, 25 Jul 2020

Búlder 5m
Timmins street slopers

Start with a sitting start and go up via the sloper holds that are just above the start. All the holds in this route are negative holds with fairly high friction which makes climbing this route feel very different from the general character of the rest of this wall.

The holds at the start are quite large but get smaller as you go up. The route blanks out significantly towards the top of the wall.

Variants on this boulder can be done without using any of the cracks between the stones and only climbing with the features. It is substantially easier to climb if you use the gaps in the grout (which are quite big in some spots) between the blocks on the wall for footholds.

PA: Janis L, Jun 2020

Búlder 4m
Timmins street slopers - lower sit start

This is the same route as the Timmins street slopers route except the start is one block directly below which adds an extra move and makes the start substantially harder. Start with a sitting start and go up via the sloper holds that are just above the start. All the holds in this route are negative holds with fairly high friction which makes climbing this route feel very different from the general character of the rest of this wall.

The holds at the start are quite large but get smaller as you go up. The route blanks out significantly towards the top of the wall.

Variants on this boulder can be done without using any of the cracks between the stones and only climbing with the features. It is substantially easier to climb if you use the gaps in the grout (which are quite big in some spots) between the blocks on the wall for footholds.

Búlder 5m
Timmins street underclings

Climb to the top row of stones using only undercling holds

Búlder 4m
Pockets traverse

Traverse using only the pockets for the hands.

Plug and feathers traverse left to right

This traverse uses only the hand holds that have been formed from the drill holes that were used in the plug and feathers masonry technique that was used to split the stone blocks used in the construction of this wall. This type of feature is almost entirely side pulls on this route.

Note that the easiest foot positions for this traverse are very close to the ground on the lowest row of blocks, so if the grass is long you may not be able to see all the foot holds. Also the lowest row of blocks can be wet and somewhat slippery even if the rest of the wall is dry if the grass is long.

Búlder 5m
Plug and feathers traverse right to left

This traverse uses only the hand holds that have been formed from the drill holes that were used in the plug and feathers masonry technique that was used to split the stone blocks used in the construction of this wall. This type of feature is almost entirely side pulls on this route.

Note that the easiest foot positions for this traverse are very close to the ground on the lowest row of blocks, so if the grass is long you may not be able to see all the foot holds. Also the lowest row of blocks can be wet and somewhat slippery even if the rest of the wall is dry if the grass is long.

Búlder 5m
Pocket money

Use only the pockets for hands, any feet.

PA: Oliver Adams, 26 Nov 2020

V4 Gone in 60 Minutes

Traverse left to right (it goes up then back down). Use only the drill holes from the plug and feathers masonry technique for the handholds. Control the start using the good LH and average RH. Use any feet you want.

PA: Jason Moody, 1 Ag 2020

Búlder 5m
V4 Pandemonium

Traverse right to left (it goes up then back down). Use only the drill holes from the plug and feathers masonry technique for the handholds. Control the finish using the good LH and average RH. Use any feet you want.

PA: Hugh Robertson, 8 Ag 2020

Búlder 5m
V4 phalanger challenger

This route uses only the masonry drill holds for the hands. Start is the same as Gone in 60 minutes but you traverse up higher and further to the left before the downclimb. Route ends when you have got your feet onto the bottom row of blocks.

PA: Stas Likane, 2 Ag 2020

V3 Banana fingers

This route uses only the masonry drill holes for the hands and any feet. Starts at same spot as Pandemonium and Phalanger Challenger, traverse to the right until you get to the hand jam crack.

PA: Janis L, 22 Oct 2020

Búlder 12m
Climbing on the bricks

This route makes use of two hand holds up in the bricks portion of the wall. Look for a pocket formed by the gap between the rows of bricks, it's quite deep and good. Top out on the footpath above. Definitely would recommend climbing this with protection if you plan on topping out since this is chossy at the top and can be slippery depending on the conditions.

pinches only

Route that only uses pinch holds

Búlder 4m
Leaning tower of Timmins

This route only uses the drills holes for the hands along with any feet. Route ends at the bricks.

PA: Stas Likane, 1 Nov 2020

Búlder 4m
Magpie feathers

This route is a short traverse followed by a vertical route that only uses the plug and feathers masonry technique drill holes for the hands. Starts with a short traverse from right to left before going straight up. Route ends at the brick section of the wall above the stones.

PA: Janis L, 25 Jun 2020

Búlder 6m
Wattle feathers

This route uses only the plug and feathers masonry technique drill holes for the hands. Route traverses a bit from right to left then goes diagonally up and to the left.

PA: Janis L, 18 Jul 2020

Sharp masonry pocket

This route just uses the plug and feathers masonry drill holes for the hands. Note that the vertical hold is a bit sharp and uncomfortable. Route ends by tapping the bricks at the top of the wall.

PA: 18 Jul 2020

Bridge Street Hand Jam

This route has a really good section between two blocks where you can use hand jams.

The top row of stones where they meet the brickwork just above this route has exposed and somewhat rusted metalwork that can be sharp and just generally a hazard especially if you dyno or forcefully reach to this row (there's some metal brackets that were bolted between the stones and the bricks that if I recall correctly used to support something that was removed a long time ago). Also due to this area being in the shade almost permanently the top of this route is often damp and can be slippery. If you going to dyno to the top ledge please look first so you are able to avoid the hazards at the top of the route.

Búlder 4m
V5 Lanky Lunging

Stand start using obvious crimp jugs. Dyno to the top of the bluestone bricks and top out over onto High st. Is probably harder than a 5 if your under 6ft.

PA: Hugh Robertson, 27 Sep 2020

Búlder 4m
Only underclings

This route only uses undercling holds, ends under the last row blocks on the wall.

V1/2 Bald eagle feathers

This route consists only uses the drill holes formed by the plug and feathers masonry technique and the ledge where the stone wall meets the bricks for hand holds. There's only 3 drill holes on this route with the last one being a fairly marginal hold. There's a fairly large distance between the last drill hold and the ledge at the top of the wall that may require a bit of dynamic movement (even if you are tall) so bring a mat if you want to try this route. Also be careful with where you place your hands on the uppermost ledge at the end of this route as there's exposed metal on the ledge at the top that can be a hazard. If you decide to go for a dynamic move at the end make sure to mark out a safe spot for your hands first before going for the move.

PA: Janis L, 5 Jul 2020

Long grass

Start from a sitting start from the masonry drill holes where Lockdown Balance Training also starts. Climb directly up using only the masonry drill holes for the hands. Note that this route is substantially tougher if you are shorter.

V4 Lockdown balance training

Long traverse using only the drill holes from the plug and feathers masonry technique for the hand holds. This route starts low on the wall and has a fairly big reach to get started before traversing horizontally for a few meters before going diagonally upwards for a few meters.

Búlder 6m
Donut day

Starts at the same holds as "Lockdown balance training" and traverses to the right using only the masonry drill holes for hands and all feet. Joins up with the same holds as "Menage a trois". Ends at the missing 9 block (where "Menage a trois" starts).

PA: Janis L, 26 Oct 2020

Búlder 13m
V6 Vaccination Station

This route is a linkup comprised of 4 routes. Start at the start of "Lockdown Balance Training" then traverse right through to the holds "Menage a trois" then right through "Bon voyage" then through "Sort yourself out".

The link between the first two sections is the "Donut day" route. This is a fairly long route and definitely tests endurance - linking all the individual sections with some pump does increase the difficulty somewhat.

PA: Tom Keeble, 15 Jun 2021

Búlder 25m
V3/4 Two meter Peter

Dyno from the start holds up to the ledge where the blocks meet the bricks. All feet are in.

PA: 16 Sep 2021

V4 Four meter Peter

Dyno from the start holds up to the ledge at the top of the wall

PA: Ashton Miller, 16 Sep 2021

Moving in

This route starts the same as lockdown balance training but goes upwards in the middle instead of dropping back down again, the end is in the same location but at the top capstones instead of the bricks. The top ledge of the wall where the stones meet the bricks is out for this route. Use the 2 smallish drill marks towards the top of the wall as hand holds while traversing from left to right, this route ends at the top of the wall in the section where a big chip has come out of the capstone.

PA: Julien, Sep 2020

Búlder 6m

This route is a sit start that uses only the features of the wall to climb up to the bricks. (This route is named after a species of grass that I think grows near the wall a reference to the sit start on the grass)


Sitting start route that you have to lay back on since it's a sloper. (This route is named after a species of grass that grows in the areas near the wall, a reference to the sit start on the grass)

Avena sterilis

This route is a sit start that uses only the features of the wall to climb up to the bricks. (This route is named after a species of grass that grows near the wall a reference to the sit start on the grass)

Record case numbers

Start at the missing block and traverse left till you get to the starting holds of "Lockdown balance training", the only hand holds that are in are the masonry drill holes. This route is the reverse of "Donut day".

Búlder 13m
V5 Menage a trois

Start at the missing block that looks like the number 9 as formed by the missing area. Traverse left using only the drill holes from the plug and feathers masonry technique, many of which are very small (5cm) then climb up to the bricks at the same ending point as the Bridge street masonry traverse.

PA: Jason Moody, 1 Ag 2020

Búlder 7m
V5 Bon Voyage

Start at the missing 9 block then traverse right until you get both feet on the next missing block. Only use the masonry drill holes for the hands and any feet. Next project is to extend it to the following missing block (by linking up with the route Sort yourself out) but I couldn't work it out.

PA: Jason Moody, 11 Ag 2020

Búlder 10m
V0 Missing block "9"

This route uses a missing block in the wall as the only place for hand holds along with the top of the blocks (where the stone blocks meet the bricks). Can place feet anywhere. There is block missing from the wall as well as a substantial crack below this missing block with the void space having a shape that looks a bit like the outline of the number 9.

Start from a sitting start with your hands using the space formed from the missing block. Route ends by touching the bricks with your hands (3m). An extended version of this route (4m) you can top out by climbing over the brick potion at the top of the wall and top out on to the footpath above.

Búlder 4m
V0+ Duckling feathers

This route uses only the plug and feathers masonry drill holes for the hands and surface features for the feet. Good introductory climb for these sorts of routes on this wall (Many of which have bird names, hence the name of this route)

Búlder 2m
No hands project

No hands until the sloper at the top of the wall.

V0+ Cygnet Feathers

This is a very short route on the shorter portion of the wall. This route only uses the plug and feather masonry drill holes for the hands. Standing start with both hands on the undercling drill holds that are 75cm up from the ground, there are two more hand holds 90cm directly up from the start holds. This boulder is just an awkward start. Good introductory climb for these sorts of routes on this wall (Many of which have bird names, hence the name of this route)

Búlder 2m
V5 Northward voyage

This is the reverse of the route "bon voyage" start at the low missing block then traverse to the left until you get to the missing block that's about 1 meter up from the ground. This is an elimination that uses only the drill holes for the hands (all feet are in).

PA: Janis L, 5 Sep 2021

Búlder 10m
V5 Sort yourself out

This climb starts where Bon Voyage finishes. Stand start matching head height chip. Traverse right only using the mansonary drill holes. Once you reach massive foot jug, top out over onto High St.

PA: Hugh Roberston

Búlder 5m
V3 Urban climb was closed

RH on the top left corner of the missing block and LH on the good ledge about a foot to the left. Place your feet anywhere you want and shoot up to the sloper at the top.

Búlder 2m
V3 Step up to high street

This is a run and jump. Get enough momentum to get a foot on the missing block and dyno up to catch the sloper at the top of the wall. While this route isn't high it is a good idea to bring a mat or be spotted if you try this as it's really easy to rotate awkwardly if you fall.

Búlder 2m
Balance up to High street

This route is a no hands climb except the sloper hold at the top of the wall. Same sort of idea as Step up to High street except go static with no run up.

PA: Janis L, 30 Oct 2020

Búlder 3m
Capstone triangle dyno

Dyno from the ground up to the triangle capstone. If you want to get a feel for the holds walk right to the next triangle capstone that's lower to the ground.

Búlder 2m
V0- Stumpy

Climb up to the stump and press out a mantle.

Note that this route doesn't exist anymore as the tree stump that was protruding out of the wall was removed a few years ago. Since then a new tree has been growing at the previous end point of this climb.

Búlder 4m
Triangle to triangle sloper

Climb up to the triangle capstone and traverse to the next capstone using only the sloping hold at the top of the wall. Note that if the grass is growing too tall this route is pretty much impossible to do if it is covering the low footholds near the end

The Timmins Street project

Climb the entire traverse using only the masonry drill holes and mono pocket holds formed by the construction of the blocks. Start at the concrete under the staircase and ends near the end of "sort yourself out"

BúlderProyecto 140m
Merri creek bridge, Heidelberg rd
20 Honey Bear

on north west side of bridge, follow arch over path, then up past a bee hive, and onto heidelberg rd. 4 carrots, no anchor - no way this is 14 I still reckon it's hard for 20.

Deportiva 10m, 4
14 Troll Patrol

on north west side of bridge, straight up on right hand side of bee hive and tree

Top-rope 10m
Merri creek bridge, Heidelberg rd U WALL AREA
17 Una Paloma Blanca

Start 2m left of U2 and climb straight up past a good hold on the left circled by a pale yellow graffiti letter 'O'.

PA: 19 Mar 2022

Top-rope 7m
Project Top-rope 8m
16 U2

Start on the slabby ramp above the terrace. Follow the line of chopped bolts left of the arete. Harder if you don't use the arete.

Top-rope 9m

The corner right of U2.

Top-rope 10m
20 UK

Line follows 4 chopped U-bolts anchor on the bridge.

Top-rope 12m
24 Mystic Kazoo Direct

Start the climb clipped to the 3rd bolt of (UK). Lower back down to the the ledge to begin. Step right ignoring any holds used in (UK) and follow the obvious drill holes along the arch, pulling up along tight crimps and strange side pulls, eventually moving directly up to the first bolt of (Mystic Kazoo). Finish as for (Mystic Kazoo). (Tricky to do with no bolts).

PA: Jim Lister, 17 Oct 2020

Top-rope 15m, 3
21 Mystic Kazoo

Climb the first 3 bolts of UK then pull in to the right and clip the new bolt.

Follow nice crimpy line to next bolt, then technical moves until pulling up into the anchors.

Best to have someone follow up to clean the route, unless you're in the mood for a big swing. (Tricky to do with no bolts).

PA: Jim Lister, 22 Jul 2020

Top-rope 15m, 5
Merri creek bridge, Heidelberg rd
18 Huntsmans Hideout

Accessed from the North East side of the bridge.

Set up an anchor point from the railings and rap down to clear landing at the bottom of the bridge.

Bring small cams and wires, and one green camalot to make the final move to the ledge nice and protected.

As far as I can tell, this is the first and only trad climb within the inner Melbourne area!

PA: Jim Lister, 16 Jun 2020

Clásica 13m
22 All blocks traverse

Using all the holds, traverse the bluestone wall underneath the bridge. Difficulty is about the same regardless of which direction you traverse.

PA: Unknown

25 Top block traverse

Traverse the bluestone wall using ONLY the top row of stones. Easier if you use both holds and cracks (~25), and harder if you use only the slopers on top (~27). Difficulty is about the same regardless of which direction you traverse.

PA: Unknown

24 Lower block traverse

Traverse the bluestone wall WITHOUT using the top row of stones. Difficulty is about the same regardless of which direction you traverse.

PA: Unknown

Darebin Parklands BBQ Shelter
10 Front Wall Circuit

Traverse of front wall, any height, no eliminates, either direction. Grade is for 1 complete traverse.

Búlder 12m
Murray Rd Bridge - Coburg
V0+ Bruz

Short up problem on the left end. Sit start to the left of the eliminated corner blocks. Hands on top to finish.

Búlder 3m
V1 Right to Left

Traverse right to left using all holds available except those in the slime (crux).

Búlder 20m
V1 Left to Right

Corner to corner ending after the crux slippery calcified stuff. Avoid the green streak for hands and feet at the start as usual.

Búlder 20m
V2 R2L middle ledge and hole eliminate

Avoid the drainage holes, no middle edge for hands or feet, no touchy slime streak (as usual).

Búlder 20m
V2 L2R Middle ledge and hole eliminate
Búlder 20m
V3 L2R Hands top row only

Reverse 'R2L Hands top row only'

Búlder 20m
V3 R2L Hands top row only

Only use the top row of bluestone for your hands.

Búlder 20m
V4 R2L Top Row Only - Variant

As for 'R2L Hands top row only' eliminating the very top edge of the top row (though you can use the two horns). Nothing wet for the feet. Starts and finishes stemming in both inner corners. Obviously no middle edge and no slime.

Búlder 20m
V4 R2L Hot Coals Variant

Endurance pump! Right to left with feet only for the second row off the ground. Hands stay on the top row except at the slime where you briefly go to the slopers above.

Búlder 20m
V3 Hands on row 2 - Left side

Start where the old and new parts of the bridge meet with both hands on the good top edge of the second row. Follow R2L avoiding all drainage holes, wet holds and slime, with hands only on the second row. Finish with both hands on the good edge at the corner.

Búlder 11m
V2 Hands on row 2 - Right side

Short and pumpy. Start as for 'Hands on row 2 - Left side' and continue right all the way to the corner.

Búlder 9m

Mostrando los 95 vías.

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