
Vías en Bexley North para grado seleccionado

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Mostrando los 4 vías.

Grado Vía Estilo de equipamiento Popularidad
V5 The Ear Sit Start
Búlder 5m
{US} V5 The Letter Box Sit Start

Sit start below the feature using obvious crimp rail and ledge for feet.

Búlder 5m
V5 Suicide Flake

Sit start as for Letterbox Sit Start, use same intermediate pocket but head up to thin flake on right. Letterbox is out. Part of original flake seems to have broken off and this may be harder than V5. Share your thoughts!

Búlder 5m
V5 The Crack

The zig-zagging crack line to the far right of the boulder. Great moves all the way! Pull the tree back from the crack with some cord, a sling or webbing (even the belt from your chalk bag) or get a friend to do that for you.

Búlder 5m

Mostrando los 4 vías.

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