
Ascensiones de Kaos

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Mostrando los 79 ascensiones.

Grado Vía Estilo de equipamiento Calidad Escalador
Sáb 13.º En 2024 - Earlwood
23 Kaos - con Eliezer Deportiva 9m, 5
Kelly Ristovsky
Sáb 6.º En 2024 - Earlwood
23 Kaos — 2 intentos Deportiva 9m, 5 Muy buena
2 laps. 2nd clean

Dom 22.º Oct 2023 - Earlwood
23 Kaos Deportiva 9m, 5
Shun Okabe
Sáb 16.º Sep 2023 - Earlwood
23 Kaos Deportiva 9m, 5
Soohyun Cho
Vie 14.º Jul 2023 - Earlwood
23 Kaos Deportiva 9m, 5
Marcus Saye
Dom 26.º Mar 2023 - Earlwood
23 Kaos — 3 intentos - con Nick Gowland Deportiva 9m, 5 Clásico
Timothy Brunette
Got the beta sorted with the horizontal dyno, the first crux just couldn't link up from the start even after a few attempts. Bad voodoo vibes going on and watson (my dog) screaming for food and managing to chew through the shealth didn't help! Will go when it's dry and not the day after rain.

Dom 12.º Mar 2023 - Earlwood
23 Kaos — 3 intentos Deportiva 9m, 5 Muy buena
Sáb 11.º Mar 2023 - Earlwood
23 Kaos - con Kane Pham Deportiva 9m, 5
James S
Have totally forgotten the move to the 3rd clip in the 18 months since the last lockdown!

Dom 11.º Sep 2022 - Earlwood
23 Kaos Deportiva 9m, 5 Buena
Peter Melouney
Sáb 6.º Ag 2022 - Earlwood
23 Kaos Deportiva 9m, 5 Megaclásica
Rob Presly
Dom 31.º Jul 2022 - Earlwood
23 Kaos Deportiva 9m, 5 Megaclásica
Rob Presly
Sáb 30.º Abr 2022 - Earlwood
23 Kaos Deportiva 9m, 5
jack hatton
23 Kaos Deportiva 9m, 5
jack hatton
Jue 18.º Nov 2021 - Earlwood
23 Kaos - con Tom Bes Deportiva 9m, 5
Jake Delaney
mikl bangerz only on this wall. and sure the horizontal dyno is whack, but that's not the only surprise up there.

Lun 11.º Oct 2021 - Earlwood
23 Kaos - con Loz Moore Deportiva 9m, 5 Buena
Kenny Hadiwinata
Sáb 9.º Oct 2021 - Earlwood
23 Kaos Deportiva 9m, 5 Muy buena
Jamie Chen
First crux was very challenging, did it with a friend’s beta with high left foot and switch left hand on jug ledge to undercling. 1.5 finger pocket for right hand up is deep, but have to get it as a side pull for it to be nice. Did the dyno which was super fun! Or for those strong people, static beta is out there too 👍

Mar 28.º Sep 2021 - Earlwood
23 Kaos Deportiva 9m, 5 Muy buena
Dom 26.º Sep 2021 - Earlwood
23 Kaos - con Kane Pham, Aussie Deportiva 9m, 5
James S
Harder than I thought it would be, especially at end of day.

Sáb 25.º Sep 2021 - Earlwood
23 Kaos Deportiva 9m, 5 Muy buena
Thomas Jones
23 Kaos Deportiva 9m, 5 Muy buena
Thomas Jones
23 Kaos Deportiva 9m, 5 Muy buena
Thomas Jones
23 Kaos Deportiva 9m, 5 Muy buena
Thomas Jones
Jue 9.º Sep 2021 - Earlwood
23 Kaos - con Cedric Deportiva 9m, 5 Muy buena
Warm-up and hanging draws

23 Kaos - con Cedric Deportiva 9m, 5 Muy buena
Yay. That was fun.

Mié 8.º Sep 2021 - Earlwood
23 Kaos Deportiva 9m, 5 Muy buena
Nikhilesh Sharma
Lun 6.º Sep 2021 - Earlwood
23 Kaos - con Cédric Deportiva 9m, 5 Muy buena
Josephine Roper
Nearly stuck it on the warmup, went next go, to much surprise. Much better conditions than last time and I found some microbeta that helped the dyno for me. This climb might have given me sciatica but it was worth, it is strange, and special

Jue 2.º Sep 2021 - Earlwood
23 Kaos - con Dick Deportiva 9m, 5 Muy buena
Josephine Roper
4 attempts. only stuck the dyno like 1 in 10 times, but the bit before is much smoother with a press beta

23 Kaos - con Josephine Roper Deportiva 9m, 5 Muy buena
The bottom section went much better. Eventually. 1.5 finger pocket remains mediocre at best. Things felt damp today.

23 Kaos - con Josephine Roper Deportiva 9m, 5 Muy buena
Found a better way to do the static dyno

23 Kaos - con Josephine Roper Deportiva 9m, 5 Muy buena
Le tired

Sáb 28.º Ag 2021 - Earlwood
23 Kaos - con Nikhilesh Sharma Deportiva 9m, 5
Bruno Martins
Finally ticked this one off and in great style. First climb of the day, cold fingers, but still got it lol

23 Kaos - con Nikhilesh Sharma Deportiva 9m, 5
Bruno Martins
Finally ticked this one off and in great style. First climb of the day, cold fingers, but still got it lol

Vie 27.º Ag 2021 - Earlwood
23 Kaos - con Dick Deportiva 9m, 5 Muy buena
Josephine Roper
I'd given up on this but today found a way to get to the pocket, and it's way more fun to project than the traverses. Had done the dyno on top rope before but took a few goes on lead today.

23 Kaos - con Josephine Roper Deportiva 9m, 5 Muy buena
Cool moves on this one! Realized I can do the dyno move statically :')

23 Kaos - con Josephine Roper Deportiva 9m, 5 Muy buena
Shoulder said no

Mié 18.º Ag 2021 - Earlwood
23 Kaos - con ChrisO Deportiva 9m, 5 Muy buena
Vincent Griffiths
Mar 17.º Ag 2021 - Earlwood
23 Kaos - con dandos Deportiva 9m, 5 Clásico
Vincent Griffiths
Stuck it today! Felt just as good past the pink point the other day. Awesome climb!

Vie 13.º Ag 2021 - Earlwood
23 Kaos - con ChrisO Deportiva 9m, 5 Clásico
Vincent Griffiths
Nailed it! Stay low for the dyno!

Mié 11.º Ag 2021 - Earlwood
23 Kaos - con ChrisO Deportiva 9m, 5 Muy buena
Vincent Griffiths
First proper attempt at this climb today. Not working on beta as I know it. Need to stick the dunk in the middle first try next time. Today I fell on my first attempt then made it to the top on my second. Hopefully will red-point on Friday (2 days from posting this)

Sáb 31.º Jul 2021 - Earlwood
23 Kaos - con Brendan Costa Deportiva 9m, 5 Buena
Damien Boorman
23 Kaos - con Zi Hui Lie Deportiva 9m, 5
Loz Moore
23 Kaos Deportiva 9m, 5 Muy buena
Dom 25.º Jul 2021 - Earlwood
23 Kaos Deportiva 9m, 5 Muy buena
Jue 22.º Jul 2021 - Earlwood
23 Kaos Deportiva 9m, 5 Muy buena
rope solo with rest

23 Kaos - con Teresa Martinez Deportiva 9m, 5
Bruno Martins
Same start as Kaotic Touch, but finishes easier. Fell on the dyno again =/ but after it is pretty ok. Will come back for this one.

Mar 20.º Jul 2021 - Earlwood
23 Kaos Deportiva 9m, 5 Muy buena
Tom oke
Lun 12.º Jul 2021 - Earlwood
23 Kaos Deportiva 9m, 5 Buena
Diego DeDiana
Vie 11.º Dic 2020 - Earlwood
23 Kaos - con Guilherme Pizzi Deportiva 9m, 5
Bruno Martins
Need to work on the pocket move and then see what comes after

Mié 13.º Mayo 2020 - Earlwood
23 Kaos Deportiva 9m, 5 Muy buena
23 Kaos Deportiva 9m, 5 Muy buena
23 Kaos Deportiva 9m, 5 Muy buena
23 Kaos Deportiva 9m, 5 Muy buena
4 laps

Mar 5.º Mayo 2020 - Earlwood
23 Kaos Deportiva 9m, 5 Muy buena
2 laps

23 Kaos Deportiva 9m, 5 Muy buena
Sáb 18.º Abr 2020 - Earlwood
23 Kaos Deportiva 9m, 5
Matthew Symes
Sáb 11.º Abr 2020 - Earlwood
23 Kaos Deportiva 9m, 5
Oliver Scott
Sketchy top

Mar 7.º Abr 2020 - Earlwood
23 Kaos Deportiva 9m, 5
I have no idea what i was trying but it felt like 28?

Sáb 4.º Abr 2020 - Earlwood
23 Kaos - con Teresa Martinez Deportiva 9m, 5
Bruno Martins
Vie 27.º Mar 2020 - Earlwood
23 Kaos - con Bruno Martins Deportiva 9m, 5
Guilherme Pizzi
Vie 8.º Mar 2019 - Earlwood
23 Kaos Deportiva 9m, 5
Mié 15.º Ag 2018 - Earlwood
23 Kaos Deportiva 9m, 5 Buena
Mathew Hutchins-Read
Sáb 20.º En 2018 - Earlwood
23 Kaos - con Pam Deportiva 9m, 5 Muy buena
A good way to start the year. Ended up with a micro dyno in the middle, had been doing it statically initially.

23 Kaos - con Pam Deportiva 9m, 5 Muy buena
Dogged through to put the draws on then i think it was four or five attempts to get it. made it a lot harder than it needed to be.

Sáb 7.º Oct 2017 - Earlwood
23 Kaos - con Aymeric Canton Deportiva 9m, 5 Muy buena
Had to sit and think through a couple moves but i think it should go in a couple more shots.

Mar 3.º Oct 2017 - Earlwood
23 Kaos - con Dan Brown Deportiva 9m, 5 Clásico
Sammy Sparrow
Jue 27.º Jul 2017 - Earlwood
23 Kaos Deportiva 9m, 5 Clásico
Mar 18.º Jul 2017 - Earlwood
23 Kaos Deportiva 9m, 5 Clásico
Night climb fun times

23 Kaos Deportiva 9m, 5 Clásico
Man this crag continues to surprise me what an excellent route with brilliant long moves and a sequencing crux that is just brill

23 Kaos Deportiva 9m, 5 Clásico
Can't wipe the smile off my face

Dom 19.º Feb 2017 - Earlwood
23 Kaos - con sam Deportiva 9m, 5 Muy buena
Dan Brown
Climbed really well after a clean up. Bit of an all rounder balancy, pockets, jugs, edges. Lots of fun!

Sáb 31.º Dic 2016 - Earlwood
23 Kaos Deportiva 9m, 5
Matthew Robbins
23 Kaos Deportiva 9m, 5
Matthew Robbins
23 Kaos Deportiva 9m, 5
Matthew Robbins
Dom 26.º En 2014 - Earlwood
23 Kaos Deportiva 9m, 5
Lots of fun and laughs Aiding this one. Done really just for the giggle factor.

Dom 15.º Sep 2013 - Earlwood
23 Kaos Deportiva 9m, 5 Muy buena
23 Kaos Deportiva 9m, 5 Muy buena
Jue 15.º Ag 2013 - Earlwood
23 Kaos Deportiva 9m, 5 Muy buena
Paul Hauner
Quite a cool climb, I really enjoyed it.

Dom 13.º Mayo 2012 - Earlwood
23 Kaos Deportiva 9m, 5
duanne white
Sáb 14.º Abr 2012 - Earlwood
23 Kaos Deportiva 9m, 5 Buena
Lee McDougall
Woah, take the description of the climb and double it. Really reachy move in the middle and crazy horizontal dyno. Liked it


Mostrando los 79 ascensiones.

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