
Vías en Fountain Springs

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Mostrando los 7 vías.

Grado Vía Estilo de equipamiento Popularidad
22 The Exaggeration

This climb is located in the alcove west of the gorge short walk from water hole no bolts exist.

17 Culture Shock

This climb is located in the alcove west of the gorge short walk from water hole no bolts exist.

Red Dead

This route is located on the western face of the first wide opening of the gorge. 12mm stainless top rope bolts have been placed. access to top rope bolts either by climbing the main waterfall face then around to the left or by hiking up and around western side of gorge.

Equip: Nelson Athanasiou, 26 Ag 2017

Top-ropeProyecto 15m
Squeeze Wall
14 Big Boys Got Me

Up to the Ledge then use the 2 obvious cracks to gain access to the corner, route then traverses left to the finish. you could also continue to the right to lengthen about 8meters.

PA: Nelson Athanasiou, 8 Mayo 2021

Clásica 25m
Spear Tip
14 Smoke and Fire

On the west face, just right of the bat cave follows obvious crack line that provides great protection.

PA: Nelson Athanasiou, 22 Ag 2021

Clásica 22m
South Gap
Ravens Grace

PA: Nossy, Jun 2021

Desconocido 20m
19 Esmeralda

King line left above the pond. Blank face with stonking crack up the middle. Start on the ledge directly beneath (requires spicy scramble), unprotectable start but juggy (overhung) once onto first ledge let the crack climbing begin. 10m of the best crack climbing in the NW. From fingers to layback to paddle hands through to mantle then continue over choss onto top out ledge. Rapped off of sketchy tree. Perhaps look for better Decent.

PA: Ben Sharp, Wilkinson & Andrew wilkinson

Clásica 20m

Mostrando los 7 vías.

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