
Ascensiones en Illawarra and Shoalhaven por Liam Davey

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Mostrando 1 - 100 de 210 ascensiones.

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Jue 13.º Ag 2020 - Nowra
Bomaderry Creek Creek Side Lower
V6 Shining Thru Búlder 4m
Thought this was Don't Kill My Vibe when at the crag, no wonder it didn't feel mega classic! Not a bad problem by any means though. Took quite a few attempts, definitely one that's not over til it's over.

V5 Phoenix Vibrations Búlder 6m
Very cool, powerful catch. Felt pretty hard to me, dabbed the pad or missed the good spot so many times.

V8 Better Than Plastic Búlder 4m
Favourite problem of the day, strange moves that somehow work out. Complete skin destroyer though, luckily sent before tips started bleeding haha.

Sáb 20.º Jun 2020 - Nowra
Bomaderry Creek Lot 33 Bouldering
V9 Joe, Joe Dynamo Búlder 3m
Excellent dyno. Many attempts.

Sáb 13.º Jun 2020 - Nowra
Bomaderry Creek Lot 33 Bouldering
V11 Klockwork Orange Búlder 4m
Very cool problem! First of the grade for me (woo purple haha). The hard moves at the start - underclings to wide pinch, tensiony move to pocket - are a nice change from the other more throwy problems nearby. Didn't feel too stout for a V11, but then I could pretty comfortably hold the wide pinch, probably feels much harder otherwise.

Sáb 30.º Mayo 2020 - Nowra
Bomaderry Creek Lot 33 Bouldering
V9 Pissy Missy Búlder 4m
Tough one, took about a million shots to latch the move in the middle. So awesome hitting that finishing jug though (and not face planting haha).

V9 Scrawny & Horny Búlder 4m
Pretty great climb, holds are sharp and tweaky, and the wide pinch is always a bit damp, but for some reason is really fun. I think I invested a bit more into it than normal because it was my benchmark for achieving decent half-crimp strength. Hopefully all that hangboarding is starting to pay off!

Dom 17.º Mayo 2020 - Nowra
Bomaderry Creek Cheesedale Cheesedale bouldering
V8 V6 Locked & Loaded Búlder 2m
Did it as a big throw from the sloper to the top.

V8 Don't Get Huge, Get Arthritic Búlder 3m
Fun throws and an interesting body position dependent sequence.

Sáb 9.º Mayo 2020 - Nowra
Bomaderry Creek Cheesedale Cheesedale bouldering
V9 Monkey Grip Búlder 4m
Another good climb, individual moves aren't so hard, but tough to link. Spent an entire session thinking that it'd go next shot. It didn't. Had to come back fresh.

Dom 26.º Abr 2020 - Nowra
Bomaderry Creek Cheesedale Cheesedale bouldering
V5 Curves Búlder 4m
V10 Turbo Guns Búlder 3m
Awesome climb, moves felt impossible until had the beta just right. Took most of a session just to figure out the first move! Stoked to get it done.

Dom 12.º Abr 2020 - Nowra
Bomaderry Creek Cheesedale Cheesedale bouldering
V5 Pack Your Guns Búlder 2m
V7 Pearl Necklace Búlder 3m
Fell off matching the top 3 times in a row before figuring out how to use my feet.

Lun 16.º Dic 2019 - Nowra
Bomaderry Creek Lot 33 Bouldering
V10 Stargate Pumper Búlder 5m
Yay! Was working the first move and caught it so unexpectedly I almost let go. Was thinking oh wow cool, that works, now I can start having some send burns from the start. Except it was the start haha. Somehow managed to keep it together and finish it. Then had to repeat for the camera I had forgot to set up the first time.

V9 Scrawny & Horny Búlder 4m
This boulder is actually pretty cool. Desperate start and slam dunk finish. Next time hopefully.

Sáb 7.º Dic 2019 - Nowra
Bomaderry Creek Lot 33 Bouldering
V7 56ft Back Búlder 5m
Big moves between good holds, start was fun keeping body tension. Was too scared to use any high feet in the roof without spotters so made it a bit messier than necessary.

V10 Stargate Pumper Búlder 5m
Rad climb. Failed to latch the first move but hoping fresh skin will do the trick next time. Rest of the moves aren't super hard but will be a struggle on link.

Lun 2.º Dic 2019 - Nowra
Bomaderry Creek Lot 33 Bouldering
V4 Indirectly Unknown Búlder 4m
V5 V4 Unknowingly Indirect Búlder 4m
V8 Nappy Nuggets Búlder 4m
The secret seems to be squashing as many fingers as possible into the pockets, then flailing desperately at the gaston until it sticks one time haha. Ok climb, but very glad I don't have to come back to it.

V9 I Want To Be A Pumper Búlder 4m
Brilliant, moves felt super unlikely at first but slowly came together one by one. I mean, it's only like 3 moves but still, very enjoyable.

Sáb 23.º Nov 2019 - Nowra
Bomaderry Creek South Central
29 Black Rage Deportiva 15m
Hit the final sloper about 1cm too shallowly and slowly slid off, heartbreaker! Fantastic climb though.

Lun 18.º Nov 2019 - Nowra
Bomaderry Creek Lot 33 Bouldering
V7 NSK Búlder 4m
Cool throw in the middle

V6 The Unnamed (Un-named V6) Búlder 4m
V5 No Discernible Graffiti Búlder 4m
V5 XD Búlder 4m
V2 Two Big Moves Búlder 4m
V3 Burning Moves Búlder 4m
V4 Burnt Búlder 4m
V3 Project 2 Nowhere Búlder 3m
Sáb 16.º Nov 2019 - Nowra
Bomaderry Creek South Central
28 Public Domain Deportiva 12m
Crimp pocket felt awful at first but went in a few shots thanks to Greg's magical beta.

Dom 10.º Nov 2019 - Nowra
Bomaderry Creek Cheesedale Leftside
28 Cheese Gobbler Deportiva 7m
(Last week) Surprisingly good route, packs a lot of moves. Had a minor rope assist catching the final jug but still claiming the send. Might go back one day and repeat to ease my conscience haha

Sáb 20.º Abr 2019 - New Nowra - Braidwood Road
Tianjara Falls Huskinson Homo (Ricky) and the (Graeme) Hill Top hoods gully
24 Upchuck Deportiva 20m
Crux felt hard, but managed to eliminate all the really dumb ways to do it one by one, then it felt alright! More crimpy than burly though.

Sáb 13.º Abr 2019 - Nowra
Thompson's Point The Grease Cave
27 White Trash Deportiva 10m
Climbs way better than it looks, nice bouldery moves. Good way to start the Nowra season!

Sáb 2.º Mar 2019 - Nowra
The Grotto Cliffline The Hood Area
29 Livin' A Hustler's Dream Deportiva 20m
Wow, I know my crimp strength is pretty wimpy but could barely pull on to the starting holds (RH flake and LH undercling?), let alone move off them. The moves from the pocket onwards were great though! Well, in hindsight at least. At the time I was so annoyed at myself for having to pull on draws through the start moves that I just wanted to get to the anchor and leave haha

Sáb 2.º Mar 2019 - Nowra
The Grotto Cliffline Gonads Wall
22 Astro Boy Deportiva 6m Medio
Not sure if this this is the right climb, but I did the one that starts in the big hole under DGC, then up to another hole, then up an awful face of dirty/non-existent holds. Anyway, was hard, horrible, and I don't know why but I'm glad I climbed it.

Sáb 2.º Mar 2019 - Nowra
The Grotto Cliffline Iceman Wall
23 Snowman Deportiva 20m Muy buena
Awesome climb, I don't usually like the thin technical climbs but the moves on this felt great. Lost the onsight (and some skin) going to the wrong hold off the ground

Dom 24.º Feb 2019 - Nowra
Bomaderry Creek Lot 33 Bouldering
V6 Sexy Rexy Búlder 4m
committing final move, almost didn't throw hard enough

V7 Nappy Nuggets Traverse Búlder 4m
fell off the start, then got it (messily) second shot.

V6 Unknown Nuggets Búlder 5m
V4 Unknown Búlder 4m
Sáb 4.º Ag 2018 - Nowra
Bomaderry Creek South Central
28 Ain't No Sunshine when he's Gone Deportiva 15m
Awesome climb, so many cool sequences! Couldn't even do all the moves last year so pretty happy to come back today and tick it in a few shots.

Sáb 7.º Jul 2018 - Nowra
The Grotto Cliffline The Hood Area
27 28 Evil E Deportiva 20m
Really cool moves through the first three quarters of the climb, not super hard, but hard enough to feel rad when you latch them. Made it to the crux on my flash attempt, but then took about 20 hangs just figuring out that one move. Tricky!

27 Funky Gripsta Deportiva 20m, 9
Yay! Redeemed after falling off the top last time. Found better foot beta for the undercling section which made the route feel much easier.

Dom 1.º Jul 2018 - Nowra
Bomaderry Creek South Central
25 Dickman And Throbbin Deportiva 12m
Interesting moves, not too hard with the right beta.

24 Word Up Deportiva 12m
Climbs really well! Definitely deserves some more ascents. Quite strenuous climbing and clipping so felt solid for the grade. The rock at the anchor is a bit sketchy but the bad bits are easily avoidable. Cheers to whoever left the draws on!

Sáb 23.º Jun 2018 - Nowra
Bomaderry Creek Cheesedale Leftside
29 Metamorphosis Deportiva 20m, 6
Got the first moves but have no clue what to do for the upper crux. Basically just flailed around until I couldn't even do that anymore. Good fun.

Sáb 23.º Jun 2018 - Nowra
Bomaderry Creek Cheesedale Cheesemonster Wall
30 Cheese Monster Deportiva 20m Clásico
Awesome! Had enough gas to pull the last moves today!

Sáb 16.º Jun 2018 - Nowra
Bomaderry Creek Cheesedale Cheesemonster Wall
30 Cheese Monster Deportiva 20m Clásico
Awesome climb! So many good moves on the one route. Second day working it today. Hadn't tried the top section before so was cool to figure that out. Figured I may as well have a send burn and surprised myself by making it to the last draw! Fell going for the final rail Sucks but can't really be sad because I was so stoked just to make it there haha!

Lun 11.º Jun 2018 - Nowra
Bomaderry Creek Cheesedale Cheesemonster Wall
27 Stinky Cheese (Dick Cheese) Deportiva 25m Muy buena
Really stoked to tick this! Had a few goes on it over the past year or two but it has always felt way too pumpy. Apparently a season of bouldering was the trick to improving my endurance haha.

Sáb 7.º Oct 2017 - Nowra
Thompson's Point The Pocketed Wall
25 Butts Of Beef Deportiva 10m
Good climb. Blew all my energy on the thin start and didn't have enough left to do the top. Got it third shot after messing up the start once more then figuring out better beta.

Sáb 5.º Ag 2017 - Nowra
Bomaderry Creek South Central
27 Maintain The Rage Deportiva 15m
Having trouble with the traverse move after the rest. Can't keep my feet on. All the other moves were great though. Easily as awesome as brown badge.

Sáb 5.º Ag 2017 - Nowra
Bomaderry Creek Rosies
26 Slurry Whipping (Slut Whipping) Deportiva 10m
Really had to fight for the onsight. Was so close to pumping out, had to downclimb back to the rest before committing to the end moves. Not the hardest 26 in the world but pretty fun!

22 Chip Buttie Deportiva 11m
Committing stand up move.

21 Fist Full of Steel Deportiva 12m, 4

Sáb 22.º Jul 2017 - Nowra
Bomaderry Creek South Central
27 Brown Badge Deportiva 17m, 9
Awesome climb, really enjoyed it! Came together much faster than I expected. Was only really hoping to get some good linkage today, and get the start once or twice, but managed to send it instead. Stoked!

23 Art Is Fucked Deportiva 8m
Cool Dyno!

Sáb 15.º Jul 2017 - Nowra
Bomaderry Creek South Central
26 Mega Death Deportiva 10m Muy buena
Good climb, the move coming out onto the roof is rad. Took a couple of shots to remember beta but got it on the third shot of the day.

Sáb 8.º Jul 2017 - Nowra
Bomaderry Creek South Central
26 Red Baron Deportiva 10m, 4
Cool climb. Last moves were awesome. Was stoked to tick it second shot.

Sáb 1.º Jul 2017 - Nowra
Bomaderry Creek South Central
22 Hunted Child Deportiva 8m
28 Ain't No Sunshine when he's Gone Deportiva 15m
Had 3 laps dogging bolt to bolt. All the moves felt hard but ok, except for the first one which I didn't manage at all. Need to figure out some way to not cut feet. Great climb though, somehow felt really technical despite all the burly moves.

25 Scum Deportiva 10m
Good holds, long moves, minimal footwork required. My sort of climb!

Sáb 3.º Jun 2017 - Nowra
Thompson's Point Betty Blue Area
23 Black Beddy Deportiva 8m, 3
Hard. Fingers weren't liking the crimpy slots, but did manage to pull the top move a couple of times. Seems to be one of those climbs that could either go next shot, or might take twenty shots of frustration falling off the last move.

Sáb 3.º Jun 2017 - Nowra
Thompson's Point The Fossil Cave
25 Rabbit Trap Deportiva 12m
Got past the crux on my onsight attempt last weekend but didn't have enough juice to send it. Went better today with fresh arms. Cool climb, thugging on jugs mostly. Just my style.

Sáb 3.º Jun 2017 - Nowra
Thompson's Point Sloth Area
22 The Other White Meat Deportiva 12m
Nice sustained climbing

Sáb 27.º Mayo 2017 - Nowra
Thompson's Point Sloth Area
20 Rootasaurus Rex Deportiva 20m
18 Resurrection of Rick Roller Deportiva 30m, 10
Sáb 6.º Mayo 2017 - Nowra
The Grotto Cliffline The Grotto Proper
24 Belgian Tourists Deportiva 21m
Had to hold on pretty hard through the crux sequence. The holds just kept getting worse! Cool climb though.

24 How Much Can A Koala Bear? Deportiva 25m Clásico
Really nice flowy moves all the way up. Felt like a well set indoor climb but on rock.

17 L'Arch Deportiva 16m, 5
24 Sheriff Of Nothing (Sherrif Of Nothing) Deportiva 12m
Awesome roof thugging, felt way easier than last time I tried it. Had so much fun I downclimbed back to the start haha.

20 Spinning Blades of Steel Deportiva 9m

23 Amazon Queens In the Avocado Jungles Of Death Deportiva 20m
Flashed the new section, but had done the 22 before. Thin crimps and bad feet. The 22 version is a much more enjoyable climb.

Sáb 1.º Abr 2017 - Nowra
Thompson's Point The Grease Cave
26 Lost Weekends Deportiva 15m
Got it first shot of the day. Redemption after falling off the juggy top section last weekend. The slopers and third clip still felt hard, but fresh arms made the rest feel ok. The new 26 grade seems fair, would be pretty rough at 25.

27 Caught In The Act Deportiva 15m
Another fun endurance roof climb. The hardest individual move is still probably the first section of Lost Weekends, but the roof moves are super pumpy on link. Made it to the last draw before the anchor on my first shot, then got worse every shot after that. Ah well, got the beta sorted for next time at least!

Sáb 1.º Abr 2017 - Nowra
Thompson's Point Little Grease Cave
21 21 R Mosquito Slap Deportiva 30m Clásico
Can't believe I've walked past this so many times without climbing it. Great climb with some nice exposure.

Sáb 25.º Mar 2017 - Nowra
Thompson's Point The Pocketed Wall
22 Meaty Mesmo Deportiva 10m
Good climb, felt a bit easier than Murdoch.

22 Murdoch the Horse Fucker Deportiva 12m, 5

Lun 13.º Mar 2017 - Nowra
Thompson's Point The Pocketed Wall
22 Murdoch the Horse Fucker Deportiva 12m, 5

Lun 13.º Mar 2017 - Nowra
Thompson's Point The Grease Cave
27 Top One Thommo Deportiva 15m Clásico
Got it done! Finally didn't screw up my beta and made it to the knee bar with enough juice to pull the crux move. Psyched as!

Dom 12.º Mar 2017 - Point Perpendicular
Thunder Head Twist Top Wall
19 BYO Deportiva 20m
Hard crux, with fairly easy climbing before and after. First half was wet but the holds were large enough to get by.

Dom 12.º Mar 2017 - Point Perpendicular
Thunder Head Fisho's Descent Area
19 Walking on Sunshine Deportiva 25m, 10
Really good exposure traversing around the arete. Feel sorry for all the spiders I displaced but it was worth the climb.

20 Rainbows in a Rainstorm Deportiva 20m
Nice cruisy climbing.

23 Pufferfish Deportiva 20m, 10
Man there were some minging holds on this one!

22 Sharkies Deportiva 20m, 10
Great climb, I think my favourite of the day. Nice technical moves through the side pulls.

Sáb 11.º Mar 2017 - Nowra
Thompson's Point The Grease Cave
27 Top One Thommo Deportiva 15m Clásico
End of day but figured I'd dog a lap or two to remember beta. The moves felt really good so ended up having a couple of send shots instead. No dice today though, but high hopes for next time.

23 Pulling On the Porcelain Deportiva 12m
Messed up so badly and was pumped before even reaching the crux. Somehow made it to the anchors though. Good roof thugging.

Sáb 11.º Mar 2017 - Nowra
Thompson's Point Descent Gully Walls
25 Cowboy Junkies Deportiva 15m, 6 Clásico
Stoked! First shot of the day putting the draws on. Felt like I had way more power than last time for the move over the lip. Really fun climb!

Sáb 11.º Mar 2017 - Nowra
Thompson's Point Alley Wall
22 Renovators Dream Deportiva 20m, 8
Alzheimer's onsight, had no idea I'd been on it before until I heard the route name after climbing it haha. Really nice route though, consistent and interesting moves.

21 Up the Alley Deportiva 20m

Dom 15.º En 2017 - Nowra
Bomaderry Creek Scattered Crags The Ammo Dump
24 Going Watertight Deportiva 15m
Nails! Felt as hard, if not harder, than the 26 to the right.

26 Point Blank Deportiva 15m
Awesome climb, really enjoyed it! Powerful moves through the two roofs, a cool mantle onto the top slab, then a sketchy feeling backwards reach to the anchors.

22 Chunkily Challenged Deportiva 14m, 4
Sandy at the start, but good climbing afterwards. Solid 22, probably couldn't have onsighted it.

Sáb 10.º Dic 2016 - Nowra
The Grotto Cliffline P.C.
26 Church Of Christ Deportiva 15m Clásico
Stoked to tick this! The undercling move felt really good today. Had my doubts about holding the final crimp on link, but managed to hit it nicely and powered straight to the victory jug!

25 Bachelor's Ball Deportiva 18m
Nice climb. Feet came off at the crux and almost fell, but held it and pumped to the end.

25 Bachelor Busted Balling Bimbo Deportiva 20m
Felt a fair bit harder than the left hand variant. Harder crux and a tricky flake straight after.

25 Pauls With A Permit Deportiva 10m
Shut down by the moves after the rooflet

Dom 4.º Dic 2016 - Nowra
The Grotto Cliffline P.C.
26 Church Of Christ Deportiva 15m
Took a while to figure out how to hold and move past the under cling, then some more dogging trying to convince myself that the crimp wasn't going to slice through my finger tips. Good climb though. Will definitely need to be fresh to send!

Sáb 3.º Dic 2016 - Nowra
The Grotto Cliffline P.C.
26 Turn Your Eyes Insane Deportiva 16m Clásico
First shot of the day after dogging the draws on. Felt much better with fresh skin and a knee pad. Psyched!


Mostrando 1 - 100 de 210 ascensiones.

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