
Vías como búlder en Waverton

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Ordenado por: Edición en bloque (máx. 100)

Mostrando los 9 vías.

Grado Vía Estilo de equipamiento Popularidad
Main Wall
V2 Drover's Dog

Sit start in little cave at far right end. Straight up.

Búlder 4m
V2 Henry Lawson Memorial Arete

On good holds at base of corner. Move right then up the outside of arete till near top. Nice.

V3 Ballad of the drover

Same start as HLMA. Move up and slightly left.

V3 Dog's drover ballad

On low blob left of start of HLMA. Straight up till 2/3rds up the wall.

V3 Henry Lawson Memorial Traverse

On good holds where water often seeps, or just left of this if it's too wet!

Stair side
V4 Henry Lawson Memorial Mantle

Sitting in last good hold in cave beneath stairs. Move up obvious arete and mantle the sloping top.

V5 Henry Lawson's Pockets

Same as HLMM Move up, but instead of mantling the lip, move right till established in two obvious pockets. Then go for the top and over.

V3 Henry Lawson's yo-yo

Same as HLMM. Move up, then left around the top of the little cave, then back down the left side to massive hold. Then try going back over to the beginning again!

V1 Fig Tree Traverse

Where the stairs come down, start just left of the funky fig growing out of the wall.


Mostrando los 9 vías.

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