
Ascensiones de Throw Away Cars

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Mostrando los 3 ascensiones.

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Mié 24.º Jul 2019 - New Nowra - Braidwood Road
Cassia Cliffs Sky Fall Valley
25 Throw Away Cars Deportiva 30m, 10 Clásico
Max Gordon
Back when Jake put this up. Punchy crux down low and terrifying slopers in the palm of a pumped hand to finish is my memory of this route.

Dom 30.º Sep 2018 - New Nowra - Braidwood Road
Cassia Cliffs Sky Fall Valley
25 Throw Away Cars Deportiva 30m, 10 Basura
oliver kerr
Hahahaha hahaha.



For some reason I thought Cassia might be different to the rest of New Nowra.

What an idiot I was.

Word to the bolter: it's your job to clean all the loose shit from the route - not repeating climbers.

Lun 1.º En 2018 - New Nowra - Braidwood Road
Cassia Cliffs Sky Fall Valley
25 Throw Away Cars Deportiva 30m, 10 Clásico
Great route! Sent it at least one dozen times in 2018


Mostrando los 3 ascensiones.

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