
Vías en Thunder Bluff

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Mostrando los 11 vías.

Grado Vía Estilo de equipamiento Popularidad
17 Lust and Seduction

An exploratory traverse from right to left under the Lightning slab roof, starting at the Helter Skelter ramp. Take some RPs.

PA: Ken Luck & John Churchill, 1991

Clásica 30m
22 Gentleman's Agreement

Superb slab climbing leading to an exciting conclusion. Start at the obvious leftwards ramp.

  1. 35 metres (21) - Up the ramp and diagonally left past two bolts to where the ramp continues. Up the seam to belay under the handcrack in the roof.

  2. 7 metres (22) - Through the roof!

PA: Ken Luck, Paul Daniel, John Churchill, Liz Milbourne & Anne Hastings

PAL: Ken Luck & Liz Milbourne, 1991

Clásica mixta 42m, 2
19 Die by the Sword

The magnificent curving flake at the lefthand end of Lightning Slab: take large and small gear. The short easy corner was done as a second pitch.

PA: Adam Blizzard & John Churchill (alt.), 1991

Clásica 45m
12 The Dormouse

Hidden in the boulders below and against the main wall is a pleasant juggy slab in a cave, finishing through a hole to a branch belay. Take wires.

PA: Liz Milbourne, Anne Hastings & Paul Daniel, 1991

Clásica 10m
18 Lemon Twisted Loverboy

Good jamming and bridging up the corner crack after a short graunchy start just left of the boulder jumble. Rap off a sling.

PA: John Churchill, Adam Blizzard, Paul Daniel & Ken Luck, 1991

Clásica 15m
16 Daylight Robbery

15 metres further left and slightly uphill is a rightwards trending wide crack system, first climbed at the end of daylight saving.

  1. 15 metres - The steep fist crack (crux) eases back then step left to a good stance.

  2. 25 metres - Continue up a corner system to belay behind large flakes.

  3. 15 metres - Take the rightwards leaning flake to a good stance. Finish left up a slab adjacent to the diagonal crack.

PA: Liz Milbourne & Anne Hastings, 1991

Clásica 55m
18 Caught in the Cakeshop

15 metres left of 'Daylight Robbery' is a handcrack through a small roof. Up and through the roof, swim up the offwidth, then left up a curving ramp. Finish up a short mossy slab.

PA: Mike Peck & Paul Daniel, 1991

Clásica 20m
20 Hopes Up for Trousers Down

Above the finish to 'Caught in the Cakeshop' is a beautiful cleaned flake right of a slabby arete. Fine sustained climbing finishing up a slab past a bolt to a block belay.

PA: Mike Peck & Paul Daniel, 1991

Clásica mixta 25m, 1
21 Uncut Jewel

Quite good. Start seven metres to the left of and around the arete from 'Hopes up for Trousers Down'. Climb the finger crack until able to step onto the arete (crux). Runout moves from the horizontal break lead to a block belay.

PA: Adam Blizzard, John Churchill, Ken Luck & Paul Daniel, 1991

Clásica 20m
17 Bird Brain

The mossy crack in the wall five metres left of 'Uncut Jewel'.

PA: Mike Peck (solo), 1991

Clásica 15m
20 Lucky Strikes

In a short blocked gully 50 metres left of the main bluff. The horrible crack with a narrowing finish in the left wall.

PA: Ken Luck & Adam Blizzard, 1991

Clásica 20m

Mostrando los 11 vías.

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