
Vías en Cohiba

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Mostrando 1 - 100 de 140 vías.

Grado Vía Estilo de equipamiento Popularidad
Teenage Angst Sector
V1 1.

Stand start then climb up and top out.

PA: Bevan Ashby, 13 Jun 2016

Búlder 3m
V0 2.

Sit start then climb up and top out.

PA: Bevan Ashby, 13 Jun 2016

Búlder 3m
V5 Slapsadaisicle

Powerful start, then technical on slopers, easy finish.

Around the side of the boulder from Bow You Bastards, start on good holds (past the gaston) and up.

Búlder 3m
V6 Promote that Man

Sit start then climb up and top out.

PA: Bevan Ashby, 13 Jun 2016

Búlder 4m
V3 Half a star

Sit start as for Slapsadaisacle, traverse low and right through good holds to finished matched on the good hold of St. Christopher (head height, a little bit before the vague arête). Going there and back again adds a grade.

Búlder 4m
V7 Gastagon

Sit start as for Saint Christopher but go straight to the gaston rather than up.

Búlder 5m
V8 Saint Christopher

A powerful start then traverses left into slapsickle. It will leave you pumped.

Búlder 3m
V11 Bow You Bastards

Sit start. Throw to a rail from some poor incuts praying for footers now that one of the epoxied holds has disappeared. Cruxes - getting from the sit to the good holds, and executing a gaston out left and continuing left and around, topping out on big holds as for the V5. Likely not possible after the good hold to throw off has broken.

An extension to Saint Christopher, almost 180 degrees around the circle from Slapsickle.


PA: Chris Webb

Búlder 10m
V5 3.

Mantel the vague scoop right next to the 'Bow You Bastards' (and many variants) boulder.

Búlder 3m
V0 4.

Stand start then climb up and top out.

Búlder 2m
V0 5.

Stand start then climb up and top out.

PA: Bevan Ashby, 31 Mayo 2016

Búlder 2m
V5 Horny Fat Chick

Sit start left side arete then climb up and top out.

PA: Bevan Ashby, 3 Jun 2016

Búlder 4m
V7 Mr Negative Stand

Stand start arete then climb up and top out.

PA: Bevan Ashby, 11 Jun 2016

Búlder 4m
V9 Mr Negative

Sit start from base of arete then climb up and top out.

Bevan Ashby

PA: Bevan Ashby, 25 Jun 2016

Búlder 4m
V9 Teenage Angst

Sit start.

Sit start then out left and up through small incuts and very large moves, off-balance with crap footing!

Big moves on okay holds to start, and then the crimpers and slopers start up. Off-angle.

PA: chris Warner

Búlder 5m
V9 Teenage Angst LHV

Sit start left of the start of Teenage Angst on a small pebble then out to the incuts left.

BúlderProyecto 5m
V4 Maduro

Stand start then climb up and top out.

Búlder 3m
V4 False Economy

Stand start then climb up and top out.

PA: Bevan Ashby, 27 Mayo 2016

Búlder 4m
V1 6.

Stand start then climb up and top out.

PA: Bevan Ashby, 27 Mayo 2016

Búlder 3m
V1 Higher education

Start with a high right jam between the boulders. Struggle upwards. Question your choices. Two stars if you're into offwidths, minus eight if you're not.

PA: Geoff Campbell, 17 Jun 2018

Búlder 2m
V6 Abort Abort Abort

Stand start then climb up and top out.

PA: Bevan Ashby, 27 Mayo 2016

Búlder 5m
V2 7.

Stand start right hand arete. Climb up and top out.

PA: Bevan Ashby, 20 Mayo 2016

Búlder 3m
The Abstinence Sector
V2 1.

Sit start from incut jug on back of boulder then climb up and top out.

Búlder 2m
V6 The Abstinence RHV

Sit start from rail, then climb up trending rightwards and top out.

Búlder 3m
V7 The Abstinence LHV

Sit start from rail, then climb up trending leftwards and top out.

Bevan Ashby

PA: Bevan Ashby, 22 Jun 2016

Búlder 3m
V5 Rat's Nest

Sit start beneath crack/corner then climb up and top out.

PA: Bevan Ashby, 27 Jun 2016

Búlder 4m
V5 Taking Care of Business

Sit start right hand incut crimp, climb up and top out.

PA: Bevan Ashby, 22 Jun 2016

Búlder 4m
V8 Fulffy Rats

Start as for Fluffy Cheesecake, travers right on small crimps, finish as for Rats Nest.

PA: Stephen

V6 Fluffy Cheesecake

Sit start then climb up slab gaining flake and top out.

PA: Bevan Ashby, 18 Mayo 2016

Búlder 5m
V5 Fluffy Cheesecake Stand

Stand start then climb up slab gaining flake and top out.

Left of Taking Care of Business. Start with Two Crimps. Theres a mini foot ledge with a small tree stump on the left of it.

PA: Bevan Ashby, 15 Mayo 2016

Búlder 4m
V3 Hairy Bitch

Stand start then climb up and top out.

PA: Bevan Ashby, 15 Jul 2016

Búlder 3m
V3 Indulgence

Sit start below the bulge, on the boulder directly behind The Abstinence, then straight up.

PA: Pete, 2017

Búlder 3m
V4 Indulgence RHV

Sit start as for Indulgence, and then up and around onto the right hand face to finish.

PA: Pete, 2017

Búlder 3m
V0 Up and down

Stand start and up on the highest part of the wall, up and left of Indulgence. Down climb this or jump down to a mat to get off the boulder.

PA: Pete, 2017

Búlder 3m
V2 Overindulge

Stand start on the opposite end of the boulder to Indulgence, climbing up the left hand arete and face.

PA: Pete, 2017

Búlder 3m
The Arch
V3 Jaf Jaf

Stand start from base of diagonal crack then climb up and top out.

PA: Bevan Ashby, 18 Dic 2016

Búlder 6m
V0 1.

Stand start from base of slab then climb up and top out.

Búlder 4m
V9 Esplendidos

Looks like this used to be a hard compression problem and perhaps would still go that way.

Right of Number 12

Búlder 6m
V1 Number 12

The obvious corner. The easiest descent from the whole boulder is to down climb the top of this and jump to the rock or a mat

Búlder 6m
V6 Whooping

A highball line that previously went up the face between Split Infinitive and 'Number 12', Looks to be doable, but may be a bit harder

PA: chris Warner

Búlder 7m
V0 Split infinitive

Highball crack with little room to land. The problem is pretty easy, but hitting the pads wouldn't be (Take it as Grade19/20 trad)

PA: Chris Warner

Búlder 6m
VB Flakey

Up the easy wall on good holds, a couple of metres left of Slab Climbing Blues.

PA: Pete, 2017

Búlder 2m
V4 Slab Climbing Blues

Up the undercut slabby groove, on the boulder directly behind and up the hill from Number 12.

PA: Pete, 2017

Búlder 4m
Chicken boulder
V6 Chickin Pickin

About 80 metres away from Animal Train across a gully and past an overgrown road. Bit hard to find at the moment. Hard and overhung. Stand start on the lowest point (the small notch) then up from sidecling or a match traversing right. Very physical.

PA: David Nott, 14 Abr 2017

V5 Lanceros

Sit start low on undercling/sidepull and directly up arete

PA: Nick White, 2017

Búlder 4m
V4 Robustos

Low sit start on undercling/sidepull, then right to join the base of the good seam and across to finish up Magicos.

PA: Pete, Abr 2017

Búlder 3m
V6 Revolucion

A link up of Robustos and Exquisitos. Follow the line of Robustos to the Magicos flake, then join the line of Exquisitos and follow that to the far right arête to finish.

PA: Pete, 2017

Búlder 4m
V0 Magicos

Sit start on the right side of the good flake, then up.

PA: Pete, Abr 2017

Búlder 3m
V6 Exquisitos

Start at good flake, traverse right across the horizontal break and then crimps to reach the far arete, then up.

PA: Pete, 2017

Búlder 4m
V4 Siglo

Mantle from the good holds in the horizontal break.

PA: Nick White, 2017

Búlder 3m
V6 Coronas Supremos

Low sit start as for Coronas. Follow the start of Coronas left along the low flake, then head further left and traverse the horizontal break to finish up Magicos.

PA: Pete, 2017

Búlder 4m
V5 Secretos

Stand start between Siglo and Coronas, then straight up on thin crimps and slopers in the high scoop.

PA: Pete, 2017

Búlder 3m
V5 Crimpos

Sit start below Secretos on the big shield block. Use tiny crimp and trickery to traverse left and top as for Siglo

PA: Zoe R

Búlder 3m
V5 Coronas

Low sit start at the base of the flake. Left along the flake, then up via the scoop and arete.

PA: Pete, Abr 2017

Búlder 4m
V9 Kid Kenobi

Sit start from slot then climb up and top out. NOTE: seeps for at least a day after decent rain.

Bevan Ashby

PA: Bevan Ashby, 19 Oct 2020

Búlder 4m
V3 Spicelord's Slab

Coming from Teenage Angst sector to Castro, Boulder on the right.

Stand start on tiny indentations in the rock, hands on the back side of the boulder, scramble to the top using any footholds you can find.

PA: Eugene Tan, 17 Jun 2023

Búlder 3m
Fundamental Sector
V10 Fundamental

Stand start matched on low rail then climb up and top out.

Bevan Ashby

Búlder 3m
V11 Speciality

Start right hand in good jug in break, traverse into Fundamental.

Stephen Waring

Number 1

A traverse project starting either at the glued on holds or farther right as for the V4 and finishing as for 'Fundamental'. V11+ climbers please apply. Sit start of course. That's what boulderers do.

BúlderProyecto 8m
V7 Seditious

Stand start and mantle the vague scoop.

PA: chris warner

Búlder 5m
V4 Perception

Up the arete/slab with reasonable holds to get you there.

Powerful and technical start, that eases up after the first move.

Búlder 5m
V2 Sea Jerky

Stand start then climb up and top out.

PA: Bevan Ashby, 13 Mayo 2016

Búlder 4m
V6 Nicole's

A sit-start problem, up pressing into the scoop then large moves/frictioning to the top. Very bodymorphic, hard to grade.

Búlder 4m
V2 George of the Jungle

Start as for Nicole's then traverse right and top out on obvious ledge. (Watch out for that tree)

PA: Michael Watson, 2 Ag 2020

Búlder 2m
Animal Train Sector
V1 Manatee Mantle

At the top of the smallish bloc, directly left (looking uphill) of the Animal Train bloc. Sit start with good holds, then straight up.

PA: Pat, 2017

Búlder 2m
V2 Hamster Heels

Sit start and up. The good but detached low footer is out.

PA: Nick White, 2017

Búlder 3m
V2 Ferrety Fingers

Stand start on two small crimps, then up to more crimps and an easier mantle.

PA: Nick White, 2017

Búlder 3m
V4 Low Lemur

Sit start low with righthand on a side pull and left hand on either of the low edges. Pull on moving left and up.

PA: Nick White, 2017

Búlder 3m
V5 Lefty Llama

Sit start at the arete. Up to side pull on the arete, then move left onto the slab and straight up.

PA: Pat, 2017

Búlder 3m
V6 The Likeable Llama

Sit start at the base of the boulder. Straight up the tapered arete/face, and then along the rib above.

PA: Pete, 2017

Búlder 4m
V4 Wily Whale

Right of The Likeable Llama arete/face, in the slot formed by the Animal Train bloc. Sit start low on the prominent side pull, then a big move to the lip, mantle, and up.

PA: Nick White, 2017

Búlder 3m
V4 Limpet

On the left wall of the Animal Train bloc. Stand start with a decent crimp pinch, a metre or so left from Horsin' Around. Pull onto the only decent foothold, and up to a mantle.

PA: Pete, 2017

Búlder 3m
V4 Horsin' Around

Stand start on the wall behind Wily Whale. Pull on with crimps, then up to mantle over the top.

PA: Pete, 2017

Búlder 3m
Crimp project/s

Up the wall to the right of Horsin' Around

BúlderProyecto 3m
V10 Animal Train

Sit start the steep crack. A test piece for well 'ard crack climbers. You can try and layback/undercling this, but if you aren't Arnie or can't jam you're likely to fail. Eat your wheaties.

King line of Cohiba. Follow the crack through the roof and up the slab to finish. Hopefully you have the perfect hand size.

Dane Evans | David Cook

PA: george feig

Búlder 4m
V4 Cagey Cheetah

Stand start, a couple of metres right from Animal Train. Up with crimps and the diagonal seam, to join the horizontal break and top.

PA: Pete, 2017

Búlder 4m
V3 Winking Walrus

Stand start at the base of the arete (in front of the small block). Up the arete and wall to the left. [the lower part of the arete includes a loose-isn hanging block - you don't need to use it, but just beware]

PA: Pete, 2017

Búlder 4m
V0 Slinky Snake

Up the very nice easy corner

PA: Pete, 2017

Búlder 4m
V5 Grumpy Bear

Stand start and up with ok crimps but poor feet, a few metres right of Slinky Snake and just before the end of the block.

PA: Pete, 2017

Búlder 3m
V6 The Weak Suffer What They Must

Stand start from RH side pull then climb up and top out.

Bevan Ashby

PA: Bevan Ashby, 7 Ag 2021

Búlder 4m
V5 JB is my Hero

Mantle the lip then climb up and top out.

Bevan Ashby

PA: Bevan Ashby, 22 Jun 2021

Búlder 10m
V5 Too Much Monkey Business

Sit start beside the tree, with left hand on the lip and right hand on a side pull. Pull on and across to join Monkey Business, finishing up that line. Long and pumpy.

PA: Nick White, 2017

Búlder 3m
V4 Monkey Business

Stand start at the low end of the ridgeline flake. Traverse the lip leftwards to top out as for Chicken Run.

PA: Pete, 2017

Búlder 3m
VB Sneaky Fox

Stand start immediately left of the low wedged block. Up and over.

PA: Pete, 2017

Búlder 2m
V0 Chicken Run

Stand start with the good footer, immediately right of the low wedged block. Up and over the apex of the boulder.

PA: Pete, 2017

Búlder 2m
Valinor Boulder
V8 Tulkas

Hang start on right hand jug, traverse left on crimps and slopers, mantle

PA: Tim Othy, Mayo 2022

Búlder 3m
Tulkas Sit

Sit start on holds down and right of Tulkas' start jug, finish as for Tulkas

Chicken Fingers Sector
V5 1.

Sit start then climb up and top out.

PA: Bevan Ashby, 30 Jun 2016

Búlder 3m
V4 Nugget

Sit start beneath flake then climb up and top out.

PA: Bevan Ashby, 2 Jul 2016

Búlder 3m
V3 Jiffy Park Variant

Stand start then climb up and top out.

PA: Bevan Ashby, 9 Jul 2016

Búlder 5m
V2 Jiffy Park

Stand start then climb up and top out.

PA: Bevan Ashby, 9 Jul 2016

Búlder 5m
V3 Apogee

Stand start then climb up and top out.

PA: Bevan Ashby, 7 Jul 2016

Búlder 6m
V5 Blue Flu

Sit start then climb up and top out as for Chicken Fingers.

PA: Bevan Ashby, 7 Jul 2016

Búlder 6m
V6 Chicken Fingers

Stand start then climb up and top out.

Bevan Ashby

PA: Bevan Ashby, 3 Jul 2016

Búlder 5m
V0 2.

Sit start beneath flake then climb up and top out.

PA: Bevan Ashby, 3 Jul 2016

Búlder 3m
V3 3.

Stand start then climb up and top out.

PA: Bevan Ashby, 16 Jul 2016

Búlder 3m
V3 Capyboppy

Stand start then climb up and top out.

PA: Bevan Ashby, 19 Jul 2016

Búlder 3m
VB 4.

Stand start from base of slab then climb up and top out.

PA: Bevan Ashby, 10 Jul 2016

Búlder 4m
V3 Sniffwell

Sit start then climb up and top out.

PA: Bevan Ashby, 10 Jul 2016

Búlder 4m
V6 Cuddles

Sit start then climb up and top out.

PA: Bevan Ashby, 10 Jul 2016

Búlder 4m

Mostrando 1 - 100 de 140 vías.

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