
Secret Boulders #1

  • Contexto de grado: AU

Acceso: Private property, permit required

The crag is located on private property. You need to call or text the property owner 0428430683 to obtain a permit for climbing. Advise how many people are going and how long you plan to spend out climbing.

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Creó hace 2 años

Restricciones heredado de Boobyer Boulders

The crag is located on private property. You need to call or text the property owner (0428430683) and advise how many people are going and how long you plan to spend out climbing.

This crag is located on a different property to Boomer Crag, make sure you do the right thing and inform the right people.

Ética heredado de Boomer Hill

No camping or fires on this site. Clean up after yourselves and pick up rubbish if you see it. Dogs are welcome but be mindful there are Tiger Snakes and Dugites on the property.


Esta zona todavía no tiene subzonas ni vías.

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