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Mostrando 101 - 200 de 778 vías.

Grado Vía Estilo de equipamiento Popularidad
Bayside Flotsam Area
15 Cripple Crack
Clásica 10m
12 Seafood Special

The broken cracks in the slabby wall 2m right of Cripple Crack. Sandy rock.

PA: Ivan Valenta / Jane Montgomery / Robert Dun

Clásica 10m
22 Desparete

The short arête between Lemon Sorbet and Face De Rat. Good for a photo. Rap down to a 2 carrot bolt belay on foot ledge. Climb the balancy arête passing 3 ring bolts. There is a belay carrot bolt at the top.

PA: Robert Dun / Ivan Valenta

Deportiva 10m
Bayside Lemon Sorbet Area
17 Smoked Tuna

The arête of the Face De Rat wall. Rap down to a 2 carrot bolt belay on foot ledge (if you traverse right from this belay you can also climb the crack part of Psychic Aberration). Climb the arête and wall with medium cam breaks and wires. There is a belay carrot bolt at the top.

PA: Robert Dun / Ivan Valenta / Jane Montgomery

Clásica 20m
16 Psychic Aberration
Clásica 35m
20 Face de Rat
Clásica 35m
22 Cerendipity
Clásica 20m
19 Lemon Sorbet
Clásica 20m
18 Chocolate Gelato

Sandy but good rock. Start on the protruding ledge at the lowest FH.

PA: Greg James

Clásica mixta 12m, 2
15 Vomitorium

Good rock and protection. The second wide crack in the cliff top east of Lemon Sorbet. Start from the small ledge 12m down,

PA: Robert Dun & Paul Werry, 2009

Clásica 12m
18 Captain Potato to the Rescue

Well protected. The overhanging right curving crack. Start just under the rooflet.

PA: Robert Dun & Paul Werry, 2009

Clásica 12m
Bayside Bluebeard Area
21 E=Mc2

Rap to a hanging belay off bolts, comfy harness required... Climb back up on the holds you can see but actually are not there!! Stella position to overcome any exposure problems

PA: Rick Phillips & Will Watkins, 2012

Deportiva 18m
18 Lithium

A pumpy little climb with outrageous exposure which is probably a bit hard for the grade.

A hard start straight off the anchors up past a range of slopy, pumpy pockets. Take a range of large cams - from #1 to #4 Camalots

PA: Greg James & Steve Burns, 1992

Clásica 10m
23 Wallace & Grommet

Rap down the corner to the double rings and traverse right to the orange wall and up some of the best rock at the point

PA: Rick Phillips & Will Watkins, 2012

Deportiva 18m
19 Hungry Heart
Clásica 42m
26 Sticky Moments
Deportiva 20m
20 The Jaws of Death

Diagonally up and right from belay to the pod. Over block and into wideness. Easy to protect if you have big gear.

PA: Tom Williams & Ian Brown (19 M0), 1988

PAL: Robert Dun & Carl Jagusch, 2003

Clásica 20m
25 Itchy and Scratchy
Deportiva 25m
26 Things that go Pop

Straight up from the belay.

PA: Greg James, Adrian Kladnig & Andy, 1992

Deportiva 25m
25 Emotional Hooligan

Up to the horizontal break, then traverse diagonally right to the arete and up.

PA: Greg James & Adrian Kladnig, 1992

Deportiva 25m
17 Bluebeard
Clásica 35m
15 Snorkel
Clásica 40m
12 Sea Legs
Clásica 10m
7 Lobster Legs
Clásica 6m
10 Boiled Lobster
Clásica 6m
7 Lobster Pot
Clásica 6m
20 Peabody
Clásica 8m
7 Mixed Platter
Clásica 15m
Bayside The Yardarm
7 Polite Chatter

Up the open corner crack at the left hand end of the wall.

PA: Ivan Valenta & Jane Montgomery, 2003

Clásica 10m
16 Ground Swell

PA: Peter Blunt & Ian Brown, 1986

Clásica 20m
15 Superstar Leo
Clásica 15m
16 Sympatico

PA: Ian Brown & Peter Blunt, 1987

Clásica 20m
16 Sympatico Piker's Variant

Obviously easier even if the rope drag sucks.

PA: Ian Brown & Peter Blunt, 1986

Clásica 20m
16 Bombs Away
Clásica 35m
14 Over the Yardarm

Up to the ledge then head left to the arete and enjoy the exposure.

PA: Ian Brown & Peter Blunt, 1986

Clásica 30m
14 Urban Spaceman

Up 'Dracophyllum Corner' to ledge then move left and straight up wall.

PA: Peter Blunt, Ian Brown & Ian Charles, 1986

Clásica 27m
9 Dracophyllum Corner

Blast up the obvious corner past a bit of choss, loose rocks and well, some Dracophyllum plants!

PA: Ian Brown & Bob McMillan, 1987

Clásica 30m
Bayside Hello Dolly Wall
20 Reach around

Start up Dry Reaching and once you pull the lip trend left, following the fixed hangers.

PA: Rick Phillips & Will Watkins, 2012

Deportiva 27m
20 Dry Reaching

Start at the halfway ledge between DC and CA. Climb through roof and then up the wall.

PA: Greg James & Bede Harrington

Clásica mixta 30m, 3
22 Cast Adrift

in the middle of wall you rap down 5 mtrs right of over the yard arm slab, thru roof (crux) rest in middle of easier climbing on cams and bolts to a tough finish

PA: Rod Young & Carlie Happ, 1998

Clásica 30m
19 Areolas Ahoy

Not a new route has been done a millenium ago ! and also a link up with no real new climbing

PA: Rene Provis, Mayo 2015

Clásica 30m
24 Snickers Ahoy

Up to thin, hard finish at top.

PA: Rod Young

Deportiva 30m
15 Aeolus

PA: Ian Brown & Peter Blunt, 1985

Clásica 30m
18 Farewell Angelina
Clásica 36m
18 Hello Dolly

Follow the ring bolts.

PA: Rod Young & Sue Young, 1998

Deportiva 30m, 9
17 Gasping for Breath
Clásica 30m
18 Lost in Choss
Clásica 30m, 2
15 Avoiding Flora

PA: Roy Fryer, Werner Steyer & Bob McMillan, 1988

Clásica 25m
24 Double Digit Inflammation

Mono action near the top!

PA: Ivan Valenta & Vince Valenta

Clásica 25m
17 Landlubber

PA: Peter Blunt & Ian Brown, 1986

Clásica 25m
18 Midnight Oil
Clásica 30m
15 Starboard Tack

Climb the 'Landlubber' crack for 7m, moving right below the small roof. Climb over or around the flake and follow the rightwards groove to the top.

Start: As for 'Landlubber'

PA: Peter Blunt & Ian Brown, 1986

Clásica 30m
Bayside The Deeps Area
21 Scarier than Bronte
Clásica 35m
17 Make America Great Again

Rap off the three rings to a hanging belay off 2 rings... Good gear and and 2 bolts lead to a small section of choss you can miss by moving left to another bolt over the mini roof... Cams in the horizontals to the top... Take double rack of cams and medium nuts...

PA: Rick Phillips & Jason Lammers

Clásica mixta 28m, 5
18 Against the Wind
Clásica 35m
16 Rohanda
  1. 25m (16)

  2. 15m (16)

PA: Peter Blunt & Ian Brown, 1985

Clásica 40m, 2
19 Bushido
Clásica 30m
21 Ricks route

Lower cliff, rap of hex bolts to small ledge. Up middle of wall following ring bolts

Deportiva 25m
13 Banksia Corner
Clásica 40m
16 Stormfront
Clásica 15m
16 The Deeps Direct Finish
Clásica 21m
19 The Deeps
Clásica 25m
14 Elspeth
Clásica 12m
13 First Mate
Clásica 12m
9 Steel City Blues
Clásica 12m
16 Beebop
Clásica 12m
Bayside Werner Burner Area
12 Piper Corner
Clásica 30m
21 The Boo Sensation
Clásica 30m
18 The Gap of Rohan

Climb the undercut nose on reasonable pro - mainly cams. At 10m from the top pro thins. Take cams to 3.5 and tricams. This was named after the movie, NOT the first assensionists.

PA: Rohan Kilham & Rob Nicol

Clásica 30m
18 Piper at the Gates of Dawn
Clásica 35m
18 Heat Wave

PA: Robert Dun & Werner Steyer, 2006

Clásica mixta 15m, 2
15 Whistle Blower Direct Start

PA: Werner Steyer & Robert Dun, 2005

Clásica 20m
15 Hornblower
Clásica 40m
15 Blown Away

A more direct finish to the second pitch of 'Hornblower'. Head up the easy ramp and climb the first crack instead of the second.

PA: Ivan Valenta & Robert Dun, 2002

Clásica 5m
21 Whistle Blower

The face left of Blown Horn. Locate the bolts at the top and rap down to the big belay ledge at the start of Hornblower's second pitch. Either clip the first bolt on the way down, or set up a belay in the horizontal break using cams (around size ½-2). Left and up past 4 ring bolts.

PA: Robert Dun / Ivan Valenta

Deportiva 10m
18 Blown Horn
Clásica 35m
19 Social Seamen

Start from the far right of the horn blown ledge. up corner on jugs and features with increasing steepness. One or two cams (about #1 BD) at the start then four carrots to the top.

PA: Ivan Valenta & Robert Dun, 2008

Clásica 12m
18 Horn Blown
Clásica 30m
21 Werner Burner

Ascends the face right of Horn Blown. There is a diagonal crack on the cliff top right of a small bush. This is Horn Blown. Locate 2 carrot bolts at the top and rap down Horn Blown to a ledge. The wall is overhanging so clip a couple of the bolts on the way down to avoid being stranded in space. There is a 2 carrot bolt belay at the ledge. Left and up past 7 ring bolts. The bolts can be supplemented with cams.

PA: Ivan Valenta & Robert Dun

Deportiva 25m, 7
22 Welcome to the Asylum

Start off ledge and climb steeply up jugs and some realy cool moves. Top out and belay from two carrot bolts.

PA: Will Watkins & Tom Benefer, 2012

Deportiva 20m, 9
22 Boat People

The bolt line right of Werner Berner. Absail in to the recessed ledge off two carrot bolts clipping the last two draws to get to the ledge. Two ring bolt belay. Climb powerfully on good holds off the ledge onto a pumpy overhanging face. Overcome a couple of tricky sections to finish with the crux passing the last bolt.

PA: Will Watkins & Rick fillips, 2012

Deportiva 20m, 8
14 Trumpeter

The major notch between Cannon Fodder and Horn Blown. Rap from 2 carrot bolts (bolts are to the left of the notch) to a large hidden ledge 10m down. Up the corner / chimney to the top. Good cam protection.

PA: Robert Dun / Ivan Valenta

Clásica 10m
16 Cannon Fodder
Clásica 40m
Bayside Gushing Blood Area
21 Bandit Boy

Pleasant bolted wall and arete . Start off the left hand end of the split membranes ledge. Airy and exposed moves up the wall and arete past 6 ring bolts. Belay bolts at top.

PA: Will Watkins & Jake Noblet, 2013

Deportiva 12m, 6
16 Give Yourself a Kiss
Clásica 10m
20 Joyboys
Clásica 12m
22 Sandblaster
Deportiva 12m
24 Split Membranes

Pumpy climbing with a mono pocket at top which Greg split his finger on the FA.

PA: Greg James & Adrian Kladnig, 1992

Clásica mixta 15m, 3
21 Gushing Blood

PA: Ian Brown & Bob McMillan (19 M1), 1988

PAL: Robert Dun & Ivan Valenta, 2002

Clásica 12m
15 Micron
Clásica 10m
16 Smash and Grab
Clásica 20m
19 Massacre at the Discotheque

Rap down to hanging belay with a bolt and cams. Up the wall on pockets and flakes.

PA: Greg James, Adrian Kladnig & Captain Smeg, 1992

Clásica 20m
17 Bird of Omen
Clásica 42m
20 Bird of Prey

Abseil down to double ring belay. The climbing gets harder as you progress..

PA: Rick Phillips & Will Watkins, 2012

Deportiva 18m
16 Stan The Stingray Man
Clásica 15m
20 Medusa
Deportiva 15m
20 Mermaid
Deportiva 15m
18 Screaming Banshee
Deportiva 15m
16 Great White Shark
Clásica 40m
15 Body Noises
Clásica 30m

Mostrando 101 - 200 de 778 vías.

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