
The Chasm

  • Contexto de grado: AU
  • Ascensiones: 3




Centred around a large gap between boulders, this is very different climbing to the beach but has some good slab and fun sequences. Still lots of room for development.


Not sure of the rock type but it isn't sandstone.


Anything outside the chasm itself can't be climbed at high tide as your mats will get wet.


As you make your way down from the carpark and around the eastern side of the headland you will arrive at this first, you will notice a large shady gap between boulders.



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Stand start as though you've just stood up from the sit start of hobbit hole. Move up and over the nose but this time you can use features to the left of the seam crack.

PA: Vanessa Bloom, 18 Abr 2022

Sit start on the juggy underclings, stand up and work your way up over the nose staying right of the vertical seam crack.

PA: Lachlan MacLean, 18 Abr 2022

Same start as Amphitrite's Pinch however this time move further left onto the ledge and up and out that way.

PA: Vanessa Bloom, 18 Abr 2022

Stand start on the wall opposite Poseidon's Perch with right hand on pinch and left hand on side pull. Move up and over the top, high jug on the left is in but the ledge further around to the left is out.

PA: Lachlan MacLean, 18 Abr 2022

Nice easy warm up boulder, sit start facing out of the chasm hands on side pulls right foot wide and left foot tucked in. Pull up and work your way up the arête. Stay out of the crack as much as possible and don't use the boulder on the right side of the crack. Finish standing on the ledge, aka Poseidon's Perch.

PA: Lachlan MacLean, 2 Abr 2022

Stand start with hands on crimps and feet on small edges, staying between the two vertical cracks, work your way straight up and over into a sketchy top out, might help to beach yourself to get over the lip.

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Autor(es): Jimmy Blackhall & David Jefferson

Fecha: 2021

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Hidden within the ordinary people of Queensland there exists a tight-knit community of scabby knuckles, grazed knees, massive forearms and iron-clad wills. This guidebooks seeks to shed light on this community and blocks of choice with all the information, skills and knowledge to open the door for you to explore all the bouldering that Queensland has to offer.

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