
Vías como búlder en Sunshine Coast

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Mostrando 1 - 100 de 785 vías.

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Alexandra Headland Tide Is High
V1/2 Sub-Atomic Kitten

Tiny outcrop of rock on the left, easily walked past when approaching the boulders 'proper'. Sit start, balancy rock left to the crack and up. Surprisingly good for the size of the bloc.

PA: Nick Foulds, 23 Dic 2020

Búlder 2m
VB Formic Acid

Grass top, lots of juggy ledges (I say lots, but just for the length of the route, maybe 4?). Found on the first small outcrop left of sanditos.

PA: Leandro Scholz, 23 Dic 2020

V0 Sanditos

Straight up the pillar using all the holds. Descend on the left.

PA: Brenton Owens, 2014

PA: Matt Earsman, 2014

Búlder 4m
V1 Blue Sky

As for Sanditos, but straight up the middle without using the big holds on the left or the obvious big footholds on the bottom and right.

PA: Matt Earsman, 2014

Búlder 4m
V2/3 Radioactive Feline

Starting from the low right ledge with hands on the large shelf, 1 easy move left to gain the face wall, exclude all but the first right hand decent foot, straight up the face without the large left hand or the right arete. thin but it's all there. Eliminate problem.

PA: Nick Foulds, 23 Dic 2020

V0 Sand Bucket

A contrived line, more like 2 separate problems. Be very careful of a fall on this top section. Some of the top of the boulder up high is a bit loose. Up the obvious crack left of Slip, Slop, Slap then traverse around to the right of the boulder directly above and climb the small crack feature.

PA: Lorenzo Maurici, 1 Dic 2018

Búlder 6m
V2 Slip, Slop Slap

Start with hands beneath obvious overlap, no left or bottom footholds. Slap up the arete and mantle out.

PA: Matt Earsman, 2014

Búlder 3m
V1 I'm Not The Kind-a Girl

Sit start Slip, Slop, Slap then move right following the obvious line topping out on Salt in the wound.

Búlder 3m
V3 Salt in the Wound

Sit start to the left of the obvious crack. Using side pull and large pinch hang for 2 seconds and then up to big jug above your head, exiting to the right at the highest point.

PA: Brenton Owens, 2014

Búlder 3m
V1 a' girl who gives up just like that

The off-width crack/ body chimney, try your best to only use the crack (almost impossible!). Too many features to avoid.

Búlder 3m
V4 The tide is high

Traverse right from good holds on left of overhanging wall, staying below the top rail until the steep arete, mantle out. Stand start.

PA: Matt Earsman, 2014

Búlder 5m
V5 High tide, hold on!

Extension traverse of High Tide around the arete to finish the top out of But I'm holding on.

PA: Nick Foulds, 24 Dic 2019

Búlder 4m
V2 But I'm holding on

Sit start on undercling, round the corner from 'The tide is high'. Sit start, up and mantle.

PA: Brenton Owens, 2014

Búlder 2m
V2 Still Holding On

Sit start, use some obvious sidepulls and a high foot placement to reach an obvious jug over your head, descend by dropping down left and walking back around to the right

PA: Lorenzo Maurici, 1 Dic 2018

Búlder 2m
Bellthorpe National Park Branch Creek The Reluctant Boulders
Reluctant Inspiration

Sit start with hands in undercling. Make your way up and top out.

V1 Four Seasons of Fun (Stand)

Start with both hands jammed in the crack. Move up and through the jugs to easy topout.

V1 Soggy Knuckle

Sit start matched on the undercling. Move up, taking your time to set your soggy knuckle well before gaining the jugs to a slightly cramped mantle.

Bellthorpe National Park Branch Creek The First Pool
V1 Stairway To Heaven

start L hand sloper, R hand rail. Go straight up to top out

PA: Alexander Jones, 5 Mayo 2022

You Feta Believe It

Start beneath the obvious holds on the right side of lip. Grasp for one of the tiny crimp rails and find a way to mantle up over the edge to top out the slab. Don't use the Cheese Wedge or venture right too far into easy territory

Equip: Lachlan

V0 Mature for My Age

Start as for Smooth and Creamy on left side of the face before working straight up. Delicate footwork for an easy slab.

V3 Smooth & Creamy

Start as low as you can on the left side, testing the water temp with your toes. Pull on to left arete and the low right sidepull before working your way up and across to the right in a balancy traverse without using the top edge. Top out on the far right as for I Camembert It.

With the water below there isn't really an option for laying down pads so a foot slip will likely see you take a splash.

PA: Lachlan, 3 Mayo 2022

Búlder 3m
V0 I Camembert It

Starting off the pile of stones on the right side of the face trust your feet and search for the jugs, topping out at highest corner.

PA: Lachlan

Búlder 2m
VB Brie Strong

Step off the big stone around the corner to the right to access easy line up the end of the wedge.

V4/5 Beneath The Barrel

Sit start in the hollow underneath the boulder with right hand on the prominent undercling and left on the very average side-pull using feet on the left (don't dab on the supporting boulder). Short sequence of powerful moves on terrible holds to gain 'jugs' for an awkward mantle over lip.

Fantastic set of moves that add up to maybe 1m of climbing.

Equip: Lachlan

PA: Josh Boardman, 3 Mayo 2022

V3 Shooting in the dark

Moves as for Beneath the Barrel but starting slightly higher with hands matched on the crimp rail above the lip. Still almost a sit start but cuts out the first two slaps leaving you to enjoy the blind throw for the jug and the mantle.

PA: Lachlan, 3 Mayo 2022

V2 Groovey Smoothie

Stand start with hands on slopers furthest right, slap up and mantle.

Oliver Rickford

PA: Oliver Rickford, 7 Abr 2022

V1 Groovey Smoothie Rail

Stant start Rh sloper, Lh on rail, pull up and mantle.

Oliver Rickford

PA: Oliver Rickford, 7 Abr 2022

V1 Flash or Splash

Stand start off the rock matched on the obvious jugs centre wall. Breaking out left with high heel rock over to gain ledge then top out.

Please be careful, a fall here could be quite nasty!

PA: Lachlan, 3 Mayo 2022

Búlder 3m
V2 Escape From Splash Mountain

Stand start off the rock as per Flash or Splash but instead head up and right through obvious line to top out.

Not sure whether a harder sit start may be possible in drier conditions.

PA: Josh Boardman, 3 Mayo 2022

Búlder 3m
Bellthorpe National Park Branch Creek Wild Moon Pool
V3 Gun Flayer

Start with hands on the flat ledge. Move right to layback/grunt the giant flake to bring yourself around to top out on the pedestal at mid height. V0 downclimb on the right slab. Bring your big guns, or big brain, for this one.

PA: John Newby, Abr 2022

V1 Anti-crack crackdown

Low start on the jugs at the back of the hand crack. Jam or layback your way out and up to the top of the pedestal. Descend as for Gun Flayer, down the V0 slab on the right.

PA: John Newby, Abr 2022

VB Sun Baked

Sit start matched on large slopy jug, shoot to the top

PA: Oliver Rickford, 7 Abr 2022

V1 Le Stump

Stand stant with wide compression, tick tak to victory.

PA: Tamati Kennedy, 7 Abr 2022

V4 Snuggle Stump

Sit start Rh Meat wrap, Lh on mini jug.

PA: Emerson Denner

Equip: Oliver Rickford & John Newby, 16 Abr 2022

V3 Hazza's Hangout

Sit start with both hands in underclings. Go up.

PA: Oliver Rickford, 6 Abr 2022

V2 Whale Wash

Sit start on large jug, pull up your feet and shoot for the lip then mantle.

Oliver Rickford

PA: Oliver Rickford, 6 Abr 2022

V3 Whale Wash Low

Whale Wash but start matched low on the rail.

Oliver Rickford

PA: Oliver Rickford, 10 Abr 2022

V3 The Scene

Start far right as per Spider Spook. Traverse left into Whale Wash mantle.

Oliver Rickford

PA: Oliver Rickford, 10 Abr 2022

V2 Spider Spook

Sit start with Rh on crimp, Lh sloper. Move up.

PA: Oliver Rickford, 7 Abr 2022

V0 Manchel

Sit start Rh crimp out wide, Lh on arete. Hit the lip and mantle.

PA: Oliver Rickford, 16 Abr 2022

V5 Boggin' Noggin'

Squat/stand R pinch and L sidepull under wave feature. Move your way up the arête. It goes without saying that chockstones are out. Try not to dab on Hazza's Hangout Boulder.

Oliver Rickford

Equip: Alexander Jones, 10 Abr 2022

PA: Oliver Rickford, 11 Abr 2022

Búlder 2m
Boggin' Noggin' Sit

Sit start with underclings then move into Boggin' Noggin'

Equip: Alexander Jones, 10 Abr 2022

VB Bellthorpe Bliss

Sit start right side of boulder, move up and traverse left to boulders a nice mantle.

PA: Oliver Rickford, 6 Abr 2022

V3 Bellthorpe Banger

Sit start in the middle of the boulder. Rh on side pull, Lh on small crimp, shoot to the top.

Oliver Rickford

Equip: Tamati Kennedy, 6 Abr 2022

PA: Oliver Rickford, 7 Abr 2022

Búlder 2m
V6 Orbital

Sit start on big jug on left side of boulder. Make your way up to top out next to the tree.

V8 Wild Moon (Stand)

Stand start on crimps in middle of wall. Go up.

Búlder 4m
V2 Secret enchanted brocoli forrest

Start with left hand on undercling and right hand on right arete. Work your way up the spine feature.

PA: Henry

V2 Moon Bunny

Stand start using crack/ edge, moving up and onto the rounded arete. Climb onto low angle slab to finish.

PA: Crofty11, 10 Abr 2022

Búlder 3m
Bellthorpe National Park Branch Creek Passionfruit Pond
V0 Along the vine

Low traverse starting at the far left side of the shelf, moving right to join Pips and Pebbles for top out.

PA: Lachlan

V1 Pips and Pebbles

Sit start using the crack and right hand side pull. Work straight up the prominent seam to mantle top out.

PA: Lachlan

Búlder 2m
V0 Squishy Fruit

One move wonder - sit start on average crimps, bumping to jug before topping out. Resist the temptation to move right around the corner for the mantle.

PA: Lachlan

VB- Under Ripe

Easy mantle practice

V1 Rind and Grind

Balancy start using lower portion of right hand arete and left hand sidepull. Surprisingly tricky topout mantle into the lantana.

PA: Josh Boardman, 3 Mayo 2022

V3 Rind Stone

Start on the bookmatched underclings in the middle of the block pressing in to high left foot. Mantle top out after balancy move using unlikely pinch.

PA: Lachlan, 3 Mayo 2022

Passionfruit Highball

Big scary and terrifyingly intimidating piece of rock buried in the lantana. There appear to be enough holds up the face for someone incredibly bold with strong fingers and good footwork.

Open project for anyone who likes that sort of thing and doesn't mind lugging in 15 crash pads to protect the landing.

BúlderProyecto 6m
Bellthorpe National Park Branch Creek Above The Waterfall
V3 Just because

Sit/low start hands on angled edge. One big move to the high ledge and away.

PA: John Newby, 4 Mayo 2022

V4 Force be with you

Sit/low start on sloping edge on the overhanging arete. Crimp then smash the top for a finishing mantle. Summon the force for inspiration.

PA: John Newby, 4 Mayo 2022


Possible big classic line climbing out of the left side of the cave to the overhung arete, or even cleaning up the mossy headwall for a highball finish. Its big and needs lots of mats. Thinking V6-9.

Project (To Walk A Thousand Miles)

Potential for an ultra long route, climbing through ~10m of horizontal roof. Start on the obvious jugs at the very back right of the cave and work your way through the ceiling until you emerge into the sunlight.

First three moves have been strung together (21 April) but after that who knows if it’s even a thing. One thing is for sure though, if it goes it will be hard!

BúlderProyecto 10m
Brooyar Lost Village Main cliff
V0+ The Warm Up

Stand start with hands vertically aligned on two jugs. One long move to high right hand jug and then follow the green streak up. Top is a little chossy.

PA: Mathew Channer, 30 Oct 2021

Búlder 3m
Brooyar Lost Village Spider Wall
V1 Knees In

Sit Start. Left hand on small horn, right hand on good sloper to the right. Straight up for a nerve-wracking top out. Do what you kneed to!

PA: Mathew Channer, 30 Oct 2021

Búlder 3m
V0 Knees Out

Stand start, hands on good rail about head height. Move up and left into the corner for a fun top out between the two trees.

PA: Mathew Channer, 30 Oct 2021

Búlder 3m
V0+ Spider Knees.

A fun variant to Knees Out. Stand start, both hands on good side pull, up to the obvious jug and finish same as for Knees Out. Look out for spiders!

PA: Mathew Channer, 30 Oct 2021

Búlder 3m
V1 Spider Knees Sit Start

Sit start, both hands on obvious rail. Up to the side pull and away you go.

PA: Mathew Channer, 30 Oct 2021

Búlder 3m
V2 Not So Kneasy

Stand start, right hand on side pull, left hand on crimp. Move straight up and over the bulge. Big jug/pocket is in but stay out of the corner. Top out to the left of the tree.

PA: Mathew Channer, 30 Oct 2021

Búlder 3m
V3 Not So Kneasy Sit Start

Sit start on long rail, same as Spider Knees

PA: Mathew Channer, 30 Oct 2021

Búlder 3m
V3 Spider Traverse

Start in the pockets. Big move to the break then move right to finish up Not So Kneasy.

PA: 15 Jun

Búlder 5m
Brooyar Lost Village The Lost Boulders Space Jared
V3 Jared in the Atmosphere

Sit start as for Space Jared. Traverse left to before making big move up to massive huge enormous King Kong size great big long wide glory jug rail and then mantle.

Can be done the high way (hitting the lip then moving right to the slopey jug as seen in the Oliver Rickford clip) or the low way which traverses the lip and is slightly harder. Awesome either way.

Oliver Rickford

PA: Tamati Kennedy & Oliver Rickford, 19 Nov 2021

V0+ Beam Me Up Jared!

Sit start matched in right hand pocket. Straight up to jugs and mantle out.

PA: Tamati Kennedy, 5 Nov 2021

Búlder 1m
Space Jared

Sit start with hands in pockets. Stay low moving through crimp then big move up and left to lip. Lip traverse all the way to the left and mantle at furthest point.

Equip: Tamati Kennedy & Oliver Rickford, 5 Nov 2021

Brooyar Lost Village The Lost Boulders Modern Baseball
V0- First Base with Grandpa

Sit start on the left hand side of Diamond traverse up and right to top out.

PA: Oliver Rickford, 5 Nov 2021

V0+ Safe at Home

Sit start on the right hand side of Diamond. Traverse lip and top out same as First Base.

PA: Tamati Kennedy, 5 Nov 2021

Brooyar Lost Village The Lost Boulders 50 Matches Boulder
V0 The In Decision

Sit start on positive jug, straight up the arete.

PA: Raven, 8 Oct 2021

Búlder 2m
V0+ Single Ply

Stand start RH on okay side pull, LH on mini jug. Straight up the seam.

PA: Oliver Rickford, 8 Oct 2021

Búlder 2m
V3 Parcels from the Past

Start with LH of single ply's horn and right hand on crug. Move up and to the right to gain sloper before topping out directly up.

For a fun eliminate try dynoing from the sloper to the horn and then topping out without touching the jugs on the face.

PA: Tamati Kennedy, 25 Oct 2021

V5/6 A Jar Of Bitter Fruit

Sit start with LH on side pull, RH on large sidepull. Follow the rail to a exciting top out over the lip.

PA: Oliver Rickford, 8 Oct 2021

Búlder 3m
V4 Stoaked & Soaked

Sit start with both hands matched in the large pocket. Move up and slightly right for interesting sequence to top out.

PA: Oliver Rickford, 29 Oct 2021

V0 Halcyon Days

Stand start with two hands on big rail kick feet up. Large chockstone under boulder is out. Ride rail out of overhang then head directly up over bulge for top out.

Tamati Kennedy

PA: Tamati Kennedy & Oliver Rickford, 19 Nov 2021

V2 Dirt Merchants

Sit start as for Forest Yellies move up to pockets then traverse left along rail and top out above knoblets.

PA: Tamati Kennedy, 29 Oct 2021

V3 Forest Yellies

Sit start with both hands on rail. Move up and right through pockets and diagonal rail to top out.

PA: Tamati Kennedy, 25 Oct 2021

Brooyar Lost Village The Lost Boulders The Brain Cave
V2 Inspiration

Start inside back of cave climbing out left along shelf to mouth of cave, climbing along mouth of cave to obvious finish jug on the right end of cave, when looking at cave from outside

PA: Raven, 13 Oct 2021

Búlder 6m
V2 Imagination

Start outside left hand side corner of cave, climbing along mouth of cave to finish jug

PA: Raven, 13 Oct 2021

Búlder 5m
V3 Intuition

Climb Inspiration linking into Mind. Climbing mind in reverse

PA: Raven, 13 Oct 2021

Búlder 8m
V1 Mind

Start as for Inspiration but climb right directly across roof to Finish Jug

PA: Raven, 13 Oct 2021

Búlder 2m
V1 Subconscious

Star in small cave in front left corner of cave climbing to start of Inspiration

PA: Raven, 13 Oct 2021

Búlder 3m
V2 Conscious

Start same as Subconscious climbing though middle of cave to end around where Mind crosses roof

PA: Raven, 13 Oct 2021

Búlder 3m
V3 Super Conscious

Start same as Imagination climbing through Subconscious into Conscious, following Conscious and continue across Mind until you reach top right hand corner and end of cave

PA: Raven, 13 Oct 2021

Búlder 7m
V3 Akashic Record

Climbing Subconscious Linking into Mind

PA: Raven, 13 Oct 2021

Búlder 5m
Brooyar Lost Village The Lost Boulders This Isn't Auburn
V1/2 There and Back Again.

The ledge the boulder is perched on is not in. Sit start matched on rail.

Búlder 2m
VB Speedrunner Fosh

The ledge the boulder is perched on is not in. Sit start with high jugs.

Brooyar Lost Village Black Valley Bouldering The Gully Three Part Harmony Sector
Great Acoustics for Rage

Sit start on big flake. Traverse left then move up through pocket and unlikely jug to top out.

Brooyar Lost Village Black Valley Bouldering North Facing Ridge Black Cockatoo Boulder
Zanda Funera

Sit start on right side of boulder using side pull and dish. Stare into the abyss. Levitate up the arete and top out using glory jugs.

Oliver Rickford

Brooyar Lost Village Black Valley Bouldering Southern Sisters Anti-Gravity Love Song Boulder
Unt Zat Wee

Start with left hand in lower good portion of cracky side pull and right hand on slimper. Move up through some moves then top out at the top.

Brooyar Lost Village Black Valley Bouldering The Black Valley Choir of Furies Boulder
Choir of Furies

Sit start under small overhang. Do a few moves up the tufa like feature and mantle the highest point on the boulder.

Tamati Kennedy

Brooyar Lost Village Black Valley Bouldering The Black Valley Picnic Bloc

Sit start on potato. Head straight up.

🍞 🔪

Sit start on crug, shoot right to diagonal rail then mantle directly above crug.


Sit start on jug traverse right to small arete and then head up.

🥜 Pebble

Sit start matched on pebble.

🍕 ⏱️

Sit start as for Swiss 🧀. Traverse right and link into 🥜 Pebble.

Swiss 🧀

Sit start with divits on rail. Up and left

Oliver Rickford


Mostrando 1 - 100 de 785 vías.

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