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Mostrando 701 - 800 de 3,951 vías.

Grado Vía Estilo de equipamiento Popularidad
Cairns Atherton Tablelands Cerrado Turkey Hill
23 Entranced
Clásica 8m
16 (Unknown 3)
Clásica 8m
16 (Unknown 4)
Clásica 12m
23 Direct Start
Clásica 10m
15 (Unknown 5)
Clásica 16m
11 No Cheese Please, We're British
Clásica 6m
7 Comfort And Joy
Clásica 11m
20 Cheese Gobbler
Top-rope 14m
18 Cheese Grater
Top-rope 17m
17 (Unknown 6)
Clásica 10m
16 - 18 (Unknown 7)
Clásica 10m
14 - 18 (Unknown 8)
Clásica 10m
17 Rearviewmirror
Clásica 7m
Cairns Atherton Tablelands Granite Gorge
V4 Beginnings

Stand start arete and rail. Works boulders both sides of crack to gain left topout. A bit tensiony in the uppper middle. Pad hole.

PA: Jared Tyerman, 5 Nov 2023

Búlder 3m
V3 Endings

Stand start with right rail and left edge. Use low feet, as well as perfectly situated lefter later, to gain crack opening. Up trending left looking for thin high hold to get body stable, before coming right to topout above crack.

PA: Jared Tyerman, 5 Nov 2023

Búlder 3m
V0 - 1 Tufa Love

Head up compression over prow. Almost reminiscent of climbing on limestone tufas. Stand start.

Just near metal bridge upstream of main reception. Downstream of the weir.

PA: Jared Tyerman & Tamara O'Neil, 19 En 2019

Búlder 4m
V1/2 Planking Isn't Illegal

Traverse left to right, topping out after corner. Start low on sideways edge and square foot crystal. Boulder is just up from TL.

PA: Jared Tyerman, 22 Jun 2019

Búlder 2m
V0 - 1 Dem Legs

Sit start at base of small boulder with "weir" written on it (just across from PII) to gain leg dominated line to top. Small but fun.

PA: Jared Tyerman, 19 En 2019

Búlder 2m
V2 Just For Now

Stand start with left sidepull, right edge, low left foot rail, low right nubs or vertical feature. Work up to flake then slightly right through groove to topout. Pad well.

PA: Jared Tyerman & Osher Joy Medina, 5 Nov 2023

Búlder 3m
V1 The Rock

Head up the mild arete from standing. Topout up mild slab. Come down via jumping onto pad or down climbing. Boulder is just near PII.

PA: Jared Tyerman, 22 Jun 2019

Búlder 4m
V0 Amazonica

Traverse right to left with large features. Tops out with Rock Wallaby sh** (clean prior).

PA: Jared Tyerman, 23 Jun 2019

Búlder 2m
V0 Water Iris

Head up from sit start along mild arete to lip and topout.

PA: Jared Tyerman, 23 Jun 2019

Búlder 2m
V0 Water Lily

Sit start arete and edge. Gain height and catch lip. Stellar one move wonder. Topout.

These boulders are found just before you cross the metal bridge that gets you to TL.

PA: Jared Tyerman, 23 Jun 2019

Búlder 3m
V1 Lotus

Sit start around upstream face and traverse right to left onto face with V-shaped lip. Topout top left prow.

PA: Jared Tyerman, 23 Jun 2019

Búlder 3m
V1 Water Velvet

Sit start at opening. Press up into large scooping feature and find good holds for delicate topout. Surreal location, setting and movements. Right in the middle of the creek near PII, TL, TR and DL.

PA: Jared Tyerman, 23 Jun 2019

Búlder 3m
V2 Antsy Pantsy

Sit start arete with good left edge and (just) right of arete sidepull. Boost up to semi-micro edge and then up to feature on arete. Cruisy climbing to prow for topout. This boulder is a large fin feature, so be mindful of this on the topout as is not a platform up there.

Located to the back and left (down the bulges) when looking at Turk's Head from above on the Yellow Track.

PA: Jared Tyerman, 8 Jul 2019

Búlder 4m
Arete proj

Stand start on sharp edge and arete sidepull with good foot to gain height on arete and pull into upper lip for topout. Tension-y.

BúlderProyecto 5m
Edgey proj

Stand start just to right of tree matched on high micro edge. With two wide-spread feet work up to right small feature and upper left edges to gain lip for topout.

BúlderProyecto 5m
V0 - 1 Hands for Feet

Stand start corner with edges to work into higher edges. Use tension or pop straight to jug and topout. Edge at a shoulder's width left of the jug helps for the top.

Near EP and the two APs

PA: Jared Tyerman, 8 Jul 2019

Búlder 4m
V2 Peanut Butter Hand Jam Time

Sit start stellar hand crack with finger lock. Work jams to top, avoid tree but keep using crack. Root near foot for sit start is annoying. Climb would be sick if longer.

PA: Jared Tyerman, 8 Jul 2019

Búlder 4m
One Finger Left Behind

Sit start finger crack right of PBHJT. Head up into wider sections for easier upper section. Lacking feet for the sit start makes getting off the ground a pain.

BúlderProyecto 4m
14 Unnamed

Right hand climb up tall pillar called Turks Head. Follows trending cracks. Raps off top boulder.

PA: Jason Shaw, Stephen Baskerville, Tristan Baskerville & Ramses Lich

Clásica 8m
13 Turkish Flat Bread

Follow offwidth through to 2nd shrub at top to set up anchor. Rap off boulders on top. Start at base of rock or on boulder. A tad awkward but fun short and sweet.

PA: Jared Tyerman & Tamara O'Neil, 18 En 2019

Clásica 6m
V2 Fig Splitter

Sit start with cracks/edges/smears of 'Fig Tree Splitting Rock' along the red track. Working two right-side cracks (primarily right-most crack) to gain upper prow and topout under dead tree branch.

PA: Jared Tyerman, 23 Jun 2019

Búlder 4m
V2 Ficus

Start right crack sit start. Trend up crack 2 moves then left and finish top left corner.

PA: Jared Tyerman, Nemo & Osher Joy Medina, 5 Nov 2023

Búlder 3m
V2/3 Pleistodontes

Sit start spread on two left-most cracks on higher-ground side of arete. Work upside-down V crack system to topout top left prow.

PA: Jared Tyerman, 23 Jun 2019

Búlder 3m
V2 Manbornde

Stellar piece. Sit start with feature on vertical crack and edge. Feet are fun. Gain higher edge/ horizontal crack and vertical crack/arete. Once off the ground keep to left side of crack and to left of crack. Top out left prow.

PA: Jared Tyerman, 23 Jun 2019

Búlder 4m
V1 Arachn-or-baso-phobia

Head up chossy arete through large features topping out to right onto boulder or up slab (not advisable going up left face as large holds could ping and the fall could be bad).

Watch for St Andrew's Cross Spiders (Argiope keyserlingi) in features.

PA: Jared Tyerman & Nick Springall, 8 Jul 2023

Búlder 4m
V2 Roundhouse

Stand start flake and follow up and left to topout by flake's prow.

(This boulder is located along the red track, downstream side of 'Dinosaur Rock' - icon of the actual property).

PA: Jared Tyerman, 23 Jun 2019

Búlder 4m
V3 Micro-sloper

Sit start edges and head to micro edges to gain gentle arete. Head up and right to slopers and flat feature for topout.

PA: Jared Tyerman, 23 Jun 2019

Búlder 5m
V2 Majuscula

Stand start far left, work up edges and rails to micro edges up high. Topout on slopers. One foot placement directly above your hand mid climb is prime.

PA: Jared Tyerman, 23 Jun 2019

Búlder 4m
V4 Ideal Ultimate Result

Start on the right side of the ledge, mantle and tip-toe your way to the meat hook. Finish up the mini fridge.

Búlder 3m
Project Split

Sit start on crimp rail, up and left on sharp crimps. Not outrageously hard, just only let's you have a couple goes before it splits your tips.

V6 Rock Wallaby

Sit start with gaston and crimp, head straight up on small edges.

Búlder 4m
18 Petrogale

Beautiful tall splitter that widens from hands to offwidth. Head right under the roof to top out. Take care when belaying as there is a large cavern directly underneath the start of the crack.

Clásica 16m
Macropod Moves

Follow the widening crack trending right.

Clásica 16m
V0 Flume

Start seated with hands on two large features stand up and with higher feet topout at top right of boulder up mini slab.

Located on Yellow Track on the carpark side, before Turks Head (/Turtle Rock?).

PA: Jared Tyerman, 6 Jul 2019

Búlder 2m
V1/2 Uke

Sit start lowball matched on rail and two low spread feet. Gaston up to vert rail and then work to lip for topout.

PA: Jared Tyerman, 6 Jul 2019

Búlder 2m
V3/4 Despacito

Start standing on far left arete then traverse into blank appearing slab. Use sequence of thin holds to get into good edges and topout through middle right of boulder. Footwork and hand-eye coordination is key.

These boulders are located above Flume and Uke.

PA: Tom Swan & Jared Tyerman, 6 Jul 2019

Búlder 3m
V1 Loincloth

Traverse from left corner to right corner stand starting, topping out as far right as can.

PA: Tom Swan & Jared Tyerman, 6 Jul 2019

Búlder 3m
D to L

Traverse Despacito then link into Loincloth.

BúlderProyecto 3m
V1 Sidestep

Start low at left side of boulder and traverse right staying as low at lip with hands as possible (on face too). Go around corner into large undercling/scoop feature ad topout from here.

PA: Jared Tyerman, 6 Jul 2019

Búlder 2m
V2/3 Boulder Hanger

Stand start matched on thin sharp edge. Feet position you almost hanging, then boost into vertical edge and then upper feature to topout on. Worthy of more stars if were longer and slightly less sharp. Working on starting more to the right and traversing into thin sharp edge.

PA: Jared Tyerman, 6 Jul 2019

Búlder 3m
V1 Pteropus Claw

Stand start right arete. Glide into undercling thumb catch horizontal seam/crack/feature then pop to lip and topout. Stack pads to jump down once topped out.

PA: Jared Tyerman, 6 Jul 2019

Búlder 3m
V0 Glider

Stellar sit start to positive left arete. Work up arete to topout. Face feet are in.

PA: Jared Tyerman & Tom Swan, 6 Jul 2019

Búlder 3m
Cairns Atherton Tablelands Emu Creek
18 Jolly Jumper

Start on block into overhang in corner working direct corner of mound to top.

Clásica 13m
17 Rantanplan

Get up onto platform, work lay back crack into below fridge stone, hang off and power through 2m splitter handjam crack up onto slab and to anchors of The Daltons.

Clásica 13m
16 The Daltons

Sweet line. Follow series of horizontal cracks starting left of fig tree on wall, into fine holds and funky mantle higher up. A fair amount of handjams available and an array of sweet moves to be made. Anchors are on wall or can top out.

Clásica 13m
15 Into the abyss

Start on most obvious wall on the opposite side to the creek. Veer up three ledges then traverse the wall/face with horizontal thin crack, then up LHS arete and topout. Alternatively come down via installed rap rings.

Clásica 14m
13 Better as a boulder problem

Head up corner, once above lip trend up central on mound to peak where anchors are. Alternative harder start on upstream side of corner.

Clásica 19m
24 Paper wasp mantle

Jump start up to obvious ledge, move right and mantle. Finish up and to the left on bad crimps.

Top-rope 7m
V3/4 Dramatic Re-enactment

Start on right side of good rail, big moves to the right and up. Scary top section. Once on top of the ledge, traverse right and downclimb. Located on the left river side.

Búlder 5m
Fridge Hugger

Hasn't been climbed, as there's been a wasp nest under it every time. Get on it! If the wasps aren't home...

Desconocido 8m
Hueco proj

King line of the crag. Start on obvious hueco jug, follow slopy rail up and right. Someone do it!

Desconocido 8m
V1/2 Just jump

Start on right side of slot rail, move left and make the big move to a good edge. Watch out for the choss block near the top.

V0+ Tetris

Wacky moves and wierd body positions. Move up through the corner and slightly left to top out.

Cairns Trinity Beach Taylor's Point
Project 1
Project 2
Project 3
VB Bold In The Hole

Sit start with jugs sitting directly below the hole in the top of the short cliff. Jugs galore to the top out.

Equip: Nick Murphy, 26 Abr 2020

PA: Nick Murphy, 26 Abr 2020

Búlder 2m
Project 4
Project 6
Project 5
VB Jellylegs

Sit start at the bulge down and left of the gap. Pull up on all the jugs to the top out.

Equip: Nick Murphy, 26 Abr 2020

PA: Nick Murphy, 26 Abr 2020

Búlder 2m
Project 7
Project 8
Project 10
Project 9
19 - 23 Unknown 19/23

Very easy start for first 5m (14) and last 6m is overhung with big pockets and a crack. It can be done directly (tape your hands) (23) or layback from crack (19).

Clásica 11m
16 Waldorf Saw A Therapist

Easier start to right of 19. Traverse into first bolt over flake. WARNING: ANCHORS (AND LIKELY BOLTS) SEVERELY RUSTED/CORRODED

Deportiva 8m, 4
19 Waldorf's Separation Anxiety

This climb is on the 2nd of the Trinity Beach cliffs at Taylor Point, right hand side. Starts below flake, goes up to high first bolt. WARNING: ANCHORS (AND LIKELY BOLTS) SEVERELY RUSTED/CORRODED

Deportiva 8m, 4
Unknown Name Corner Climb

Info taken from old QURANK Guide. Only mention that it's in the corner. Unable to locate any bolts.

Desconocido 12m
Project 14
Project 13
V2 Flakes A Lot Man!

Sit start at the base of the right facing blunt flake, pull up off sidepulls and stab for the flake to the left, head up onto the ramp, then follow thin seam and crimps to top out.

Equip: Nick Murphy

PA: Nick Murphy, 3 Mayo 2020

Búlder 4m
V1 Flakes For Joining Us

Sit start at blunt arete below the ramp. Pull up using the pocket, mantle onto the ramp and trend right to meet up with 'Flakes A Lot Man!' using the same crimp rail to the top.

Equip: Nick Murphy

PA: Nick Murphy, 3 Mayo 2020

Búlder 4m
V1 Be Bold, Don't Fold

Sit start at base of ramp to the left of the arete sitting on the block. Pull off slots above, pulling up onto ramp, then following straight up the arete on thin crimps to top out.

Equip: Nick Murphy

PA: Nick Murphy, 3 Mayo 2020

Búlder 4m
Bladed block project

Equip: Nick Murphy, 3 Mayo 2020

BúlderProyecto 4m
Project 16
Cairns Trinity Beach North Trinity Bouldering Main Stack
V0 Oceanic Traverse

Traverse the long obvious rock that dips into the ocean. Be mindful not to dip your feet in

Equip: Jared Tyerman

Búlder 3m
V1 Funky Chunky

Start far right, work pockets and incredible hidden undercling jug up weakness to orange patch. Nice pinch into jugs and topout

Búlder 4m
V5 Triangulate

To the right of IA seated at base of slopey arete left of FC, using face and arete holds. Pocket, undercling edge, slopers and 2 ridiculous pinches to get to rail and oval pocket to top. Low small feet and heels help. Big and vertical cracks are OUT. Contrived.

Jared Tyerman

PA: Jared Tyerman, 11 Abr 2019

Búlder 4m
V2 Illicit Arete

Sit start at the base of the arete, left of slab the slab wall. There is a small pocket for right hand low on arete. Follow arete keeping feet smeared slab, avoid use of left hand face. Perfect hold halfway. Rails just left of arete on face are in for V1, out for V2. Topout at top of arete.

Búlder 4m
V3 Pocket Rocket

Start seated on rock, work up mostly through pockets that work as edges to vertical central crack with pocket. Edge left of this is in. Top out via crack and horizontal rails.

Equip: Jared Tyerman

PA: Eli Taylor

Búlder 4m
V3 Don't Dab Slab

Stand start low- two underclings. Up through pockets. Then to edge and mini sidepull. Stay left of slight arete. To prow for topout.

Harder for sit start, easier if stand starting using pockets straight away (i.e. not using undercling start holds).

PA: Jared Tyerman, 15 Jun 2019

Búlder 4m
V2 Magical Mystery Tour

Work from Funky Chunky's start to the far left of the Forewall. Thereby traverse all climbs here through the 2m section of the wall. Cool movements prior to the Pocket Rocket section of the climb. Top out as far left as you deem safe, ends above rocks not pads

PA: Sean Reilly

Búlder 4m
V0 Haul of the wall

Sit below crack, work jugs into crack, follow crack to flake-type feature and jugs and crack to top out. Exclude various features for V1

Búlder 4m
V3 Epidermis Assemblage

Work far right to far left, using mint heels and toes and open hands on top hand grating edge, to jugs and the topout as far left as possible

Búlder 2m
V1 Santa's S'cr'ack

Sit in rocky hole, work left hand crack using wall features for V1, V2 for direct up crack without wall's aid

Búlder 4m
V0 Chimney of the North Pole

Offwidth crack essentially with staircase within

Búlder 4m

Mostrando 701 - 800 de 3,951 vías.

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