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Mostrando 8,501 - 8,581 de 8,581 vías.

Grado Vía Estilo de equipamiento Popularidad Zona
V3 The Flagship

The tall proud line on the Flagship Boulders, 70m left of the Guthries summit. Start on edges under the rooflet at the lowest point of the boulder. Climb left out from under the roof then directly up on awesome face features to a very high and committing topout either directly over, or following the lip of the boulder up higher and left to an easier topout. So fat, no one has committed to the topout moves.

Epic Project! Bring spotters, extra pads, and tent pegs to stop your pads from sliding down the grassy slope!!! For real, that's a problem here!

BúlderProyecto 6m Charlotte Pass
V3 Squeezed On Past

Move right to the arête over the increasingly spooky landing.

PA: Madoc sheehan, 2013

Búlder Harvey’s Marbles
V3 Anxiety Direct

As for Anxiety, but keep going straight up and avoid the easy finish R.


Búlder Harvey’s Marbles
V3 Fat and Lazy
Búlder Orroral area
V3 Impact Zone

The LH crack weakness. Solid for 3!

Búlder Hollow Mountain (N & NE side of Mt. Stapylton)
22 Xanadu

Technical crux at 5m, after reaching the ledge continuing up kubla khan makes for a 30m pitch

PA: Dave Stephenson, Jun 2018

Deportiva 10m, 5 Sand River
22 Squat Or Rot

Steep climbing on good holds. The obvious line a few metres right of Domino.

Surmount the pale block then move left up short corner and onto ramp. Finish as for Domino.

PA: Michael Hampton & Geoff Butcher, 1994

Clásica 25m Victoria Range
V3 Michelangelo

Start on the left rail and right mini jug sidepull. Straight up via one hold around the corner and top out.

Búlder Bouddi National Park
22 R The Undertaker

The inside LH corner of the big cave - opposite Valhalla.

Characterised by poor rock & poor gear = hence the name.

PA: Robert Staszewski

Clásica 45m Mt Maroon
V3 Groot's Arete

It looks like Groot! Sit start under the steep face on break and pockets.

PA: Evan.C

Búlder Hopetoun Park
V3 Gilded Gadfly
Búlder 2m Bowen
V3 The gushess of York

Eastern face of heelgood boulder

PA: Adam Kiem, 2012

Búlder Beulah
V3 #3 Búlder 3m Pierce's Creek
22 Suck In The S Bend
Desconocido 15m North Esk
22 Those Trees, Those Trees, Those Truffula Trees
Clásica 25m The Black Range
22 Numbered Days

PA: Gerry Narkowicz & Ben Maddison, 2000

Clásica 250m Cape Pillar
22 Back on the Borderline
Desconocido 25m Wilson's Promontory
22 La Technique

rap 35m off the fence (+ backup) sth of Macquarie light and north of Christensen park. rusted bolts and cams

PA: Michael Law & paul colyvan

Clásica mixta 35m, 5 Vaucluse
V3 Less Than Optimal

PA: Andrew Richards

Búlder Queanbeyan area
V3 Fuzzy Image

Stand start and straight up.

Búlder 5m The Monastery
V3 Battle Of The Bulge

JPs own personal battle. Hard sit start at right arête, up to big sloping bulge and finish up slab.

PA: Jason Piper, 2000

Búlder Bouddi National Park
22 Diamond Traverse
Clásica 55m Killiecrankie
V3 Nandroya


Búlder North West Bay River
22 Climb1
Clásica 30m Point Perpendicular
V3 Kripke's Umbrella
Búlder Plus 1
22 Deliha

Start: On the large flake at the base of the RH column.

Up to a bolt at 3m height, hard climbing past another bolt to a good horizontal crack, up the thin face, passing a FH to the next horizontal crack, then past a bolt to the top and DBB.

(Small to medium sized cams.)

PA: Mark Plenderlieth & Denise Crook, 1995

Clásica mixta 22m, 4 Mt Maroon
V3 Safe Injecting Room

A desperate, sustained struggle - and thats just to gain the start. At the back of Druggie's Alley is a beautiful arete. Start with your feet on the obvious footholds about 1m above the mire (sit start is still a project).

Búlder Jurassic Park
22 Treason

The tree may now be burnt, but it was on. The roof and crack between Stentor and Snot. Pull through the horizontal break then up the crack to the top.

PA: Mike Meyers & Mike Law-Smith, 1982

Clásica 25m Orroral area
22 Get Pork on Your Fork
Deportiva 13m Canberra
22 Enter Sandman

The fused corner. Stem up past 6 bolts to a #1 cam placement. Up past another bolt and nut placement to top out on ledge. Rap off tree.

PAL: Mitch Woodward, Ag 2021

Clásica mixta 25m, 7 Cania Gorge
V1 - 3 Jungle Gym

Sit start on the pedestal. Up via small edges

BúlderProyecto Brady's Lookout
22 Treasures in Heaven
Clásica mixta 5m, 1 Launceston (Cataract) Gorge
V3 Sound of One Hand Slapping

1m left of NTFYDBTFYNRN. Sit start with RH on flat hold below lip. Up to slopey crimp over lip, lunge up and left, then step over lip. Probably easier if you're tall or really short.

PA: Tim Clarkson, 30 Sep 2021

Búlder 2m Tambourine Bay
V3 Bockwurst

Sit start on the right of the cave, then move out and up high arete. Don't chicken out around the arete! A little scary and tough for 3.

PA: dwebster, Feb 2016

Búlder The Deli
22 Infinite Dreams

Squeezed in.

Start: Starts 2m right of 'Airplay', just left of corner.

PA: Martin Lama & Graeme Smith, 1992

Clásica 20m Hollow Mountain (N & NE side of Mt. Stapylton)
22 Memories of Provence

Supposed to be good climbing on all pitches. Lovely grey and orange rock on the first pitch.

Start: Start at small undercut corner 10m right of Big Boys Don't Cry.

  1. 30m (22) Up corner for 4m, move right into groove, follow groove to roof. Traverse right onto ledge, step back left (PR) and through break in overhang (BR). Up to small stanec.

  2. 30m (18) Cracks in right wall of corner then back into the corner. Up until progress is blocked, step left and go up to rejoin the corner. On to ledge.

  3. 30m (17) Step left into orange corner, up to roof, traverse left to break then up steep corner. Finish up face.

PA: Jeremy Boreham & Phillip McMillan, 1997

Clásica mixta 90m, 3, 1 Mt Rosea
22 Ginnungagap
Clásica 150m South-Eastern Grampians
V2/3 The Bell Tower

Start as for Cathedral but stick to the roof and turn the lip to finish straight up without the break to the right.

Búlder 3m Yeppoon/ Capricorn Coast
22 X Valentine's Day Massacre

An entrant for the worst of the worst... Crappy line, dodgy rock, ground fall potential, its all here.

Start: Left of corner on the track before Paler Shade of White just past the big log.

  1. 17m (22) Unprotected hardish moves on dodgy holds lead to jugs at overhang where the gear is not good and the moss begins. Continue to belay at big ledge. Smell the roses.

  2. 8m (19) Continue up left side of orange wall via a most awkward slopey mantle off the deck.

PA: Steve Chapman & Jill Gara (alternative leads), 2004

Clásica 25m, 2 Victoria Range
V3 SW6 - Missing dorsal

Up the side of the whale

Búlder 4m Stonehenge
V3 Dog eat Dog

Techy balancing up the arete. Stand start left hand crimp right hand arete.

PA: Jesse P, Mayo 2022

Búlder 4m Cathedral Rock National Park
22 Only the Lonely

Located on a distinct square topped pinnacle set back from the sea, 10 minutes past Goldrush Wall, on the way to Wheel Bay. Climb the slab and sharp arête past five glued carrots and a 3.5 & 5 Friend to a DBB.

PA: 2009

Clásica 15m Trial Harbour
V3 The Midgard Slab

Classic slabbing with some committing moves. Start on obvious edge

PA: Cameron

Búlder Belrose
V3 Toe Henge

Sit start with feet in the white band, Right hand in the pocket and left hand on the opposite side. Follow the bottom shelf system and top out where the shelf finishes. Super fun climb and great for practicing knee bars.

PA: Graeme Russell, 14 Ag 2020

Búlder 6m Kalbarri
22 Sticky Chicken
Desconocido 65m, 2, 12 Mount Buffalo
V3 VoVo

Start as for StNE finish as for Vo.

Búlder 8m Cowra
22 Pom's Crack

Start 20m right of "The Big Swing". Climb crack to the top of a large block, then tackle the great looking overhanging hand crack.

PA: John Wilde & George Fieg, 1989

Clásica 35m Watagans
22 Big Kahuna Burger
Clásica 20m Moonarie
22 Grey Traverse


Búlder Inner Melbourne
22 Scarlet Steal
Clásica Launceston (Cataract) Gorge
22 A Bang and a Wimpy

Technical slab climbing. Start 10m left of Boogie Nights. Route has two holes in the bulge up high. Climb slab to tricky mid section then bulge above.

PA: John Lattanzio, 2010

Deportiva 15m, 9 New Nowra - Braidwood Road
22 First Coming

Unbeknownst to most people, God had a seaside holiday before heading off to create Mt Arapiles. This climb is a testament to his creative abilities. The gem of Bittangabee, steep, strenuous, and sensational. 1m R of P3. Up right-leaning diagonal, straight up to finish on splitter crack on capstones.

PA: Peter Lynch, 2012

Clásica South Coast
V2/3 Yak in your dacks

Up the round arete. Don’t use the bail scoop on the left.

PA: Finn Linnett, Ag 2023

Búlder Kalbarri
V3 Nick's Traverse

Sit start at the far right end and traverse L as far as possible before mantling.

Búlder Felltimber Creek Crag
22 Frogs Outa Water

Short wall with three bolts. Starts off ledge 1m L of PMMHH. Straight up wall past some dubious rock to the cave. Nice mantle to finish. Belay in back of cave. Rap off.

PA: paul riviere & ross linsley, 1993

Deportiva 10m, 3 Joll's Bridge
22 DWS 1
Psico bloc (deep water solo) 10m The Slot
V3 Thank F*ck For That

Standing start

PAL: Mike Carlotto & Paul Devine, 2011

Búlder 5m Beulah
V2/3 Pink

Big flake for LH, RH on undercling sidepull. Up face via slopey edges.

Búlder Harvey’s Marbles
22 R Poop Scoop

Start: An equally tenuous line up the slab right of IDKWtCi-D.

PA: Paul Hoskins & Richard Smith, 1999

Clásica 8m Arapiles
V3 Low Balling For Life

Hang start on the undercling and punchup to the overlap, traversing this until it's possible to go for the round hold on top.

PA: Ben Thorp, 18 Feb

Búlder Mt Lyell
V3 Dumb decisions

Stand start on jug and go straight up. Bring several pads as the fall isnt fun

PA: Ben Send

Búlder 4m Byron Lowtide Boulders
V3 Problem #60

Up the arete around from Problem #59.

Búlder Midgegoroo National Park
22 Overnight Sensation

Fingery wall & grove to the Left of TBOI.

Come with a well protected crux and an exciting finish.

PA: Mark Plenderleith, 1992

Deportiva Mt Maroon
V3 Gruntologist

No starting from mats or kneebars... M6 (arm bars allowed), R30, M30.

Búlder Kangaroo Point
22 Floating on Air

Quite good climbing starting at the block three metres right of 'Bile'. Onto the block and up the wall above passing a horizontal break, and keeping out of 'Bile'.

PA: Mike Law-Smith, Alan Wilkie & Paul Tatersall, 1982

Clásica 25m Orroral area
22 Gristle and Gravy

More of the same steep pockets. Start as for Lure of the Sewer. Climb past two bolts, then lean left and clip a bolt below the little overlap. Move left keeping your feet below the overlap (crux) to a good pocket, then a jug and a bolt, of cours. Up directly past two more rawldrive surprises then back right to the rap stance on Lure of the Sewer.

PA: Mike Peck, 1991

Clásica mixta 15m, 6 Canberra
V3 E5

Contrived low start, avoid leaning block with toe hook.

Búlder Lighthouse beach
V3 G5

From break slap right arete to pockets on face.

Búlder Lighthouse beach
22 Governor Of The Realm

Thin direct start to Defender of the Faith

Clásica 10m Ben Lomond
22 Down and Out

Exciting. Climb FS until over the lip and just short of the belay. Step R and cruise to the arete then pull through to the top.

PA: Glenn Tempest, 1982

Clásica 40m The Cathedral Range
22 W

Begin on the L side of the overhanging buttress. Traverse R to scoops in the face then follow the line to the top.

PA: Toprope. Probably Brayshaw, company & mid 80’s

Clásica 17m Red Rock
22 Right Wall Rope 10 Green

Green route on the right hand wall. Reachy lower section, crimpy middle. Finish with big dyno and climb under roof right to pull through, have fun.

Equip: Sean Hobson, 14 Oct 2019

Top-rope 14m Private Indoor Climbing Wall
22 Ditto Sux
Desconocido 70m Mount Buffalo
V3 Rock Candy

PA: Duncan Brown

Búlder Queanbeyan area
22 Stormfront
Clásica 45m Blue Mountains
22 Avon
Desconocido 25m Blue Mountains
V3 Worn & Torn

Sit start and along ramp right to top out.

Búlder 3m The Monastery
22 Dead Root

PA: Anthony Alexander

Deportiva 10m Eagle Rock
V3/4 Moray

Find purchase on the thin face, use a pebble for your left and up you go

Búlder 3m Passchendaele State Forest
V3 Fun Arete

Sit start with left hand on undercling and right hand on wide sloper edge. Head up arête using whatever features you can and top out at the top.

Búlder The Enchanted Forest
22 Stiff Upper Lip

Interesting start through middle of overhangs 12m right of Iron Contract to #2 RP and fixed #2 RP higher up. Up line.

PA: Chris Dale & Paul Colyvan, 1983

Clásica 30m Kaputar

Mostrando 8,501 - 8,581 de 8,581 vías.

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