
Vías como búlder en Whomping Willow

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Mostrando los 23 vías.

Grado Vía Estilo de equipamiento Popularidad
Granite Track Boulder
V3 The Traverse With No Name

Sit Start Matched on big Sidepull. Move Up and left slopers and incuts to a good edge to the left and a crack towards the top. Top out.

PA: Laurence Judd, Jul 2021

Búlder 3m
So, You think you can smear Open Project

Stand Start in centre of boulder with RH Side pull and LH angled sidepull. Move up via crimps to good holds at the top.

Búlder 3m
V0 Hopping over Chad

Stand start on good LH Side pull and RH tiny crimp. High starding feet to avoid the large rock. Head up and right to big juggy top out.

PA: Petey, 2021

Búlder 3m
Storm Boulder
V5 Quiet Storm

Signature line of the area and possibly the best lowball in the forest. Sit start with right hand on upturned small edge and left hand low on left sloping arete. Climb the sloping arete and top out.

PA: pamelalansbury, 28 Oct 2020

Búlder 2m
Booty Boulder
V3 Apricot Booty

Climb the layback finger crack to the very top. Mantle. Spicy exit given the fall zone.

PA: Pete, 2015

Búlder 4m
V3 Big D

Stand Start with LH on sloping arete and RH on average undercling under lip or the lip itself. Bust out right to the juggy top side of the D feature and head up and left to top out.

PA: Laurence Judd, Jul 2021

Búlder 3m
V4 Only God Can Judd Me

Sit start to Big D. Good LH crimp and RH low low undercling -V4. If you want a contrived harder variant start with same left hand crimp and same right undercling of the stand- goes at 5 points.

Equip: Laurence Judd

PA: Thananthorn Suriyasenee, 15 Ag 2021

BúlderProyecto 4m
V1 Up The Channel

Sit Start on Large incut channel on the Right Hands Side of the "D". Head up and left along the jug channel and top out as per Big D.

PA: Laurence Judd, Jul 2021

Búlder 3m
VB Back of the D

Stand start on big feature seemingly unattached to the boulder, rest assured it is. Move up the slab via good crimps and edges to the top. This is also the easiest down climb for the boulder.

PA: Laurence Judd, Jul 2021

Búlder 4m
V1 Judd judy

Sit start low with both hands on obvious right hand sidepull, smear feet, stand up and span into left hand incut on top side of boulder. Top out to the right side of the boulder. There are some intermediate crimps for those short on span.

PA: Harrison Schultz, 15 Ag 2021

Equip: Ziomuv, 15 Ag 2021

Panic Boulder
V2 Don't Panic

Sit start on low LH edge and small pocket for right hand. Spring up and grab the seam on the left-hand side of arete and continue up. Fall is a potentially a bit awkward

PA: Ben Dickson, 25 Oct 2020

Búlder 4m
V3 Jugless Adams

Sit-start on the sloping edge where a jug once lived. Reach your way up the seam on right-side of the arete. A pad on the boulder to the right is advisable.

PA: Ben Dickson, 25 Oct 2020

Búlder 4m
Conscripted Boulder
V0+ Diagonal Sit.

Sit Start with good RH side pull and LH on sloping arete. Make a move into the start of the crack and finish as for Diagonal Crack Line.

Búlder 3m
V0 Diagonal crack line

Sit or crouch start in prominent diagonal crack. Follow it up to the horn at far right-hand side

PA: 25 Oct 2020

Búlder 3m
V1 The Conscripted Boulderer

Stand start in bottom corner of the diagonal crack. Climb slightly up that to gain access to the ledge, then make a committing move to head straight up the very blank looking slab

PA: Ben Dickson, 25 Oct 2020

Búlder 3m
Demolition Boulder
V3 Walking Demolishion Service

Sit start with hands on the left-most flat ledge. Head directly upwards via the poor sloper.

PA: Ben Dickson, 25 Oct 2020

Búlder 3m
V0 Warm Me Up

Sit start on the edge as for WDS. Follow the ledges to the right, then top out via the weakness to the right

PA: 25 Oct 2020

Búlder 3m
V2 Of Course

Sit start on the unreasonably low hold, akward-but-not-too-hard-if-you-fit move up to the juggy rail, and top out diagonally-right

PA: Ben Dickson, 25 Oct 2020

Búlder 3m
V0 Crystal Cannon

Sit or crouch start on the large chunk of quartz at right-hand side of boulder. Follow the rising seam all the way to the top

PA: Ben Dickson, 25 Oct 2020

Búlder 4m
Step Up Slab
V0 Step Up 2: The Streets

Step Up start on large footers to grab sloping arete and good right hander. Move up and top out.

PA: Petey

Búlder 2m
V1 Step Up

Start match on the high sloping edge and climb the centre of the slab.

PA: pamelalansbury, 2021

Búlder 2m
V0 Step Up 3

Sit start matched on good sloping sidepull. Head up to a good edge and sloping pinch on the arete, step up and climb the right hand side of the slab to the top.

PA: pamelalansbury, 2021

Búlder 2m
Turtle Boulder
V4 Turtle Traverse

Start laying down under the boulder matched on the poor sloper. Make a hard move to the top then traverse it right and around the corner. Keep traversing and when you are at the good sidepull manntle the boulder. A lowball in every sense of the word but packs in quite a few moves!

PA: pamelalansbury, 2021


Mostrando los 23 vías.

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