
Traverse Boulder

  • Contexto de grado: AU


The big shelf looking boulder sitting proud high up on the hill.

Restricciones heredado de The Enchanted Forest

This area is closed on days of extreme fire danger. Do not drive your vehicle into the Native Forest Reserve if gate is unlocked. Park outside the gate, ensuring the road and gate are not blocked to Forestry SA traffic. Overnight camping and campfires are not permitted at any time. The Reserve is open from sunrise to sunset every day. Do not feed the wildlife and stick to marked trails as much as is possible. Scrub off all tick marks before leaving and pack out all rubbish.


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Sit start the ledge on the lower block on the left hand side. Traverse right and top out when you are on the right hand side of the boulder. Stop half way to enjoy the view.

PA: pamelalansbury, 2021

Start with left hand on side-pull and right hang on crimp. Make a powerful to the top and mantle. A one move powerhouse!

PA: Jordan Grant, 2020

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