
Main Wall

  • Contexto de grado: AU
  • Ascensiones: 24




The large wall featuring an array of lines up its face.

Restricciones heredado de Crockery Bay

Keep to existing paths as you are walking through a Conservation Park to get to the rocks on the coastline.

Ética heredado de Crockery Bay

Take out what you bring in.



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Stand Start as for 'Salty Surprise' but head directly up to two good sidepulls, then a pinch on the arete. Make a big move up to the good edge joining back with 'Salty Surprise' and top out.

Start on sloping edge, head right to under-clings, then move straight up to big sloping edge. Big move up to crimp rail then left to quartz edge. Final big move to solid juggy top out.

Start as for "Salty Surprise". Move right through flowy underclings and up to gain good holds along the midway break to the left of "The Seam". Reachy crux followed by a satisfying juggy top out.

PA: Alex Flood, 6 Abr 2021

Start in the horizontal. Big right hand move to a sloping edge, high left hand into the under-cling above your head then move good holds at the top to top out. A committing sequence.

PAL: Petey Pete, 2018

Traverse along the crack from right to left, start on edge and work along sloping hands to middle move, finish on the left side edge of wall.

PA: Andre Pearson, 23 Abr 2019

Climbs 'Licking The Rhino' to the diagonal large edge. Finish as for 'Salty Surprise'.

PA: Petey Pete, 8 Nov 2020

Sit Start below Senior Pass, RH on great sidepull jug and LH hand on good vertical crimp on 'Africa' shaped feature on the wall, where Namibia would be located. Bust up with LH to crimps along Egypt's coastline and RH to good crimp below break. Move up to break then head left and finish up Salty Aftertaste.

PA: Laurence Judd, Mar 2022

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