
Vías en North West

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Mostrando 1 - 100 de 418 vías.

Grado Vía Estilo de equipamiento Popularidad
Doctors rocks Mordor
V0 First Breakfast

Ocean facing side of the first boulder the Mordor sector. Right hand hold and swing out left over the water to gain a solid left foot. Up through the scoop to the summit.

PA: Fil Kindblad, 25 Dic 2017

V1 Second Breakfast

Low tide only. Stand start below the bulge on the ocean side of the first boulder. Up through the scoop as for First Breakfast.

PA: Fil Kindblad, 25 Dic 2017

V3 Torech Ungol

Overhanging corner on the ocean side of Ruby Right boulder. Sit start in the bottom of the abyss, lay back up the corner while avoiding boulders below and behind.

PAL: Fil Kindblad

PA: Fil Kindblad, 24 Dic 2017

Búlder 4m
V4 Gollum, The Real Hero

Start as Torech Ungol but instead of heading left, bump you way up the arete and around the right hand side of the boulder. Rubbish landing so spotters may be handy.

PA: jackaa & Liam, 29 Feb

Búlder 3m
V3 Gort

Sit start same as tramp stamp, follow the crack left and up.

PA: Chris L, 4 En 2019

Búlder 4m
V4 Tramp Stamp

Sit start at the two pockets and up the face.

Búlder 2m
V0 V0 (sit start)

Up the arete to the right of Tramp Stamp.

Búlder 3m
V0- VE (stand start)

Easy face right of V0.

V2 Ruby Right
Búlder 3m
V1 Mount Doom

Start with hands in the break, feet on the slopey overhang. Rock over, hug the block to the pinnacle. Don't fall.

Búlder 4m
V7 Bro Code

Hang start with poor feet. Left hand in vertical slot and right hand on lowest pinch.

Búlder 3m
V6 Broner

Sit start at the arete, up to the right.

Búlder 3m
V2 V2 (sit start)

Sit start and up the arete.

Búlder 3m
V1 Left Arete


PA: Moses, 2019

Búlder 2m
V1 Middle


PA: Moses, 2019

Búlder 2m
V1 Right Arete


PA: Moses, 2019

Búlder 2m
V1 Lip Traverse

SDS. Can be done in either direction

PA: Moses, 2019

V5 Doctor Dirtbag

Contender for the best boulder at Doctors. Sit down start with arms wide on two side pulls. Big move to knobby hold and then nice flowing moves to good hold about half a metre from the lip. Committing moves to gain the lip and then slightly traverse right for the top out. Tidal dependent but an excellent problem.

PA: Liam, 7 Mar

Búlder 4m
V2 1

Sit start on the right and follow the break right round the boulder to top out up the back.

V3 2

SDS Up the right arete.

V1 3

Start in the break and top out up the slab.

V0 4

On the boulder behind to the left. Sit start with feet as low as possible, hands on each arete and straight up.

Doctors rocks Emergency Medicine
V1 Unnamed V1

Stand start. Straight up the centre of the face.

PA: K. Bolton

Búlder 2m
V2 Unnamed Sit

Sit start on left down point. Straight up face.

Búlder 3m
V6 Neuralgia

Start low and left with right hand on a bad sloper in the roof. Move up and right, avoiding the jugs on the centre of the face, finish up the right side of the face.

Búlder 3m
16 Kitten Kong

Left line of bolts.

PA: Ben Young & Moses Basset

Deportiva 8m, 5
18 Funky Gibbon

Centre line of bolts

PA: Ben Young & Moses Basset

Deportiva 8m, 5
16 Punky Business

Right line of bolts

PA: Ben Young & Moses Basset

Deportiva 8m, 3
V2 Narya

On the great steep boulder just below the sport routes. Only climbable at low tide. Start matched on the big rail, up to the arete and top out. Nice moves on jugs the whole way.

PA: Moses

V3 Nenya

On the great steep boulder just below the sport routes. Only climbable at low tide. Start low on small holds, heel hook and straight up through side pulls.

V1 Vilya

On the great steep boulder just below the sport routes. Only climbable at low tide. Start right hand on a side pull and left on perfect square sloper and go straight up.

V0 Injury blues

Easy and enjoyable movement directly opposite Neuralgia.

PA: Mackenzie Lovell, 28 En 2020

Búlder 3m
V5 V5 Hang Arete

Between Mordor and the main area in the middle of the boulder field there are some individual problems: Start on undercling then up left arête.

18 Doom

To get full value on this climb start in the hole at low tide. Being two boulders stacked on top of each other this feels more like bouldering. With that and the other boulders around you a fall while clipping at any point wouldn't be nice. Still some loose rock at the top.

PA: Ben Young & Moses Bassett

17 Strange

So far this route has been climbed by staying left of the bolts at the start for some fun 3D climbing between the two boulders. Once towards the top of the left boulder, step right and go up the face, don't top out. It's a bit contrived but quite fun.

PA: Ben Young & Moses Bassett

19 Dr Strangelove

It's a shame this face doesn't have a nice flat landing as it would be a great boulder problem at the current height. Or if it was twice as long it would be great sport route. Head straight up past the bolts for a few very thin and quite technical moves.

PA: Ben Young & Moses Bassett

15 And How I learned To Love The Bomb

A bit average, really only one move. Needs another bolt, falling while going for the anchor results in a hard hit into the slab at the bottom.

PA: Ben Young & Moses Bassett

The secret garden

Sit start on the jug on the right of the arete. Climb the arete, staying mostly right and top out through the branches.

Búlder 5m
V1 Frontier Podiatrist

Straight up the center of the face.

PA: K Bolton

V5 Osteopathy

Sit-start at the base of the triangular white wall. Up using crimpers on the face and left arête to reach a jug at the apex of the triangle. From here either head straight for some excitement or cut right to traverse off.

Sit start, right of FP

Búlder 3m
V3 Loop Of Henle

Start round the corner on the jugs, loop round the bottom of the boulder then an awkward move on to the slab which is climbed to the top. Final move a little trickier than you would like in that position.

V4 Emergency Medicine

Awesome highball arête. Follow the tufa feature up the arête using a small pocket on the face to gain the jugs just below the lip. Careful on the top-out.

V2 Rising Tide

Brilliant face climbing straight up the middle of highball face. A piker's variant can be done by exiting out left mid-height (V2).

V6 Tidal Pressure

Just west of the Emergency Medicine area there are two quality problems together in a small depression created by the jumbled boulders:

Start on the furthest left jug. Traverse the face avoiding reaching over the lip for jugs. Top-out up the headwall. Quite pumpy. With the tide coming in the water will slowly creep up the landing and this can create some added time pressure.

Doctors rocks The Beach
V4 Birdman

Sit down start on rock to the left of the boulder. Move up and right to match a side pull. Continue to traverse low on the boulder on out stretched moves to the arete and finish up on "Don't Be a Darius."

PA: Liam

V3 V3

Highball, stand start.

V2 V2

Highball, Stand start

V2 Don't be a Darius

Stand start

PA: D. Khadembashi

V4 Be a Darius?

Sit start variant

V1 V1 sit

Sit start, up through the black scoop.

Búlder 3m
V1 The Golden Eel

Standing start between two small boulders. Left hand in jug, jump to juggy rail, traverse right till the rail ends, up and over. Fun campus traverse or feet available.

Búlder 5m
V2 Pocket Problem

Stand start at the left hand pocket. (Please Edit if proper name and FA are known.)

V3 Oscar The Grouch

Start as low and right as possible and head left through the roof and up pocket problem.

PA: Moses & Ben Young, 1 Mayo 2016

V0 Tinea

Start right hand in undercling and left hand on rail, bump straight up.

PA: Liam, 26 Feb 2022

Búlder 3m
V0 Warm up Traverse

Start on the ledge on the ocean side of the boulder and traverse around, back to the ledge.

VB- T1

These problems are on the beach side of OTG. Follow the flake up to the top.

PA: Liam, 26 Feb 2022

Búlder 2m

Stand start with left undercling and right on a crimp. Couple of moves to the top.

PA: Liam, 26 Feb 2022

Devonport Mersey Bluff Bouldering
VB 1 Búlder 3m
VB Fisitng with an audience Búlder 3m
VB 3 Búlder 3m
VB 4 Búlder 3m
VB 5 Búlder 3m
VB Don't Instagram Strangers Búlder 4m
VB 7 Búlder 2m
VB 8 Búlder 3m
VB 9 Búlder 2m
V1 Watch me make it rain

Traverse either direction. From #1 all the way over to the tussocks and back.

Búlder 15m
VB Below lookout
Mini wall

40 m West of the lookout, under the light house, in low swell. 3 sets of u bolts above. Suitable for toproping, most routes trad protectable. Described left to right, grade depends on eliminates.

10 A

The left hand corner offwidth

Clásica 5m
16 B

Groove to left of first set of U bolt anchors

Clásica 6m
18 C

Straight up to u bolt anchors

Clásica 6m
17 D

Line left of middle anchors

Clásica 6m
16 E

Line straight up to middle anchors

Búlder 6m
17 F

Line to left of right ward anchors up groove

Clásica 6m
14 G

Straight up to rightward anchors

Búlder 6m
12 H

Ramp to right of rightward anchors

Búlder 6m
Jarvs Table Boulder

West of the lookout, and past a small inlet, facing west. Can be approached walking down from lighthouse past a memorial. There are 2 sets of u bolts on top of this boulder, and a table like boulder at its base.

V0 Groove

Ocean facing groove, left of left arete

Búlder 4m
V1 Left arete
Búlder 5m
V1 Face

Middle of face on wall facing “the table”. Eliminate the big hold for more challenge

Búlder 5m
V0 Corner crack

Finger crack

Búlder 5m
V2 Smithys face

The face between the 2 aretes, use both or eliminate one. About grade 21

Búlder 5m
12 Hand crack

Easy hand crack on orange topped boulder

Desconocido 6m
V1 Under lookout b

To the right of the fractured small corner, then up next tier to lookout

Búlder 10m
V1 Chasm 1

Starting in the chasm, straight up the crack.

Búlder 8m
V4 Chasm 2

Start in Chasm, Straight up the crimps on the face to slab.

Búlder 8m
Devonport Don Heads The Submarine
V2 Thank the Stars

Sit start laybacking the left juggy sidepull. climb up and top out above where you started.

PA: Sam Bycroft, 21 En 2023

Búlder 2m
VB The Non-Climbers Ascent

Climb up the easiest part of the boulder.

PA: Sam Bycroft, 21 En 2023

Búlder 2m
V1 Periscope

Sit Start on juggy rails and move up through crimps and topout

PA: Sam Bycroft, 21 En 2023

Búlder 2m
V0+ Odd Submarine

Stand start on jug and move up the wall through jugs and topout.

PA: Sam Bycroft, 21 En 2023

Búlder 3m
V3 Lanky Submarine

Start the same as Odd Submarine then traverse to the right staying low through the funky crux in between Spooky Submarine and Super Submarine. Finish up Easy Submarine.

PA: Sam Bycroft, 21 En 2023

Búlder 6m
V2 Admin Please Delete.

Start on slopey feet above base of wall, between the two columns. Move up via sidepulls culminating in a heroic throw for the slot. Big move to fantastic jugs to finish.

PA: Dave Pastafarian & Mackenzie Lovell, 25 Oct 2023

Búlder 4m
V2 Admin Please delete

Start on slopey feet above base of wall, between the two columns. Move up via sidepulls culminating in a heroic throw for the slot. Big move to fantastic jugs to finish.

PA: Dave Pastafarian & Mackenzie Lovell, 25 Oct 2023

Búlder 4m
V2 Arboreal Submarine

Start on slopey feet above base of wall, between the two columns. Move up via sidepulls culminating in a heroic throw for the slot. Big move to fantastic jugs to finish.

PA: Dave Pastafarian & Mackenzie Lovell, 25 Oct 2023

Búlder 4m
V2 Spooky Submarine

Stand start with left hand on side pull crimp and right hand on slopey crimp. climb up through sidepulls and crimps and topout. Avoid using juggs to the far right.

PA: Sam Bycroft, 21 En 2023

Búlder 3m
V1 Super Submarine

Stand start on good feet and climb up the cool jugs and topout.

PA: Sam Bycroft, 21 En 2023

Búlder 3m
VB Easy Submarine

Start standing on ledge. climb up on jugs to the next ledge where you ca reach the top to topout.

PA: Sam Bycroft, 21 En 2023

Búlder 3m
V1 Detached Submarine

Climb detached pillar using thin cracks either side. The top 2/3 of the block is detached lots of movement when pulled outwards when topping out

Búlder 4m
VB Yellow Submarine

A great fun climb on jugs for beginners. stand start to the right of the arete on platform. climb up and to the left to the arete and finish up the arete.

PA: Sam Bycroft, 21 En 2023

Búlder 3m

Mostrando 1 - 100 de 418 vías.

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