
Vías en Castle Hill para grado seleccionado

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Mostrando los 8 vías.

Grado Vía Estilo de equipamiento Popularidad
New Zealand Buttress
10 - 14 Cripes

Starts behind the boulder at the end of the bouldering wall, to the R of "Mr Krinkle". Ascend the corner with grass growing out of it. 15+m?

Clásica 15m
Western Bluff
11 Crazy, now broken

L of Sne, the goes straight up slab veering L slightly towards the top.

Clásica 20m
10 - 15 X Don't Bother Vomiting

Starts 3m R of detached block which forms a chimney. Faintly marked but hard to see the paint. Ascends pockets (protectable) and then an unprotected slab. Looks like it finishes on a grassy ledge below the overhang - uncertain finish & descent.

Clásica 15m
6 - 12 Arrow

10m R of Beyond, there is a fairly obvious blocky weakness with grass growing out of it (looks like it would take gear). It is not marked with letters, but there is a very, very faint arrow pointing up. Looks like it would be okay if it wasn't vegetated. 25+m?

Clásica 25m
8 - 13 Unmarked

10m R of Arrow, there is a nice little line the follows a groove/crack up the rock. Up the crack and around a block and then up and R following the line. It would take some gear. Probably a scramble off R. Possibly hasn't been climbed before.

Clásica 20m
Lavender Area The Peaces
VB+ South Face VF

Variant of “South Face” move past finger pocket to top-out.

Búlder 3m
VB+ Look Hands, No Ma

No hands. Stand start. The other side of the rock from "Crack".

Búlder 2m
Lavender Area Underling Rock
VB+ Underling

Straight up the middle of the wall using undercling then over the top block. Probably VB or weak V0 depending on whether the top out is directly over the block face or a little to the side.

PA: Adrian Corvino, 1 Jun 2023

Búlder 3m

Mostrando los 8 vías.

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