
Vías en Lower Boulders

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Mostrando los 44 vías.

Grado Vía Estilo de equipamiento Popularidad
V10 Jungle Jugs

Straight up small crimps, big move to finish.

PA: Jayden Shepherd, 16 Nov 2021

V6 Jungle Cat

Sit start on the arete. Head up the arete. Originally a crouch start but goes as a sit start at the same grade.

PA: Brett H, 14 Jun 2015

Búlder 4m
V3 Jungle Kitten

Starting at the left arete as per Jungle cat traverse along the rail to the right before exiting up the right arete as per climb #4 (the V2)

Búlder 4m
V3 1

Stand start on crimp rail, up and left to sidepull then top.

Búlder 3m
V4 2

Stand start on crimps, straight up the wall left of the flake.

Búlder 4m
V1 3

Stand start on the flake, head straight up without using any of the chips/cuttings.

Búlder 4m
V2 4

The right arete from a crouch.

Búlder 4m
V2 1164 New Cases

Sit Start into big move to the left side pull. Up to sloper and over.

Equip: Mark, 29 Ag 2021

PA: Dylan Hill, 31 Ag 2021

Búlder 3m
V1 1218 New Cases

Sit Start with big pockets/edges for hands. Head Right to arete then up and left to manky mossy mantle.

PA: Mark, 29 Ag 2021

Búlder 3m
V3 Mantle Ray

Sit start on left arete and crimp. Power right and traverse the sloper lip to mantle at the peak. Very little foot holds.

Búlder 4m
V2 Barb

Sit start as far right as possible. Shuffle up the sloper arete and mantle.

Búlder 3m
V0 Left Slab

Slab around to the right of Barb. Climb left side of slab following vague line of holds. Downclimb route.

PA: Mark, 29 Ag 2021

Búlder 5m
V0 Right Slab

Climb Right side of slab. Downclimb route.

PA: Mark, 29 Ag 2021

Búlder 5m
VB Up up and away

Start on very left hand side of face behind tree. Climb up trending right to top. Downclimb route.

PA: Cez, 12 Sep 2021

Búlder 3m
V0 Love Heart Climb

Up left side of very featured wall around to the right of Right Slab. Downclimb route.

PA: Maisie, 29 Ag 2021

Búlder 5m
V0 High top climbing holds

Climb straight up the middle of this featured face. Downclimb route.

PA: Mark, 29 Ag 2021

Búlder 5m
V0 Right to Left

Start on right side of this face and traverse left along lip all the way to the top. Downclimb this or any other route.

PA: Marcus Loane, 29 Ag 2021

Búlder 6m
V0 Head-height traverse

Traverse face with feet about the head-height of someone standing on ground.

PA: Tilly, 29 Ag 2021

Búlder 3m
V2 Pull-kun

Start of the 'Middle Boulder' Start low, go for the lower ledge, then use the arete for pulling up.

PA: Murray, 10 Dic 2017

Búlder 3m
V8 Infinity Wars

Start low at Pull-kun, traverse left into Pullman, then join into Hail to the crimp.

PA: Mark McGivern

Búlder 4m
V6 The stinging tree

Sit start as for 'Pull-kun', traverse left along the obvious horizontal crack using holds along and around, then finishing up 'Hail to the crimp'. Mega-jugs near the top of the boulder are out, as are the large face-pockets right of the final flake.

PA: Chris G, Abr 2024

Búlder 4m
V5 An Ode to Murray

Sit start at low crimp in the middle of the wall. Big move right to gain the crimpy ear, then join Pull-kun.

PA: Brett H, 26 Oct 2018

Búlder 3m
V3 Pullman

Start left hand at the small picket then follow up for some solid pulling action.

PA: Murray, 10 Dic 2017

Búlder 4m
V3 Pullman Sit Start

Bum is the last thing to leave the ground. Climb into Pullman and follow to top.

Equip: Luke, 22 Ag 2021

PA: Marcus Loane, 22 Ag 2021

Búlder 4m
V4 Hail to the crimp

Start left hand at the side pull inside of the circle feature and right hand on the undercrimp, then straight to the crimp crack, follow crimp crack to the left and top out. Besides the starting undercrimp, the holds on and to the right of the large flake feature that runs up the Boulder are eliminated.

Búlder 4m
V4 Undercrimp

Start around the undercrimp, move up to a couple more small holds, then up to the ledge to top out.

PA: Murray, 10 Dic 2017

Búlder 4m
V4 Hail to the Undercrimp

Match start in the undercling. Big move out right before topping out as per hail to the crimp.

PA: Dylan Hill, 3 Sep 2021

Búlder 4m
V2 Pull-chan

Pull the arete, with right hand crimps, don't use the rock pile.

PA: Murray, 10 Dic 2017

Búlder 3m
V1 Echo Corner

Up the easier side of the arete to top out

PA: Murray, 10 Dic 2017

Búlder 3m
V1 Moe's stretch

Straight up the slab with no arete. Left of Echo Corner.

PA: lkmrrs, 28 Mar 2021

Búlder 3m
V2 Derailleur

Around the backside of the 'Middle Boulder' Start left hand low on the arete and right hand on the crimp rail. Follow the crimp rail along and around without using the top ledge. Adjust difficulty as required with your feet.

PA: Murray, 10 Dic 2017

Búlder 2m
Chock Bloc
V2 The Vineland

(East side) on the left-side, start matched on the ledge 1.5m above the ground next to the tree branch. Use the decent ledges to move up to a slopey top-out directly above.

Búlder 2m
V4 Tippy Toes

(East side) In the middle of the boulder, start with right hand on decent horizontal ledge and left hand on good side-pull next to it. Find the ok foot and move up through the ledges and out right a little to the decent juggy ledge at the top to mantle

Búlder 2m
V3 Branches For Feet

Start matched as per The Vineland. Move right through a series of decent ledges to top out as per Tippy Toes

Búlder 2m
V4 League of Ledgends

Start as per Tippy Toes, move left through decent ledges to slopey top-out as per The Vineland

Búlder 2m
V2 Mark's Mad Mantle

Cramped Sit Start as for Headstone to lip then head left to awkward mantle trying not to dab or fall onto boulder just behind you.

Equip: Mark, 15 Ag 2021

PA: Marcus Loane, 15 Ag 2021

Búlder 2m
V1 Headstone

At the 'West Boulder' Up to the lip then follow the ledge right then up. Mind the tree!

PA: Murray, 10 Dic 2017

Búlder 2m
V2 Boxy Knoxy

Sit start directly next to tree, straight up, finish same as other climbs

PA: Nicholas Poelczer, 31 Ag 2021

Búlder 2m
V2 Poxy Knoxy

Start at the lowest pocket crimps, straight up and out.

PA: Murray, 10 Dic 2017

Búlder 2m
V2 Foxy Knoxy

Start lower pockets and head up leftwards and out.

PA: Murray, 10 Dic 2017

Búlder 2m
V1 Left To Your Own Devices

Sit start similar to Foxy Knoxy, then up to the right along the arete, finishing with the rest of the climbs.

Equip: 28 Mar 2021

Búlder 3m
V0+ Bam

Sit start with left hand in large pocket and right hand in great low pocket, awkward feet. Pull off the ground and throw to the arete, then continue up to top out over the boulder.

PA: LiamWilson.jpeg & Elijah Aquilina, 25 Jul 2021

Búlder 3m
V3 Chungsta

Sit start with left hand on the sidepull and right hand in the obvious pocket, move up to a slopey left hand pocket and then adjust feet to go into the crescent shaped pocket with either left or right hand, then pull up to a slopey topout.

PA: Alvin Chung, 29 Jul 2021

Búlder 3m
V1 Sticky BBQ Ribs

Sit start on the south eastern corner of Ribbed Boulder. Left hand on crimp, right in pocket. Couple of moves up to slopey lip and follow it along to the right keeping your feet on the slab. Top out at the the same spots as Bam and Chungsta.

PA: Sandon Joubert, 4 Ag 2021

Búlder 3m

Mostrando los 44 vías.

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