




several ice climbing routes within walking distance from the townschip of Trenkwald


In Trenkwald there is no official public carpark, just park somewhere pragmatically and ask the locals nicely if it's ok


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Visible from the road at the Gallerie, looking west up the Seebach gully.

Park in Trenkwald, walk across the bridge in the village, follow walking trail until fork in the trail, turn right to stay somewhat paralel to the river and head towards the fall.

Two pitches of climbing, second pitch easier. Top out in the gully above.

The walk off is somewhat adventurous: scramble along the gully for ~50m until it becomes possible to head left up the bank of the gulley and walk off through the forest to find your way back down to the walking trails

PA: benjam_int & Fabian, 24 En 2023

It's possible to see the ice from the road from the entrance to the Gallerie and look east above Trenkwald in a gap in the trees.

The first fall is a fun little playground with a few possible routes. it's slightly more than 30m if you go to the trees above, slightly less if you build an anchor in the ice

There is sometimes a second pitch of WI5

There is also a second gully of ice to the right very easy to climb but where to build an anchor is not super obvious

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Autor(es): A. Jentzsch-Rabl, A. Jentzsch

Fecha: 2020

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