
Ascensiones en The Room

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Mostrando los 2 ascensiones.

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Dom 18.º Oct 2020 - Squamish
The Chief The Grand Wall Boulders The Room
V12 Room Service Búlder Clásico
Ryan Sklenica
The rainy day boulder goes down. So anti-style but so amazing!

Dom 27.º Oct 2013 - Squamish
The Chief The Grand Wall Boulders The Room
V12 Room Service Búlder
Carlo Denali Traversi
Consolation prize for the day. Supposed to rest, but then the wind came and I had to at least try to climb. The lower and more logical start to this problem will definitely be one of the best and hardest in the world. The Grounded Project!


Mostrando los 2 ascensiones.

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