
Nodos en Glavica A/2

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Glavica A/2

This ominous looking cone is a beautiful way to spend a few hours climbing great slab routes.......it has an alpine feel and it is "semi-wilderness" in Croatia.

6a+ Ratsa

Slabby to the finish..........starts around the corner to the left of the top of pitch of Slapovic. Abseil anchors at the top of the route.

5a Slapovica

Three pitches of fabulous sports climbing in the Prezid Pass mountains. Beautifully bolted (except first belay has no abseil rings...........and still feels a little exposed. (Croatian climbing guidebook has no descriptions of any routes)...remember the walk off is from the top of the first pitch........take sunscreen in the warmer months

5c Leptirov zamah
5c Mjesečeva sonata
6b Od ponora do vrha
6a+ San o slobodi

Mostrando los 7 nodos.

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