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Restricciones heredado de Schwäbische Alb

Climbing has not been permitted everywhere for several years. The Nature Conservation Act of Baden-Wuerttemberg includes the rocks among the so-called §24a biotopes. In principle, entering these biotopes is not permitted. In recent years, the nature conservation administration and the climbing associations have succeeded in defining the areas that can be climbed and the climbing bans for the entire Swabian Jura. Some rocks are now closed all year round, some climbing bans only apply seasonally during the breeding season of certain bird species (e.g. eagle owl or kestrel).

Source Wikipedia



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Same start and exit as 'WhildStage', but with easiest overhang.

Julian Riester youtu.be

Long cross move into hole. Same exit as 'Spikie'.

Julian Riester youtu.be

Same start and exit as 'WhildStage', but different middle section.

Julian Riester youtu.be

Julian Riester youtu.be

Same start as 'Spikie' but different topout. Not allowed to use big juggy hole in the roof.

Julian Riester youtu.be

Extended version of 'Grünspecht'. The Boulder shares the same start with Spikie but crosses to the right through the roof into 'Grünspecht'.

Julian Riester youtu.be

Not allowed to use the right wall.

Julian Riester youtu.be

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Selected Guidebooks more Ocultar

Autor(es): Achim Pasold & Ronald Nordmann

Fecha: 2021

Der Kletterführer beschreibt viele Klettermöglichkeiten am Steilabbruch der Schwäbischen Alb / 72 Kletterziele - 2500 Routen.

Autor(es): A. Pasold, F. Rademacher

Fecha: 2016

Kletterführer Ostalb hat erstaunlich viel zu bieten: supersteile Sportklettereien, familienfreundliche Genussfelsen, großzügige Kassiker mit alpinem Flair.

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