
Ascensiones en Arginonta como varios tipos de ascensiones registradas por Lee Cujes

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  • EPP
  • Hito
  • Viaje
  • Protección

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Mostrando los 12 ascensiones.

Grado Vía Estilo de equipamiento Calidad
Mar 14.º Nov 2023 - Kalymnos
Arginonta Arginonta
7a+ Fácil Money Crushing Machine - con Sammi, Owen Gervasoni Deportiva 25m Clásico
Two mini-routes split by a cave rest, but still great - some awesome tufa features.

Jue 9.º Nov 2023 - Kalymnos
Arginonta Arginonta
6c+ Romance of Stone - con Sammi Deportiva 25m, 10 Muy buena
Mega effort from Sam in the dark with headtorch.

Sáb 4.º Nov 2023 - Kalymnos
Arginonta Arginonta
7b Motörhead - con Sammi Deportiva 25m Muy buena
First day out after being sick, wanted to ensure I stayed in 3rd gear on this. When it was all said and done, Owen commented "Looks like you had to drop it back to 2nd and rev the guts out of it!"

6b Cap Arvitihis - con Sammi Deportiva 25m Muy buena
Steeper than appearances suggest!

6b Kosmas - con Sammi Deportiva 30m, 11 Clásico
Cool sequency section through the steep.

Lun 12.º Oct 2015 - Kalymnos
Arginonta Arginonta
7a Red Sea Secrets - con Sammi Deportiva 28m, 7 Buena
Interesting, probably looks a bit better than it climbs.

7b Fire Wall - con Sammi Deportiva 25m, 10 Clásico
One of the more attractive routes of the sector. Pockets up red wall. Lots of underclings. Was 7c

Dom 28.º Mar 2010 - Kalymnos
Arginonta Arginonta
7a+ No Sleep till Hammersmith Deportiva 25m, 11 Muy buena
Almost off the start until I fell into a thank god kneebar

6c 6c+ Barba Yorghos Deportiva 25m Muy buena
Super hard for the grade, almost came off.

6a Pornokini Deportiva 28m, 14 Clásico
Super varied and long. I loved it. Sam's first route.

7a+ Albi Bak Deportiva 25m Buena
Dave and Andy's proj. New thing.

5c 5c+ And Now for Something Completely Different Deportiva 18m, 6 Megaclásica
One of the best 5c's in the world!


Mostrando los 12 ascensiones.

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