
Ascensiones en Upper teniendo Beta

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Mostrando los 5 ascensiones.

Grado Vía Estilo de equipamiento Calidad Escalador
Vie 18.º Sep 2020 - Valle Antigorio
Cadarese Upper
6a+ Gold Spatz Clásica 15m Buena
My climbing partner redpointed it on the second go, I only tried it once and had to take a few rests to make it to the top. Jam deep into the crack with right hand and right foot. Shuffle slowly up to the little roof. Good handjams on the top. This climb is suffering, but worth the experience.

Mar 27.º Ag 2019 - Valle Antigorio
Cadarese Upper
6b+ Petit Prince Clásica 15m
Mariella Stradiva
felt very easy for the grade

Lun 12.º Oct 2015 - Valle Antigorio
Cadarese Upper
7b+ Foglie Cadenti Clásica 35m Megaclásica
V Xeuge
une des plus belles lignes que j'ai jamais grimpée...

Sáb 11.º Ag 2012 - Valle Antigorio
Cadarese Upper
6b Foglie Cadenti (Foglie Cadenti Trad P1)
1 6b
Clásica 35m Megaclásica
superb layback

6a Monster Spatz Clásica 8m Buena
did not find the right OW technique for that grade


Mostrando los 5 ascensiones.

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